Mark Speer with John O'Quinn, Virgie Arthur and Rita Cosby
Doug Wilson from the hit show 'Moving Up'

Beth Holloway Twitty with Rita Cosby and Virgie Arthur
Virgie Arthur and Rita Cosby

Virgie Arthur cries thanking Rita Cosby
Rita Cosby's book party was a huge smash ! I'm sure everyone has seen some of the pictures on every website and the videos from all the TV crews, but I have a few things to say. First of all Rita being served with the Howard K. Stern lawsuit papers. Everyone knew Rita was going to be ambushed outside the party. It was no surprise. She expected it. The thing that pissed me off was Entertainment Tonight. They were standing outside and we asked them where they were from. They said CBS news. We asked them if they wanted to come in and they said no. We told them we would get a great spot for them to catch all the action. They still refused and said they wanted to stay outside. We once again asked them where they were from and they once again told us CBS News. Then I noticed the back of their camera said Entertainment Tonight. Right then and there I knew something was up. Sure enough Entertainment Tonight was with the process server. Entertainment Tonight was in on serving Rita Cosby with the legal papers. How low can a media outlet go ? They lie and say they are from CBS News and they helped ambush Cosby with the process server. Entertainment Tonight and their sister show The Insider have turned into sleaze TV. It is the job of the media to report the story, and not become involved in the actual story for ratings. They have slanted the news to gain access to Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern. They have crossed the line. When Cosby starts depositions in this case, they better run for cover. It is believed that there is so much more that Cosby and others know and when everything is said and done, the world will see the truth.
Now back to the party. The event was a huge success. Every media outlet in the world was there. Virgie Arthur was there with Mark Speer and John O'Quinn. Former FBI agent Don Clark who was Virgie's Private Eye was there. Tom Pirtle attorney for Virgie Arthur also was in attendance. The event was a celebration of many people wanting to know the truth on how Anna Nicole Smith and Daniel Smith died. Everyone wants answers. All we see is several people making huge amounts of money off horrible deaths. We see entertainment outlets cutting deals for exclusives and yet we still have no solid answers. The party was 700 people that wanted answers ! Cosby is going to get the answers. Cosby's book has brought the attention to force the truth out. Virgie cried on stage. She lost her grandson, her daughter and Larry Birkhead wont let her see her grandchild. She cried as she talked about her loss and the only thing left of her Daughter was Dannielynn. Birkhead is a cold hearted piece of crap. The world is seeing the truth now. To Deny Virgie the comfort of her granddaughter is a horror. Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern should rot in hell.
Justice is coming !

Virgie Arthur with Mark Speer and Rita Cosby's cake

News Icon Ian Rae with Dr. Judy Kuriansky and Bill Murray

WWE champion Gene Snitsky with girlfriend

Singer Maya Caballero

Dominick Dunne
Photos By: James Edstrom


Mo said…
Thanks sooo very much James, for sharing with us. Let's keep fighting for justice and truth for Daniel and Anna.

Thanks too for providing us space.

Love ya, James.

GO RITA!!!!!
Is there video of the party on the internet? Where???
Anonymous said…
please. james who did vergie hair and makeup. is oquinn still paying her bills. i can't believe that rita is standing behind her book,where is this so called video? mark speers, he works for opri which proves to me, that larry former lawyer may very well behind some of the information in this book. maybe she didn't give it out first hand, maybe she sent it through someone like speers. oquinn and clark , they don't have much credibiable in my book. this u say was book signing event, so why did she throw the party herself.
Anonymous said…
le monde was out and about for last night's party at Pacha for Rita Cosby's controversial new book ''Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story of Anna Nicole Smith,'' hosted by 21 Magazine. For some odd reason, though, roughly one-third of the guests looked -- and, worse, sounded -- like extras from ''The Sopranos.'' Could someone explain what that was about? Also, there were some media luminaries, like Dominick Dunne, Michael Musto, NY1's Gary Anthony Ramsey, and the ever game Robin Byrd, who appeared to be not entirely un into the whole bridge-and-tunnel gangster vibe from the way she was flirting with the talent.
Anonymous said…
Great photos James, thank you

Anonymous said…
This is the most wonderful news I have heard. Yes keep up the wonderful work James. I can't believe LKL is having Howard on.what is wrong with him. Art Harris is the most discusting man alive next to Howard and Larry. Rita the whole world is with you. I only wish I could shake you your hand and James too.
Anonymous said…
Virgie really looked pretty. Thanks Rita and James for standing up to the low-life bullies.
Anonymous said…
Virgie you look so pretty, keep up the fight , you have more people standing behind then you know, the truth will be told and by the grace of God will have to answer and hopefully go to jail.love this site James thanks a million.
Anonymous said…
James, thank you for the lovely photos!

Please tell Mrs. Arthur to continue taking the high road as she'll come out on top in the (EYE) of Universal Principles!

A lesson for everyone regarding the story of Dannielynn Hope's mother....DISCERNMENT and DISCRIMINATION is the "KEY" to all formed relationships!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
please. james who did vergie hair and makeup. is oquinn still paying her bills. i can't believe that rita is standing behind her book,where is this so called video? mark speers, he works for opri which proves to me, that larry former lawyer may very well behind some of the information in this book. maybe she didn't give it out first hand, maybe she sent it through someone like speers. oquinn and clark , they don't have much credibiable in my book. this u say was book signing event, so why did she throw the party herself.

WHY? Are you needing a makeover? Virgie looked good didn't she.. *g* Who cares who is paying Virgies bills.
Ummmmmmmmm We all know who is paying HKS and Larry's now don't we? DEAD ANNA and her babygirl.

Since when did you ever have any credibility? Virgie has more in her little toe than you have in your whole body.

The Stern camps walls are going to start tumbling down.
Thank goodness Big Moe isn't going to take their crap. Just wait Mo has a bombshell to throw. Just wait and see.

Bend over HKS your day is coming and not soon enough.
Anonymous said…
James don't forget that TMZ is SLEAZE too! They are really bad. Harvey was bragging last night on Larry King , how the judge watched their program that helped get her kids taken away. If I was a celeb I would sue TMZ if they published anything about me. They have harrased and stalked Britney, she needs to sue the hell out of him. I think TMZ is the one that pusehd Brit over the edge. I would sue!
Anonymous said…
Since when did you ever have any credibility? Virgie has more in her little toe than you have in your whole body.

ANd how do you know how much credibility this person has, you don't even know them..Shows how much class you have.
Anonymous said…
Hey Friends!

There's a new blog at tmz on Virgie....don't want to be the first to post (will follow)! SMILE!!!
Anonymous said…
Virgie you look wonderful. My heart and my prayers are with you and your family. Thank you Rita for a informative book and thank you James for all you do for the truth and justice.
Anonymous said…
James, thank you so much for the pictures. I am so glad the party was a success, no matter how hard Howard and his goons tried to ruin it. When I say goons, I am including ET. I boycotted them a long time ago. Please tell Rita and Virgie we are behind them 100%. I am patiently waiting for justice and it's going to be sweet.
Anonymous said…
looks like big moe played us. pictures on internet show anna just before photo with yellow substance smiling and looking at the camera. if big moe wanted to do the right thing he should have helped her before she was dead.
Anonymous said…
Ladies-Anyone been following this for a while remembers the cousins! mee is trying but failing to convince people she is not in Stern Camp.Check the vocabulary and other sites she bashes Virgie and communicates with her buddies.She has made several comments challenging Rita she is Kimmie or Bonnie when the spelling is correct.They have posts on several web-sites and she claims to be a sweet nice person-yeah right!
Anonymous said…
James/Ladies look at the garbage rather obvious where it is coming from!Desperate people do desperate things!They are trying to control this site-we have to assist James and not let that happen gals and guys.Good will triumph over evil!
Anonymous said…
6:00 PM Anonymous.

Photo on ET simply shows a drugged Anna Nicole going more deeply under with the progressive influence of the drug. We'll see what else the questionable ones at ET and the Insider dig up as an excuse for her being photographed under the HEAVY influence of drugs that were administered by two of her "friends". In those photos, it's amazing she didn't choke to death?!

If they had all that domestic help, didn't anyone know how to cook?
Anonymous said…
ohhhhhhhhh Faye you have to leave those people alone and stop calling them Kimmie. I went over there and read and laughed by butt off. That site has been around for a long time and does have regular posters.

