Toxic Britney Spears dad is attempting to stop the singer’s conservatorship case transferring from state to federal court and is insisting the attorney seeking the move doesn’t even represent the mental star. In court documents filed Tuesday, Spears father Jamie Spears and Andrew Wallet, the other temporary conservator of her estate, branded lawyer Jon Eardley’s efforts to present the case before a federal judge "a brazen, but vain attempt to strip a probate court of jurisdiction by an attorney without a client". Last week, Eardley filed a legal complaint in U.S. District Court, arguing the case should be moved from Los Angeles California Superior Court to a federal court. Judge Philip Gutierrez has given Eardley, who has practices in New York and Washington, D.C., until February 29th to prove why the ongoing case of the 26-year-old’s estate violates her civil rights. Michael Sands, Eardley’s representative, said on yesterday that the judge’s forthcoming deadline was a "great opportunity" for Eardley to present his "overwhelming evidence" as to why the case belongs in federal court.
