Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to be President of the United States.The 60-year-old Governor of California - who is currently ineligible for the position because he was born outside of the US - admits he would love the challenge of being one of the most powerful leaders in the world.He told Britain's GQ magazine: "If the law was changed I would think about running for president, yes. And I would go after it."I am always interested in challenges and risks. The risk of losing always makes you perform better. When you come from an athletic, competitive background you learn to enjoy taking risks to reach your goals."Other people prefer not taking risks, and having calmer lives. That is not for me."The Austrian-born star quit his movie career for politics in 2003 when he successfully ran for Governor of California.Arnold - who is a Republican - is married to Maria Shriver, the niece of legendary Democrat US President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963.The pair have four children - Katherine, 17, Christina, 16, Patrick, 14 and Christopher, 10.


Anonymous said…
Governor Schwarzenneger's ego runs a bit large for me and neither do I approve of the lame excuse Maria Shriver gave for terminating future employment with NBC. She owes Attorney General Brown an apology as he has embarked upon getting the abuse of pharmaceutical drugs under control in the State of California via the Anna Nicole case!

Californians need to withhold sending him to either the Congress or Senate.
Anonymous said…
I would never have voted for an elected official not born in the USA.
Besides adding to the ruin of CA, he is a lackey to his wife and her mother, a Kennedy...
Anonymous said…
So - you would "never have voted for an elected official not born in the USA"???

According to your "logic", an American baby born to US citizen parents abroad, even to, say, a US president, and then raised in the US for life, could never in his life get you vote for president.

Following the same "logic" - I suppose you would have no problems with voting for a president - who was a Swahili baby, born to non-citizen parents vacationing on US soil, and then taken back to Swahili and raised there...

And also - you would of course prefer that the child of illegal border crossers from Central or South America, who crossed the border simply to birth a child in the States can run for president....