Faye, Kimmie and Bonnie can't be on all the sites stalking you.You are increasingly paranoid.
Anonymous said…
Thanks James for informing us about the party. Virgie looked to beautiful. It was nice to see her smile. Domnic Dunne, good writer. He lost his daughter to murder like I lost my brother. If people only knew the pain of this horrible crime. How it effects the loved ones left behind. Especially when your loved one is taken by another so young. There will always be that piece missing in your heart for them. You will never see them again. There will always be that missing loved one at the table every hoilday. My brother was taken on Christmas morning. My Christmas is always so sad. Christmas was my brother's favorite hoilday. He lost his life to save another. We are here to advocate. To heal one another.To touch those who have and may have been hurt by violent crime.. There is hope. You do carry on, but you never forget or heal you just learn to cope with your loss. All you as a surviving family member of a violent crime can do is to reach out to others and help them. Extend a hand and kind words and comfort to them, and let them know they are not alone in their pain. Mr. OQuinn seems like such a nice gentlemen. I admire Rita Cosby also. I will be reading Beth Holloway's book. I feel so sad for her. Stay Strong, Virgie you are an inspiration to us all. Again all people are innocent in the court of law under proven guilty beyound a reasonable doubt. IMO
Anonymous said…
I am so happy to see Virgie and Rita enjoying each other, awesome that Virgie has someone like Rita to carry on the fight with. Virgie truly looked splendid. I boycotted ET a long time ago, when they were exploiting Anna regarding DL. Made me sick! It just tickles me to death to know Virgie has a true friend in Rita and co..Truly comforting!
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I do not watch ET or the Insider never have.
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a team Rita, O'Quinn, Vergie...and so many more. May God bless you all. Those slimeballs Stern and Birkhead will rue the day they messed with the A team.
Anonymous said…

Enjoyed reading your post , thank you.

Anonymous said…
Bravo Rita!!! Virgie looks great!!! And thank you James for the great pictures and story. I love you, man...lol

P.S. I have boycotted ET and the Insider since Anna's funeral. So long as those jokers pay Stern for his version of the truth, I won't be watching
Anonymous said…
Your welcome Bai, it came straight from my heart.
Anonymous said…
Vergie , you look beautiful. Rita great job , hold that head up high. The truth is yet to come!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much, James, for covering this. Virgie Arthur looks truly beautiful, as does Rita Cosby. Not only are they beautiful on the outside, but they radiate light from their hearts.

Is there any video we can see?

I have to confess - I checked out tmz (first time in a long time). Same old same old - with one exception. They dropped the word "ESTRANGED"!!!

Anonymous said…
To the person who asked about Virgie's hair and makeup and asked if O'Quinn was "still paying her bills", what's the matter, honey?
Are you just eaten up with how good Virgie looks after Stern people have been insulting her on TMZ for months? Yes, she looks like a million dollars, as well she should, because she was beautiful to begin with, just sick with grief and horror at what happened to her loved ones. After what she has been subjected to by Howard and Larry, I don't know how she has stood so tall, but she has. Virgie Arthur is a person of great and strong character, with a noble spirit. Oh, and O'Quinn isn't paying her bills or for her hair styling. What an odd thing for you to say. Rita Cosby and Virgie Arthur are beautiful people, inside and out, which is more than I say for some.
Anonymous said…
kerry-the Notorius Manson tribe is about-she is trying to back pedal as mee-but if you will she as usual contradicts herself-read her posts-she is pals with Texas cousin but she did that by bookmark she is to stupid to have a job the woman is dumber than dirt! Look at Topix she is a flake.Got caught now trying to lie her way out of it! I remember mee from TMZ and quite sure you do as well.There is Rotten Crotch posting as me!
Anonymous said…
""""looks like big moe played us. pictures on internet show anna just before photo with yellow substance smiling and looking at the camera. """"

OH NO, Moe isn't playing us. We know who is playing us. There were many pictures taken of Anna constantly, and I am QUITE sure it would be relatively simple to quickly come up with a plan, clean up the face, edit, and pull another picture in when she hadn't vomited all over her face and neck and been photographed in that condition. I never thought that was a picture of Anna dead. I thought it was a picture of Anna criminally neglected, and still photographed. The other picture of her in such deplorable and looking deathly ill will also be cleaned up and edited I am sure. We weren't born yesterday. Or, as they say, we might have been born at night, but it wasn't LAST night.
IMO there is nothing in the world as unethical and evil as Entertainment tonight and TMZ, and I am certainly entitled to my opinion. Oh, and IMO Howard is right there with them, and so is Larry.
Anonymous said…
I absolutely adore Rita Cosby, and it has been a long time since there was a person who has demonstrated the intelligence, the wonderful personality and good character that Ms. Cosby has. Her poise and the lovely manner in which she accepted the subpoena that the unscrupulous jerks had served at her party, was impressive. I was so proud of her. I am THRILLED that she wrote the wonderful book. I am sure if citizens over the entire country were asked to be witnesses in the law suit Howard has filed against her they would unanimously applaud Rita and would attempt to incarcerate Howard, LOL LOL!
Anonymous said…
Dominick Dunn is such a splendid person and so admired. He is a supporter of justice, and in my opinion he is royalty. I am sure all the people attending the party were all respected and admirable people! Virgie was beautiful, and she certainly deserved that wonderful opportunity to feel the love and support she has everywhere, and which she may not have been aware of! Thank you Rita, for being the splendid person that you are. You have a loving and compassionate heart!
Anonymous said…
Virgie you can clean up uglly outside but not inside. Make overs dont work
Anonymous said…
If you think that Rita has demonstrated the intelligence, the wonderful personality and good character. Then god help us all, if that is intelligence
Anonymous said…
I'm so happy that Rita,s book is a success,that Virgie looks so good,and that finally Howard opened the door to be questioned in court.Thank you Rita for making this possible.
Anonymous said…
Stern & Co. are so cold and wooden they are incapable of recognizing another sensitive human heart.
Anonymous said…
Dominick Dunne, G-d Bless You!
Krimeny said…
Rita looks GREAT! I think this break from TV news has been good for her.
Anonymous said…
Rita, I hope you watched Greta tonight. It was so great when she asked to attorneys, one a Judge, who they would represent, you or Howard. They said YOU, and they also said Howard didn't have a CHANCE. They said he had no case on "malice", and that now you can interrogate him, and that you can also write another book, hahaha.
I loved it. They laughed at Howard, and said Howard has NO credibility. One even referred to "all Howard has DONE". Usually people argue, but it was unanimous for YOU! You are wonderful! You go girl! We are so proud of you!
We fought long and hard, and put up with so much garbage, and you have given us total hope for the justice we have sought.
Anonymous said…
James, thank you so much for all you have done. Rita, thank you for being such a good person and for writing that fabulous book. Virgie, thank you from one grandmother to another. You have shown all of us, that even in grief, we must believe in a higher power and stay strong in our convictions. I know that having been in law enforcement, it must be so difficult to see the injustice that has happened up to now. We (the ones with the good hearts) are all praying for you and that you get justice for Daniel and Vicky. MAY THE TRUTH COME OUT.
Anonymous said…
I'm a new visitor here. Just wondering what is James affiliation to Rita as when talking about her dealings, he says "we". Also wondering about his take on the latest internet photos of Anna Nicole?
Anonymous said…
I, too, stopped watching ET and Inside what ever... about Sept. 8th. Done! The party dealings that left out people who really cared... the exclusive crap... check your cameras and cell phone because ONLY Larry will say who gets to take birthday pic,s . The tossing of gifts LB decided were "tooo cheap" for DL. And then, ignoring the death date of Daniel and treating it like, "oh...well!" The Pinkie Boys leaving pink flowers for Daniel!!!! Too much when tmz/ET stated "their flowers were preferred" over the caring gift given from the heart by Virgie.

Dr. E was in the Bahamas... did she leave any flowers at the grave of her friend, at the grave of Daniel? I thot she loved them... strange love she and Howie have, is it not?
Anonymous said…
ET rocks! How...not "smart" are you to ask a crew who they're representing when all you have to do is look at their mikes or their camera to know? These outlets put their logo on display yet you have to ask who they're with? LOL.

