Lindsay Lohan

Well we knew Lindsay Lohan couldn't be quiet for so long. After a few months of little or no Lindsay, she has once again made scandalous headlines with her trip to Italy. It seems one of her Italian lovers has revealed all about his passionate one-night-stand with the former actress. Alessandro diNunzio, an aspiring rocker ( Aren't they all), alleges to have recently spent a blissful night with the troubled star in Italy, where she was honored for her acting achievements at the Capri Film Festival.The 27-year-old, who was working as a sound engineer at the festival, met Lohan at a bar, when she invited him to join her and her friends at their table. And he claims that encounter led to an amazing night of lust with the 21-year-old star. He speaks to British newspaper The News of the World, "I couldn’t believe it when she asked if I could come to dinner… Then she invited me to a couple of clubs with her two friends. Despite her recent troubles she was downing alcohol vodka cranberry and vodka soda…" After kissing in the club, the star invited diNunzio up to her hotel room, where she stripped off and jumped into bed.He recalls, "I was shocked she had made the first move… To be honest I felt a bit intimidated. But I took my clothes off and we started to make love… It was very passionate and intense and lasted for one-and-a-half hours, maybe more. Lindsay was very, very good and surprisingly experienced. She wanted to do everything, every position. She was extremely flexible and adventurous." But diNunzio was shocked and saddened to discover he was just one of Lohan’s three conquests while in the country: "I was hurt and sad when I found out about the other guys. I think that’s the way things are with Lindsay. But… it was a good sex match." This is the second time in as many weeks that Lohan’s bedroom antics have been exposed in the newspapers as her snowboarder ex Riley Giles talked about his adventures with Lindsay following their break-up in December. Well we knew at Times Square Gossip that Lindsay couldn't stay out of the headlines for long, especially when Britney is topping the headline charts. Stay tuned for Paris to do something next !
