**** TIMES SQUARE NEW YEARS EVE LIVE FROM NEW YORK CITY **** **** CLICK ABOVE TO WATCH **** We want to wish everyone a safe and a Happy New Years Eve. We know it has been a very rough year for most people. The economy is still in the hole even know they are telling us we are recovering. The banks and the credit card companies have ripped us all off and they continue to get away with it. The rich are getting richer and the middle class is now almost non-existent. We should all have some very good New Years resolutions. Below are a few of mine. I will continue to try and shop American. Shopping for American products saves American jobs. Most of the time they do cost more, but in the long run you end up saving. Saving American jobs. I will continue to stop doing business with the banks and credit card companies that have ripped us off so bad. If you are scared to cancel a credit card, just pay it off and do not use it. By you not using it, they do not make money. These banks and credit ca...