Rita will get her due. Larry will sue. The estate will sue. Howard's already sued. But the worst is done. Rita RUINED her reputation by offering no SOURCES for the slanderous comments she made. In every interview she's asked why should include hearsay and gossip without seeing EVIDENCE. They all have her number. They know she did wrong and she's finished as a journalist.

She has a calling writing FICTION.
Anonymous said…
Rita's book sources are cited with each passage she wrote. Did you read the book? Her reputation is not ruined. "They all have her number.
They know... etc." Who is they? Oh, by the way, I notice Hoard is only suing over the reported sex tape... that several people have seen. Why is it not suing over a bunch of other stuff, like contributing to ANS's death?

The truth has been presented; lies don't like the light of truth. Stay in the dark if you choose. Many of us seek the light of unveiling... :)
Anonymous said…
CP is now closed! YEAH! Killed by the Sternies! Yep! But... go check out the very last blog! lol Got it in!!!!! Don't cha just luv it!
Anonymous said…

Don't fall for the QV thing. The witches from rosespeaks think you are the ghostwriter and Virgie.

That little 'phony' ivy who always says she has sources, but she spells it sourses always say, I already knew that or of course my sources told me that and I can't tell you.

she is a fake and has been called many times and we have sent emails to her and Rose does nothing about it.

Rose should have let her leave the blog last month when she got caught quoting info from eonline forums. She's a disgrace to the blog.
Anonymous said…
Whenever you stir the hornet's nest they have a tendency to follow you and try to sting. With CP closed and Rita's party a real hit with all, they will come out swinging at anyone and anything. As usual. So boring... IF they were really winners, they would not need to be so nasty...

If they sting, hit them back! RAID is a good pesticide!
Anonymous said…
I have a general question. Something I have wondered about that Rita might be able to answer. When HKS left the hospital, he took Anna and the baby with him back to Horizons, right? Then, HKS met with FS; the pants Daniel supposedly wore at the time of his death, and the supposed pills were produced. While this was going on: WHERE WAS ANNA? WHERE WAS THE BABY? WHERE WERE THE NANNIES AND BODYGUARDS?
Anonymous said…
About Entertainment Tonight:

Does anyone remember when Mark Steines and his producer when on Larry King Live, shortly after Anna Nicole died?

Larry King asked if they paid for their interviews. Mark looked down and along with his producer, said they "do not pay for interviews." Yea rrriiiggghhhhtttttt.

Credibility? Howard has lied, proven time and again; check court transcripts, television interviews. Yet he has supporters? Right.

Lawsuit against Rita: Only have one word to say about that. DISCOVERY.

Bring it on, Howie! Your days are numbered. Tick, tock, tick, tock...

God bless Virgie, Rita and James.

Truth and Justice for Daniel and Anna. IT WILL NOT BE DENIED.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed talking to you in Sun's room last night.
I am so thankful to you, Rita and any others helping Virige keep the murders of her daughter
& grandson on the fore front.
Virgie looked absolutely beautiful last night!
I have been so worried about her.
She has lost the most, her daughter, her grandson & now having to fight to see her grand-daughter.
There is so much wrong w/ ALL of this & how HK$ & Co. can get away w/ it is beyond me.
They have to have ice water running through their veins to have no compassion for Virgie or any
human being.
Anna was no saint but she did not deserve to be treated the way she was.
No human being does.
I long for the day there is JUSTICE FOR DANIEL & ANNA!
When all is said & done there will be many involved & many go down for being accessories to the crimes.
No matter what anyone thinks about Virgie or any mistake(s) she might or might not have made raising
Anna nothing compares to the blood on the hands of HK$, Larry & others.
My heart goes out to Virgie for all she has lost & has had to endure.
Thank you again James Edstrom, Rita Cosby, John O'Quinn & Don Clark and others for NOT being corrupt
like TMZ (Harvey Levin), Art Harris, ET (Mark Steines) & Insider (Pat O'Brien) and the other lowlifes.
It is heartwarming to know there are still a few good people left that want goo old-fashioned justice!
Anonymous said…
Post above was posted a day late.
For some reason my comment wouldn't go thru yesterday.
When I tried this morning it did.
I forgot to change the date when referencing "last night".
It was actually Wednesday night I was referring to.
So no, I haven't been n HK$'s black duffle bag. LOL
Anonymous said…
" How low can a media outlet go ?" Geez! I dont know how low can a biological mother and a unresponsible Journalist go? Real low I suppose huh?
I love the picture of RC,Virgie and O'Q. You know what they say lay down with dogs your gonna get up with fleas. Just what he is a real blood sucker.
Anonymous said…

Great post. I have total contempt for Howard and Larry. In my opinion Howard is a monster, and a danger to society. Larry is a disgusting self serving and greedy wimpy person who isn't worthy of the beautiful little Danielynn, IMO. Also, the treatment of Virgie Arthur, Anna's mother, has been abominable and sinful. I think the situation with Brittany Spears has CLEARLY demonstrated what happens when people have loving and caring mothers, but because of their lifestyle they eliminate their mothers from their lives, which was the case with Anna. Then, when she wanted and needed her mother, she was blocked from her mother and friends by Howard, IMO, and as if that wasn't enough he told her that her mother accused her of killing Daniel. That was totally untrue and brutal. Anna was kept too drugged to be rational, because everytime the drugs wore off she accused Howard of killing Daniel!

Rita Cosby will be forever remembered as a courageous hero who exposed evil. John O'Quinn,James Edstrom, Rita Cosby, and Don Clark will always be admired and respected for standing up for what is right.

The despicable bunch, Harvey Levin, Art Harris, Mark Steines Pat O'Brien, Milstein and Seidlin, are as much bottom feeders as Howard Stern and Larry Birkhead are in my view. We can take some solace in the fact that they can fry in hell for what they have done, or for what they have supported and therefore been a part of, total evil.
Anonymous said…
Saw Steines and OBrian on TV last night talking about those photos. I could not--COULD NOT-- believe how bottom feeding, mud sucking, low life scum they were talking about Anna. This same Steines who followed her EVERY DAMN MOVE and appeared to care for Anna, CONTINUES to OOOH! and AHHH! over the scum. There was not a single word of decency, of compassion, of caring for anyone other than the poor, whining Howie and sidekick Moe. BRING IT ON, HOWIE! LETS SEE THE LAWSUIT AGAINST MOE!!!!!!!! IF THERE ISN'T ONE, WE WILL KNOW FOR SURE HE IS IN CAHOOTS WITH YOU!

Strangely, ET is not showing us more laughable pics of Larry posing with Dannielynn. Word must have gone out to lay low, make the public hungry,or maybe media needs some "encouragement" to drive the $$$,$$$,$$$ up.
Anonymous said…
ET comes on after my local news, and that is when I first saw how loathsome they were, and their sly exploitation of Anna's mother, Virgie Arthur. They are not watched by most decent people, IMO, who recognize depravity and distortions of the truth in these vile people. Harvey Levins is right there with them, too. Look at his face. It is all there. His site, TMZ, is dangerous. Especially for your computer and due to threats there from people who can receive your private information, which should be protected.
Anonymous said…
"""Geez! I dont know how low can a biological mother and a unresponsible Journalist go? Real low I suppose huh?"""

Well, I don't know what you mean? Do you have some personal case in mind? I am sure you aren't referring to a wonderful writer who is known internationally and who has received awards, and a courageous and grieving mother who has stood tall.

A writer and a mother are to be respected. If you want to talk about LOW, how low can people go who are swindlers, murderers, drug traffickers, and users? I don't know, so you tell me!
Anonymous said…
passing thru-Moe was always with Anna-why it is rather obvious Howard has got to be concerned! We were looking for a crack and he is it! Anna was a big woman -no way could Howard pick her up but Moe is a big man he could.You take Taz comment of her feeling they were being set up -like most wive's she is influencing her husband as they are not stupid and have no desire to go jail.I think they have probably all ready talked to Feds!
Anonymous said…
So WHAT was the EXCUSE for the DISGUSTING Photos...They RELEASE ANOTHER!!! Showing Anna with her EYES half-open???? SEE, she can OPEN her EYES!!! SORT OF....AND it's not VOMIT BUT Tartar Sauce! THAT make it OKAY?? Are the WELL???

We saw THAT with the PIC of her WASTED holding Dannielynn...

Stern just DUG a DEEPER Hole...and E.T., ONCE AGAIN, crawled IN WITH HIM...

My WHOLE Family has boycotted E.T.
My Extended Family stopped watching after the PICTURES were featured...TOO DISGUSTING for After-Dinner T.V.

Virgie, you looked BEAUTIFUL!!! AND you radiate a light that CAN'T be BOUGHT. It's an INNER PEACE, GOOD FOR YOU!!!

The following is an Irish Prayer for you ALL...Virgie, John O'quinn, Rita, Don Clark, Mark Speers and James...

"May those who love us, love us;
and those who don't love us,
may God turn their hearts;
and if He doesn't turn their hearts,
may he turn their ankles
so we'll know them by their limping."

Author Unknown
Anonymous said…
In talking about those "Anna death-bed photos" they are milking it for the last drop of blood...LITERALLY! ET & INSIDER proclaiming "If you want the truth watch Entertainment Tonight" (or Insider) has got to be the most comical thing they have uttered to date. Who's truth? Howard K. Stern's? ROTFLMAO
All they are are HK$'s mouthpieces.
With all of those "EXCLUSIVE" interviews Mark Steines & Pat O'Brien did from Horizons I am sure ole HK$ has some prime videos or pics of them they don't want in the public eye.
If the "love of your life" dies do you think to call media less than 2 hours after they pass away? And not accompany them to the hospital? Or pic up a damn camera to video them or snap pictures? I know I wouldn't.
Watching the now infamous "Clown Video" & hearing HK$ say "Are you on a mushroom trip?" and "We can sell this for money." while 8 months pregnant & all drugged up would be enough for me as a mother to strangle that bastard the first time I laid eyes on him.
And now seeing a picture of Anna stoned out of her mind & helpless w/ vomit on her and another high as a kite & naked as a jay bird holding a tiny baby makes my blood boil. I am sorry but there would be no way in hell HK$, Liar Larry or any of the ones associated in my loved ones demise would have a reason to smile & smirk or even breathe.
Virgie Arthur is to be commended for sitting back & allowing the slow wheels of justice turn.
I just hope there are enough non-corrupt judges to make sure justice prevails. Lord knows we don't need another circus court.

I have written emails to Larry King Live to let him know if he doesn't have Rita Cosby on or allow call-ins while HK$ is on his show then he is no better than Art Harris & Harvey Levin.

As for Larry laying low...I don't think so. Just this morning our local news station said he was signing papers for his reality show DADDY DUTY.

BTW If you want a good laugh I now have a website for viewing my dedication & satire artwork like those shown on www.ishowardksternamurderer.com, roasted-nuts.com, questionablebehavior.com & mrcontroversy.com sites.
Anonymous said…
uh... dont knoe bout none that tatar sauce but i aint havin none of that stuff...its green and vile and my tatars are jist fine wit that butter an salt, thank you sir!
Anonymous said…
Bamacat art said:

"And now seeing a picture of Anna stoned out of her mind & helpless w/ vomit on her and another high as a kite & naked as a jay bird holding a tiny baby makes my blood boil."

YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!!!! MANY feel the SAME...
Anonymous said…
Daddy Duty? Oh, please let me be the first!

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Many people posting on the other place passed down bits of wisdom that have given me pause. The first, "Use your common sense! If it does not seem right to you, it is not right." Yes. Common sense. As mothers, we know a lot about that! As nurses, legal aides, teachers, clerks, bus drivers, whatever the areas we have worked in, we have seen so very much of the real world; as mothers, we know when it is not right and someone is bs-ing us.

The second main thing: Think outside the box. So when we know we are being given a dog that don't hunt, we have to ask WHY? HOW? WHO?
In this pursuit of justice and understanding, we have turned to other posters to share our thots and discoveries.

Last, we needed to make sense of all the facts we had and piece together this puzzle even while the Howies, Bonnies, Larrys, Dr. Evils were busying canoodling with judges, police, medical examiners. Ever while the cast of characters continued to throw smoke upon the scene with twisted time lines and
"stolen" diaries, videos, pics... Even while we were being lulled to sickening monotany with ET in the Bahamas, ET in Florida, ET in Kentucky, ET in LA, ET in Hawaii...
Enter Rita. She has the experience, the connections, the abilities to piece this all together. She has the drive and the compassion to pick it up, report fairly and honestly. She is a catalyst to bring this together. And she has.

HKS was terrified of Virgie a year ago. Now he is terrified of Rita. I am sure there will be more coming forth to claim their sides. Who do you think Goen will go with? Who do yu think Ray will go to? Fill in the names.... For HKS, fill in the $$$ and remember, they want to be paid up front; you have no credit, Howie!
Anonymous said…
these word verifications can really test my eye sight! lol
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Passing thru, that's what I was going to say. Daddy Duty? I'm going to be sick. I don't know what network it will be on, but what makes them think that people want to see Larry change a diaper? What happened to Larry giving the baby a normal life and his baby not being for sale? I guess he sold this crap to the highest bidder. I hope the show tanks fast and Larry realizes that people just aren't interested in scumbags and lowlifes. Anna is probably turning over in her grave.
Anonymous said…
It gets too sick when middle aged men try to act cutesy. YUCK. He needs to quit this fast life, get a job, get a life, get responsible... probably looking for a tax write-off on Dannielynn's taxes... A new way to play HIDE THE MONEY, a shell game. He is trying to get this going whuile HE thinks the baby is cute and marketable. So sad.

One thing I noticed about the Sternies: They are BIG time into body beautiful concept. It is time consuming for them. Reality says, It is WHO you are inside, WHAT you have done to help others... However, the gay world lives fast and tries to hang on to youth. No reality in that.

These guys haven't a clue as to the real world. Pink flowers for Daniel? Ugly coffin and tasseled covering for the covering (not the traditional rose spray), the ugly committment dress Anna wore? That was SOOOO tacky! Simple is always best. Then the company: HOT SMOOCHIE LIPS??? lol Howie chose that! Moe bought it! Not a clue...
Anonymous said…
Can someone please explain to me how Lin Wood can represent HKS and the estate of ANS? Isn't there an inherent conflict of interest in such an arrangement? What's good for HKS and what's good for the estate of ANS would seem to differ on more than one front.

Secondly, wasn't there an inherent conflict in Ron Rale representing ANS in her negotiations with HKS considering Ron Rale and HKS are CLOSE friends? RR in an interview said that he mediated between ANS and HKS - the question is whose interest was he really serving? (Of course, that answer is pretty obvious)?

When is the deadline for contesting the appointment of HKS as the executor? If it was contested, I just don't see how any judge would allow HKS to keep control of the estate.
Anonymous said…
"When is the deadline for contesting the appointment of HKS as the executor? If it was contested, I just don't see how any judge would allow HKS to keep control of the estate."


I think it's past. They had 90 days from the time Larry and Howard went to court and the 90 day time limit would have ended mid-September.
Anonymous said…
Sad Day when Mommie Dearest gets all dolled up to go party at a book signing about her own dead daughter....and the writer that trashed her....SICK, SICK, SICK,,,,

Anonymous said…
Rita won't be broke. She will be even richer when Howard K Stern goes to jail and she writes her second book.

Right on! Virgie, Rita, and Beth Holloway! Three beautiful blondes!
Anonymous said…
2:18 PM anonymous.

Sad day when disgusting immoral and unethical people who follow a cultural clique* come over here to trash a still grieving mother and grandmother! This mother wasn't near the scenes (two different countries) of two young people mysteriously dying!

If you don't get a job, you're the one who will be broke soon OR does your pathetic hero have you on his family payroll?
Anonymous said…
Well, we wonder about Lin Wood representing HKS and the estate of ANS. People have just allowed Howard to take over everything that belonged to Anna as though it was OK for a mere live-in person to take possession of all Anna's jewelry, possessions, properties and checking accounts when she died, and her family wasn't even called by him to tell them about the tragedy. It seems as though most people would be arrested for just taking what belongs to someone else when they died. Of course he had taken possession of Anna's baby, too, pretending it was his, which was false pretense and fraud, wasn't it? Also, as you pointed out, Ron Rale was supposed to be Anna's attorney, but why is that, since he and Howard were always as thick as, well, you know. Also, what was the ruling on the Will? That is another questionable situation since the copy of the will was marked to have been requested and sent THREE DAYS before Anna's death, but Barth did some fast shuffling saying that was just the wrong date on the fax machine. Howard Stern should not be the executor of the estate of two people he, well, you know. Something is extremely wrong when authorities and people who are supposed to be fit to serve in the judicial system behave as though this is all legitimate behavior. Something is wrong with this picture in some peoples' opinion, mine included. Do you think this is acceptable? Please explain how this is legal and ethical.

Also, I thought the will had to be approved by a Judge, so I guess that is another fiasco that was allowed. Surely that will is going to be contested. If not, there is just no justice in the world. But, one bright thought, if someone were incarcerated they couldn't be an executor, could they? Just a thought.

My comments are merely an opinion.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Beth H., Rita C., and Mrs. A. strong feminine voices of the times!
Anonymous said…

Just could not find the one word, the one phrase that accurately describes Howie's actions and reactions. Then it hit me: HE IS A TEFLON MAN! $HIT DON'T EVER, EVER STICK TO HIS SHINGLE!
Anonymous said…
Those are solid questions and statements. Maybe we could get James to see to some answers?
Anonymous said…
More and more I understand why Anna did not want Larry to be around the baby. No wonder she went to the Bahamas to get away from him, but she was certainly no better off with Howard. They have both been selling the baby the way Anna was sold. Poor little baby.
And NOW you are telling me the baby has to do a reality show like Anna did? Well, Larry gets the attention he longs for, but if he lost custody of that baby they wouldn't even be giving him the time of day, much less a reality show. Larry is riding high now on that baby's coat tail. Maybe that baby doesn't need to be making TV shows in hot, bright lights, and maybe she would be better served with loving care, protection and a normal life of happy joy.

Look at all the celebrities who have babies and children people would love to see. Do you see those people wagging their children around to be photographed? NO. Those people are protective of their children. As Princess Di said, "PLEASE respect the privacy of my children". Children who are loved have security, and are protected, not exposed and exhibited. IMO!
Anonymous said…
Birkheads new "Baby Duty" show should be boycotted, from the get go! I figure it will be quite boring, we've seen him with DL. All he will do is talk about diaper duty, make noises at DL, bounce her up and down, and kiss her, until her head and face is raw. That's all we've ever saw him do. Oh I almost forgot, he knows how to suck a pacifier, wonder where he learned how to do that? HA HA HA. He is such a loser, and such a wanna be.
Anonymous said…
Hey, Sicko, go on back to TMZ where you have been bashing a grieving mother for over a year. Nobody wants to hear your slime ball comments. They are nothing but the ravings of a jealous and envious person who hates Anna's mother because she knows the truth.
Nobody has trashed Anna's mother but you, and you other two Stern Supporter buddies. You made us sick for a year, and you make a fool of yourself on this site. Go back to the hate mongering TMZ site where stupid, insane comments about good people are the norm.
Anonymous said…
Virgie-----I want to tell you how nice you looked at Rita's party. You were beautiful, and Anna looked so much like you, and I hope Dannielynn will look like you too. Hang in there Virgie justice WILL come. Also I think Birkhead is slime for what he is doing to you. I pray that everything will work out for you, and you will get the justice you seek and need. You are one heck of a woman, and I admire and look up to you, you have so much stregenth. GOD bless you!
Anonymous said…
Time will tell,

Hahaha good point! LOL LOL
I've thought the same thing.

Well, yes, Larry told Greta or Larry King, maybe both, that he is now a celebrity. He said he once took the pictures of celebrities but now he is the one they take pictures of.

Take away the baby and what do you have. Just what he was and is.

Maybe that will happen.
Anonymous said…
anonymous------Exactly, without DL, Birkhead is nothing, infact HE'S nothing with her. He is a pathetic jerk for living off that baby. I used to support him, but now the sight of him makes me sick. We know now what he is and his intentions-----to get rich off of and by using a defenceless little baby. PATHETIC!
Anonymous said…
Larry Emptyhead...Larry Burphead.
Anonymous said…
passing thru-We have had a long discussion on other Topix site .I think we have things straight there.I like that Teflon man-and Larry can be SOS shit on a shingle.Works for me.Ladies may I present Teflon man and his side kick SOS-able to bounce checks with a single stroke of the pen-able to tell fifty lies in matter of minutes-! Want some drugs-just ask! Watch at your local theater or computer for more episodes of Teflon Man and SOS as they seek to break the law!Perfect passing thru!
Anonymous said…
anonymous said...

When is the deadline for contesting the appointment of HKS as the executor? If it was contested, I just don't see how any judge would allow HKS to keep control of the estate.

120 days after it was filed, so real soon. Best to wait till the 11th hour.
Anonymous said…
YES, Virgie looked beautiful, and that beautiful smile made it clear where Anna got that natural charisma and that captivating smile. Virgie has been under so much stress and so riddled with pain, and I would imagine rage as I would be, that she hasn't been as concerned about hair styles and make up as she has been about justice for her daughter and her grandson. I am SO proud of Rita for having the party which gave Virgie the time she needed to just be herself, to dress up, and to feel the love and the support that she has from so many people in this country, and even in the world.

People who matter, and who contribute in this world, are not people who "perform" on Entertainment Tonight who support Stern and who distort facts regarding Mrs. Arthur, and attempt to tarnish her image. But they appear to "cover up" for Howard Stern. Well, sooner or later, people REAP what they SOW. And that includes posters who lie, slander and insult.

Mrs. Arthur is the innocent person involved in this tragedy of two deaths. Rita Cosby the hero. John O'Quinn is a Knight in shining armor. Right will win.
Evil loses.
Anonymous said…
Breaking news: Larry wants to Sue Cosby!!! Add it to your lists:


I wonder what they call people who are addicted to trying lawsuits and wasting other people's time and money?
Anonymous said…
Frivolous lawsuits make them sue-happy - Opinion
Anonymous said…
passing thru-It is rumored that Larry also sued a Catholic priest that molested him-still on going-I would bet probably debatable can not rape the willing! I always called them con-men.The slickest one I ever saw was years ago in Colorado guy put a sign up that drop box was broken at bank had a guard uniform and a bank bag-cops even made deposits-never caught the guy.I also saw on sixty minutes while back guy that had served time and was guest showing how gullible public is-he had a lone ranger badge which he flashed to people outside a bank told them he was working undercover go inside withdraw there money and he would write them a receipt and safeguard there money-people did it-he of course returned it and showed how gullible we are.
Anonymous said…
won't read your comment to me yet... found this and need you to read it. Phots taken 1 sec apart (yeah, right)
and not doctored??? No way! Observe the one on the right. The hair behind and alongside DL has been moved! Another lie.. another snowball's chance in hell...

Anonymous said…
I counted over 8-9 lawsuits this two monkeys have entered into or are a part of ... We the taxpayers foot the bill IF the cases are heard. I hope the judges review evidence on some of these and give them the heave-ho so Swims can float them about...

Of to take control of today...later!
Anonymous said…
Do you recall... One of the FIRST interviews prior to autopsy from Tas? Where she said certain info would come out? She seemed releived as well as closed mouth.
Anonymous said…
Passing thru-I still have that interviewed saved-the problem is lot more was said to Greta-so what is the other half of the story kind of like a Paul Harvey deal I am wanting to know the rest of the story.Anna ate Macaroni and mashed potatoes.I will look at the pictures now and comment back to you!
Anonymous said…
okay. I have studied both the photos to find the differences. Could be wrong but I think the photo on right, smiling Anna, is the original. The one on the left, drugged up Anna, has been photoshopped. Why? Create confusion among jury... disgust and doubt...

Look at and compare: 1. hair, lower sections on chest; 2. shadows on Annas' chest, shadow to the Right of Anna on wall(?); 3. camera distance from subject is changed; 4. baby's hands and head changes; Still look at Anna NOT changing anything in photos except head, shadow on chest, hair. Anna's shoulders, and her limp hands remain the same DESPITE the baby tugging on her hair and moving on he lap.

Photos are supposed to be 1 second apart. How much can someone move/change in 1 second? Could the photographer even change distance in one second??? Does not compute!!!!

We are being tested to see if HKS can slip photoshops past us...
Anonymous said…
passing thru-It is rumored that Larry also sued a Catholic priest that molested him-still on going-I would bet probably debatable can not rape the willing! I always called them con-men.The slickest one I ever saw was years ago in Colorado guy put a sign up that drop box was broken at bank had a guard uniform and a bank bag-cops even made deposits-never caught the guy.I also saw on sixty minutes while back guy that had served time and was guest showing how gullible public is-he had a lone ranger badge which he flashed to people outside a bank told them he was working undercover go inside withdraw there money and he would write them a receipt and safeguard there money-people did it-he of course returned it and showed how gullible we are.

4:07 PM

I thought Birkheads family were hard cord Baptist. How would he be around a Catholic priest?
Anonymous said…
oh, wow! Anonymous, you got me lol on that!
Anonymous said…
{Photo on left) Face looks like the one of ANS in the body bag...anyone have a site to compare? Also, the light on baby's head has changed, been erased, yet that on ANS face stays the same... could not have been taken one second apart... baby's had would have been in motion....
Anonymous said…
Passing thru.

I'm not a technocrat so do not understand photoshop. At first I wanted to debunk the possibility, but in looking closer I wonder why?

1. Overall coloring of the photo on the right is lighter*, i.e. pink wall and her arms (blurring).

2. Left photo appears farther away than right, detail impression of the blanket over the back of chair.

So, can one take photographs (1 sec.) apart and, if so, would that account for the overall clarity of the two photos? If so, the photo on the left was taken first (play acting?).

*Slight coloring differential is the noticeable factor to my eyes (left photo brighter). A photographer would have to tell me if photographs can be taken (1 second) apart with one farther away than another and whether the coloring would be slightly different?

The baby head on the right appears to be the same as in the photo of her (don't know where to find it online) in the multi-pink striped velour "onesy" where she was photographed with Anna.

Both sets of hands are different if you look closely.
Anonymous said…
Passing thru.

I'm not a technocrat so do not understand photoshop. At first I wanted to debunk the possibility, but in looking closer I wonder why?

1. Overall coloring of the photo on the right is lighter*, i.e. pink wall and her arms (blurring).

2. Left photo appears farther away than right, detail impression of the blanket over the back of chair.

So, can one take photographs (1 sec.) apart and, if so, would that account for the overall clarity of the two photos? If so, the photo on the left was taken first (play acting?).

*Slight coloring differential is the noticeable factor to my eyes (left photo brighter). A photographer would have to tell me if photographs can be taken (1 second) apart with one farther away than another and whether the coloring would be slightly different?

The baby head on the right appears to be the same as in the photo of her (don't know where to find it online) in the multi-pink striped velour "onesy" where she was photographed with Anna.

Both sets of hands are different if you look closely.
Anonymous said…
Don't know why the duplicate of the above but maybe James can take care of that?

Also, James as a photographer would be able to answer the questions regarding the photos?
Anonymous said…
What is the CP site that was closed down ---mentioned above?

Anonymous said…
The shadow behind Anna's head right at the white blanket is different. The photo of her smiling is FAKE and the hair pieces are different and appear brushed.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm. It would not be unreasonable to assume that when someone is accused of something, that they would be permitted to respond. Or if the rebuttal is removed, it would be proper to also remove the accusation.
I guess this is not that type of blog.
Anonymous said…
QV, I posted that last night about the qv thing. I thought one of the gals was trying to use your name to ask James if he was a ghostwriter. They're saying Virgie is one also.

Anonymous said…
It was on the news and they said had an old lawsuit-if it is true who knows!
Anonymous said…
Oh ok.. lol... sorry... thank you for the explanation :-)
Anonymous said…
Qv, if you have kept up with tmz you know they will stoop so low as to use anyone's name. Did Ivy post on your site insinuating that she has sources that she can't tell about, but then always says Oh, I already knew that or I was told?
Anonymous said…
when you inlarge the pics, the one on the right, the bottom lip is in the same position as the one on the left, the top lip is blured and not as full, also, there is some pigment problem on the left photo around the mouth on the left photo. It would not be too hard to change the top part of the mouth or eyes. The picture may have been taken seconds apart, but smile and open eyes could have been added.
Anonymous said…
Ivy did not belong to my site that I know of unless she was under a different name. I doubt it though as I never saw any posters mentioning "sources" except for "H".
I am just now catching up on TMZ. I notice two "know alls". The one who posts as "Only swim in the Ocean" and "The Delusional Walk Among Us" and then there is of course "butterfly".
Anonymous said…
bonnie munster. 7:42 PM

Which do you think is the original photo?
Anonymous said…
I agree, if you enlarge the photos and STARE it will suddenly pop out to you that the happy photo is photoshopped. I still can't see how the hair strands are different on Anna's left shoulder.

Make that face yourself, say snap, and then try to give a great smile with your hands a little different within one thousand one.
Anonymous said…
I don't think either are doctored pictures. She is stoned in both, smiling and not smiling.
She is NAKED in both, holding her daughter and someone taking naked pic's of her holding her daughter.
I wonder what MF took those pictures?
Howard? You are a sick pathetic MF yaknow?

There is nothing you can say or do to prove anything, you are guilty. You are a sick twisted piece of chit that needs to go join Anna so she can vomit on you.

Hell what is th ebig deal anyway about these pictures? They are no different than all the videos and other pictures of her drugged up, even drugged up while pregnant. See there is more to these photos and MO is trying to let everyone know.

I hope Howard kills himself soon , very soon.
Howard.. your work is done punk, it is time for you to go.
Anonymous said…
here is another photo of Anna, notice how full her top lip is?

Also, on the happy photo if you look at the lines on her jaw, they are the same lines as the other photo. One would think those lines would change with such a change in expression. The eyes are the same, the happy photo could be airbrushed to give the apperance of more whites and the iris is larger, yet darker. How do you show more iris and have it darker than the one with them half open?
Anonymous said…
ET did just what I thought they would do. They have great technology, and there are professionals available at a price, (look at how they removed Howard totally from a video that was done when he was previously leaning over Anna's shoulder). Also, when those two pictures came out on the Internet I would bet there was some fast action in the Stern camp to "fix it". After all, Howard is NOW a wealthy man, and IMO he has hired the best public relations people to make him look better and to damage those he considers enemies. It is very simple to alter, to change, to add, and to use Anna's features from another photo to create brighter eyes and a smiling mouth, IMO. I figured that would be done, so I was not surprised. Clicking on the pictures until they are as large as my computer screen, I don't believe. looking at Anna's dead looking drugged eyes, pitiful facial expression and blotched skin, that she suddenly burst into a large, happy and vibrant smile. That is impossible IMO. GIVE me a BREAK! Is changing, faking and passing off pictures as authentic, professionally ethical behavior? This is just my opinion, but enlarge those two pictures and look at them. What do you think?

Another thing, I don't believe that is food on Anna's face, and if it WERE food what kind of fiend would enjoy taking pictures of a woman with food, or vomit, all over her face and neck? Just my thoughts and observations.
Anonymous said…
Those pictures are small. You would have to have the original ones to blow them up to see if they have been altered. After you photoshop them and shrink them down, it is very hard to tell. Since James is a photographer maybe he knows.
BUT, I personally do not think those were photoshopped. I am not defending that MF at all.
I do not belive they were taken a second apart though. Too much hair has moved in 1 second. That really druggy looking picture does have a half cocked smile. Like getting ready to smile.
REGARDLESS she was drugged up ALL the time.
They are throwing this chit out here to distract away from Daniels inquest. HKS planned and plotted all this.
Larry is a scumbag. I feel sorry for that little girl. She is going to be really f'd up being around Larry and HKS. Two sick twisted men.
Anonymous said…
9:29 PM.

It can go either way though if you go to idontlikeyouinthatway and increase the size of the photos she looks equally drugged so only time will tell; however, I don't trust E.T. in any way, shape, or form.

One thing for certain Dannielynn has long and dirty nails so she, obviously, wasn't being bathed every day by the nanny! I'm a stickler for cleanliness and, especially, with a baby so may not think like others?
Anonymous said…
I see Dominick Dunne was at the party,
Maybe he is writing a book also.

Don't you have contacts out there, We need someone like Mark Furhman to look into what happened in South Florida.
Also, Bet Kentucky Fried Chicken ain't none to pleased about "product placement"
Makes me never want to eat that stuff again.

All This spinning is making me dizzy-----------

James you take a lot at the photos and tell us what you think.

If E.T. put doctored photos on the air and presented them as true, couldn't they be in a tad bit of trouble.

What's their angle anyways?

Stay tuned for "ankles" on Larry King Live. Wednesday night.

Maybe he'll lie himself into another hole

Guy must be getting nervous

Methadone is going to do him in!
Anonymous said…
I am so glad to see a smile on Virgie's face. She has been through so much. Virgie truly looked so beautiful in all those photos at the party. I really like her dress. We can all see where Anna got her good looks from her Mother. The baby looks so much like Virgie also. I hope Virgie gets to see and hold her Grandbaby soon. I was so happy to see Virgie being treated will the diginity and respect she so well deserves. Rita looked pretty also. What a good writer she is. Stay Strong Virgie. You have alot of supporters. IMO
Anonymous said…

They both looked just great

Anonymous said…
I am sure if Howard is going to be on Larry King Live (smothering a gag here) it has already been made clear the questions that cannot be asked.

I have never thought Danielynn has ever been properly cared for since she was born, and she was endangered before she was born. She may be surrounded by questionable people, one being Eroshevich next door, and certain other suspicious individuals. Drugs could be involved, too. I think she is paraded out for pictures, and don't know if she even has a nanny. Remember that male couple who stayed at Horizons told Larry King they took care of her, too.

That child has been through more horror in her little life than most people ever have. Little one year old baby girl whose Mother and Brother are dead, and she is blocked from her maternal grandmother. She earns money for two grown men, and now she has to do a TV show. I hate to hear about the dirty fingernails, but I am not surprised. Poor baby girl.
God help her.
Anonymous said…
uuuhhoohh I want it to let you know that your Irish Prayer was wonderful. Fine example of Irish wit. Made me smile thanks
Anonymous said…
Also, Bet Kentucky Fried Chicken ain't none to pleased about "product placement"
Makes me never want to eat that stuff again.


I love KFC. Everytime I hear that Anna loved KFC it reminds me of how much I love it, and I make plans to get some, since I usually don't get lots of fried food. I'm going to get some next week for sure.
Anonymous said…
I noticed the long dirty fingernails too. My kids never ever had fingernails that looked like that. Disgraceful!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Also, Bet Kentucky Fried Chicken ain't none to pleased about "product placement"
Makes me never want to eat that stuff again.


I love KFC. Everytime I hear that Anna loved KFC it reminds me of how much I love it, and I make plans to get some, since I usually don't get lots of fried food. I'm going to get some next week for sure.
Make sure you get some of that green, chunky tartar sause to dip the wings in. Mmmmmmmmmm good!

Sure did look appetizing all spewed over the bed.

Why I think I'll run right out and get a gallon of that green, chunky stuff right now.

Wake up the whole dang family for a late night wing, dipping party.
Anonymous said…
About the photo with the baby. Maybe doctored... Maybe they had ANS take one shot looking out of it, another smiling so that in a custody battle with LB they could argue that ANS was just goofing around...she did that all the time and didn't really have a drug problem. Considering the level of spin and manipulation, who knows, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility.

Still not sure about Moe.
Anonymous said…
Okay. I do think the one photo was doctored up. I think it was the one where she had stuff on her face. Sorry, I think the other is real. However, both photos might have been messed with. I just don't accept them being taken 1 sec apart...

Argument for doctoring as I stated above. I need to go and look at the more photos, especially of the baby. I could barely see then hands due to the imprint Insider put on it...

The sick pic: That is not tartar sauce! I was sure HKS would say it was avocado! The positioning of the green stuff on the face looks fake. I mean, it is not smeared, it is "dripped" On the L/side of the mouth, the food is on the outside but does not seem to cross the lip or enter the mouth. The stuff on the chest appears to be blotched there. The general appearance of the subject seems to be the picture that was passed around of ANS "death photo" that made the headlines... taken at hospital? Morgue? Now, I am wondering, if the pics match, if it was HKS that went against a judges' orders and took the pics with his phone...Any thots here?

Hand in food: Saw this on TV. All I could think about is that maybe she was hungry and HKS refused to assist her in eating. So, she used her hands.

He is such a F*cked up evil creature... Argh! To think people like him exist ... calmly and peacefully. Skip any trial and go to the sentencing of this sick, sick person...
Anonymous said…
Here is the morgue photo. Maybe you don't want to look at it? Like you told another poster.


As for the vomit? If she was eating fish, that could be a bunch of chewed up fish in chunks.. yathink?

As far as the pic's, when you blow it up the pixels are not square, they blob together. You would have to have the orginal picture to check, those are not the originals.
Anonymous said…
Madeline said...uuuhhoohh I want it to let you know that your Irish Prayer was wonderful. Fine example of Irish wit. Made me smile thanks

10:30 PM

Thanks , Madeline. I, too, LOVE the Irish! My Fathers Mother was Irish...STRONG, Fine People, they are.

And, I think, there are a Whole Bunch of Folks limping around the Good People in this tragedy...
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Folks!

A the end of one of the reports on ET, Mary Hart mentions something to the effect of" this shows what a HUGE world wide FAN BASE Anna Nicole Continues to have".......I DISAGREE!!!

I was NEVER an ANNA Fan and am not to this day. I never HEARD of the Woman until heard Son died. I feel sorrow and pity for her as I would any WRONGED Person. But SHE was wronged in SO many ways by this Gang of Thieves, it takes my breath away.

I am a JUSTICE Fan...I HATE EVIL. THAT is what spurs ME on. This thing STUNK from the beginning, IMO.

Passing...I don't know WHATS up w/ those Photos...BUT I HAVE learned NOT to TRUST Stern. Was he short of CASH? Created THIS so he would have more PICTURES to SELL to ET? Need more MONEY for Lawyers? Has Larry tightened the purse strings?A way to pump up Larrys new Show...(LOOK at all the FANS!) Another excuse to delay the Inquest? And that comment about Annas "fan base"...NUTS, I say!I suggest its NOT Annas "FANS" but STERNS "HATERS"...the Public is SMARTER than they realize.Hope Larry King doesn't suck a$$, like Levin did.

Wait and see, I guess.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Remember the video of ANS at Christmas with Dr.E, HKS, and DL? I guess she was just playing acting then.... Yeah right.
Anonymous said…
pretty tough so I will take a gander at the morgue photo. Sorry for the bad typing; sometimes the fingers stammer and stutter, other times brain fails to make a clear turn at the fork in the road.

lol You sound like me! I had heard the name ANS but would not have recognized her picture; until last October, I did not know much about her. Daily, the media blasted us and I became keenly interested. I was angry at the courts and the legal system, the Medical Examiner Switcheroo; when I started posting, the Sternoids
just kept pounding their stupidity, their lack of logic, "Post a link" on so many comments others made; I detest bullies!

This is about Anna, Daniel, and Dannielynn; but it is also about you and me for there has been a terrible mishandling and precedent could be set if it is not corrected by the courts. I am dismayed by the carefree attitude of the Pinkie Boys and those who have sold their morality, the safe guards of our medical system, and the lack of integrity with the legal system.

While the Sternoids are just bunch of pesky flies that need a few good swats, I have found many, many decent folks who have offered hundred of hours of research and medical or legal comments. These folks are the ones you turn to in times of need; solid pioneers who roll up sleeves and get the job done.

Life is short. A kind word lasts a long, long time and does make a difference. Take the time to smile at a stranger, a teen-ager!, and to say thank you to someone each day. It might be the only human kindness they get today. That is my belief... (Would use a happy face but that blogger makes my blood boil!) Time to put the coffee on!
Anonymous said…
pampers for pimpers? lol!!VG!

Lots of sternoid smoke blowing as a cold front slips up from the Bahamas. This may be an oceanic effect of la ninya particular to this area of the Atlantic. This may create low visibility in the fall and winter months. Driving with fog lamps is highly recommended when driving thru a smoke screen. Due to the nature of the smoke screen, a mirror image may occur whereby things will not appear as they rally are. A big rig, an armored tank, and bulldozers may be needed to clear the roads; national guard may be needed to keep order.
Anonymous said…
Larry/Howard -I think John Law is looking at them-one has to believe that both Don Clark and Virgie know people in law enforcement.There is a lot of Federal Agencies and one for sure is IRS.You have not paid your bills but you are making money I do believe an audit is in order.Signing checks,drugs, and the list goes on.
Anonymous said…
Carolyn-Dominick Dunne-Is also very good at investigating criminal cases.I think he might very well come out with special on TV versus writing a book.Passing thru and I came up with Teflon man for Howard and his sidekick Larry is SOS -so we know have shit on a shingle and Teflon man cause shit does not stick.So we can write stories about them now-the exciting adventures of Teflon Man and his side kick SOS-able to tell 100 lies in 60 seconds or less with pants around there ankles! Oh Suzanne thinks you disappeared so if you would say hello on topix.
Anonymous said…
Chapter two of the exciting but boring adventures of Teflon Man and SOS-finding the pawn shop closed Teflon Man has SOS searching the neighborhood for an object to bust the window-SOS points out that may not be a good idea Teflon Man assures SOS-trust me.Three hours later SOS returns with a brick.Teflon Man what do want me to do-well I have to go out of town you wait twenty minutes then throw the brick-got it- yes oh great smart smart Teflon Man-20 minutes elapse SOS throws the brick bounces of the glass and knocks SOS out.What happens next you will have to wait for chapter three!
Anonymous said…
Chapter three-The brick naturally set off the Alarm-when police arrive they find SOS out cold with pants around his ankles-he wakes up and tells his story to the police that laugh and laugh as no one can be that stupid.They call for an ambulance and he is treated at hospital and released.
Anonymous said…
169. .... ....
In those photos, ANS does not look, to ME, to be dirty or whatever, I took the photos to show that she was freshly out of the shower, which would explain her damp hair and her nudity. ..... ....
Posted at 8:35AM on Oct 6th 2007 by diva
Are you still with us, Howie? Don't you have a Swim to do this morning?

Notice how Beth Halloway posed with Vergie and supports her , Beth is John Ramsey's (Woods Client) Girlfriend/companion. hmmmm speaks volumes wouldnt you say!
Posted at 10:40AM on Oct 6th 2007 by ?
I thot Beth Holloway is the mother of Natalie who disappeared in the Bahamas. Why not, then? Two mothers who are seeking an understanding of the courts in the Bahamas, justice for two dead daughters, and at a location with persons who also are interested in criminal justice. Got a problem there?
Anonymous said…
photos from Insider
I think the smiling ANS was an original photo. First, notice in the left of the frame the expanse of shown wall; second photo is closer in and expanse is missing. Next, the light glare on DL's forehead and nose present in the one photo but missing from the second photo; light glares are messy to photoshop so he deleted it.

Does anyone know if the body of the subject was ANS? Was the entire photo comp imaged?

HKS had these sick photos released himself. He did it as a smoke screen and to drive up interest, to pollute a jury pool. We saw similar behavior with the Clown video, his protesting the sale of ANS Diaries, and the breast surgeries. He like to appear out of control over the media "swarm" that he is creating.

HKS is really sick. He is into taking these ugly photos of death/ impending due to his bizarre fasination. His sister is into S/M and has the kinky candies (Flurtz); IMO, the two are really strange, bizarre, and seriously mentally ill. They need something more than a Dr. Evil
Anonymous said…
photos from Insider: Suspect photo (sick one)
1. Shadow on wall and to L of photo of subjects body: Head appears to have slightly change between the two photos but the shadow of the head (hair) remains exactly the same;

2. The neck appear the same with wrinkles, tendons, etc.. The difference is the sick photo has a slightly larger head photoshopped in to place; this means there is less of the neck area exposed. Touch up shadow coloration is seen to right of throat on upper chest.

3. Hair of subject: L/side of photo: Hair whisps are fainter and less distinct despite a closer shot. Middle: Hair behind child's head is missing. R/side of photo: the hair near the child's hand appears to have been added as the texture is unique in the photo.

Examine the "texture" appearance of the subjects in the two photos; much clear definition in the "well" photo, look at shadows and highlights, etc..
Anonymous said…
passing thru-look at the cheeks .Just another batch of lies if you ask me.He is making money with ET why he does this crap.Then he gets his bimbo squad to try and convince the world.I think MOE and TAZ are between a rock and a hard place.So they come clean or go down-Moe claims he gave the pictures and Howard camp not happy about it or is it all make believe-who knows.One thing is for sure different Occupations you have a license so I would think some people could lose there's.I would bet also that Ron Rale did not leave of his own accord-so I think it is positive so let us hope that our Federal Agencies do there job!The Bahamas can not be too happy about the bad publicity that Howard brought to there country-someone is pushing them as they have some old cases back to 67.Bottom line-as happens too many wherever he goes be looking over his shoulder and most people will talk talk about him plus who is ever going to trust him as a lawyer?
Anonymous said…
passing thru said...asked about beth holloway and the connection..
are aruba (where Natalee is missing from) and the bahamas connected.

I don't think they are under the same govt. Are they ?

One more question, why does everyone think these photos are doctored on photoshop ?
The first one looks like Anna is goofing around and the second one looks like it was in between, like you know how we all have those dumb looks when we are NOT ready for the flash to go off.

It just feels like so much paranoia around on ALL these blog sites. Some posters feel like Kimmie and Bonnie are everywhere, maybe they are I dont know but its funny to be an outsider looking in at all these posts, not just from here but tmz mostly... lots of paranoid peeps out there. lmao
Anonymous said…
Historically, ARUBA has been part of the Netherlands Antilles, a six island federation, which also included Bonaire, Curaçao, St.Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius On January 1st, 1986, Aruba became a separate entity within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom now consists of three constituents: Holland, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles (5 islands).

Aruba has its own constitution, based on Western democratic principles. The Queen of the Netherlands appoints the governor of Aruba who holds office for a 6-year term, and acts as her representative.

Legislative, executive and judicial powers are vested in parliament which is housed in Aruba's capital, Oranjestad. The Aruban parliament consists of 21 members elected by universal suffrage.

The party (or parties) obtaining legislative majority are asked by the Governor to form a 7- member Council of Ministers vested with executive powers and headed by a Prime Minister.

Jurisdiction in Aruba lies with a common court of Justice of Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles and a Supreme Court of Justice in the Netherlands.

Although Aruba has a separate status, it still retains strong economic, cultural, political and defense ties with Holland and her "sister" islands. In fact, although matters such as aviation, customs, immigration, communications and other internal matters are handled autonomously by the Aruban government; the Kingdom is still responsible for defense, citizenship and foreign affairs.
The Constitution of the Bahamas is based on the Westminster Model; Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch.

As a member of the Commonwealth of Nations The Bahamas recognizes Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State. The Governor-General is Her Majesty’s representative in The Bahamas and constitutes a symbol of the nation’s unity.

The Cabinet constitutes the executive branch and has general direction and control of the Government of The Bahamas. It is necessary for the Cabinet to comprise at least nine Ministers inclusive of the Prime Minister and Attorney General.

Parliament constitutes the Legislative branch of the Bahamas, which consist of a Senate and a House of Assembly. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, Parliament may make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Bahamas.

Judicial Authority is vested in the Judicature which comprises the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal with such jurisdiction, powers and authority as may be conferred on these Courts respectively by the Constitution or any other law.
c/p of course from
Anonymous said…
if big moe wants any credibility he needs to make a statement, or release the entire camera chip to prove once and for all where his loyalty stands. once in a while he makes a statement against stern then says something else. he has cannot be trusted. he has waffled, or kept silent. he was there he saw enough to probably have stern incarcerated right now. take a stand moe or go away.
Anonymous said…
Rita will get hers , and whoever heard of a grieving mother all dressed up smileing for the cameras celebriting a trashy book about her dead daughter .
Anonymous said…
someone needs to learn how to spell
Anonymous said…
Download the photographs to your computer. Using your tools, magnify different areas, expand the photographs, etc. When you examine the photographs you can see where the tampering of the line and the changing of th pigment.

Time and date stamps on digital cameras can be altered with ease.
Anonymous said…
I think I got it!!! The Christmas vidoe Howie made and then the dead photo shots from where they did her body for the funreal? