**** TIMES SQUARE GOSSIP BOOKS A HOBO ODYSSEY An Extended Excursion Into History Complete With Its Own Serial Killer **** A Hobo Odyssey A writer of family histories, as well as an autobiographical account of life growing up in a southern textile town, Larry O. Nichols now confirms his status as an author to contend with in the historical thriller genre with his latest book, A Hobo Odyssey (Warren Publishing). A Hobo Odyssey is an accurate snapshot of a period in American history that depicts how common families dealt with poverty and hardship in the aftermath of World War I and the Great Depression that left many Americans jobless, homeless and starving; often forcing whole families to leave their roots and become vagabonds – riding the rails and stowing away on freight trains – in search of anything that would put food on the table. In the process, they often became hobos or drifters who were generally feared since desperation forces people to do desperate things. Based on true event...