Jim Carrey

The Hollywood premiere of the children’s movie 'Horton Hears A Who' was turned into a political protest yesterday when a group of pro-life activists crashed the event to campaign against abortion. Campaigners were overheard shouting the message of the film, an adaptation of the 1954 Dr Seuss story, which is based on the motto: "After all, a person is a person, no matter how small." After chanting, the group put red tape labelled with the word "life" over their mouths and proceeded to parade around the Mann Village Theater, where the film’s stars Steve Carell and Jim Carrey were in attendance, reports TMZ.


Felicia said…
A very similar scenario played out at San Francisco's Metreon theatre on Friday night. I wonder which other markets this group covered.
beebeefox said…
bound4life is doing a great thing. my husband, my children and myself are planning on attending their next silent siege. i believe that they are going a wonderful thing because a person IS a person. NO MATTER HOW SMALL.
Anonymous said…
America needs to wake up to the prophetic message God is speaking to this nation through the movie, Horton hears a Who. We need to each repent for our sins, the sins of our nation and ask God to end abortion in our nation. God have mercy on us for shedding the innocent blood of 50 million babies since 1973. Abortion is murder and we better call it what God calls it, because a person is a person no matter how small. The Word od God is true no matter what society says, what God says is evil is evil. Everyone will stand before Jesus Christ and that day is soon. Repent of your sins and call on the name of Jesus to save you, He loves you and took our sin upon Himself on the cross. He is alive forever more. Glory to God.
Anonymous said…
oh shut up, go abortion!
Anonymous said…
Go killing animals!!!!!!!!!!!! You pro abortion FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Big hypocrite save the damn whales but kill innocent children you make me sick you shut up !!!! you VUV
Anonymous said…
I find it a bit ridiculous that people have to rally about these things at a CHILDREN'S movie. Please, going for a cause is fine, but must we do this at movie premiers and theatres where people are trying to enjoy wonderful films and not worry about controversial issues?!
Unknown said…
Really, I just found it to be a funny movie. It's entertainment. People will take whatever they want from the movie, message wise (I personally felt it was more about standing up for what you believe in, even if the idea is unpopular, rather than "SAVE THE BABIES!!! BUT SCREW YOU IF YOU'RE NOT A FETUS!!! GOD IS GOOD!!").

I could not care less about what a woman does with her body, as it is her body. If she does not wish to harbor a parasitic creature (calling it a baby or a fetus doesn't make it any less a parasite while it is living and growing inside you) in her uterus, then that's really none of anyone else's damn business. Really. Live your own life. If you think abortionists and those who go out and get abortions are going to hell for doing so, just think of it as more room in heaven for you.

And the whole tree hugging, animal saving, "baby" killing liberal bull? Not present here. I'm NOT some damn smelly vegan hippy. Steak is the best thing since ever.

I just want everyone to shut the hell up and stop telling other people what to do. Nobody's perfect except God. And to think that you ARE perfect is tantamount to blasphemy. So unless you consider yourself perfect, maybe you should just worry about not screwing up yourself, and let other people deal with their own decisions, and their own actions, and not go shoving YOUR beliefs down everyone else's throats.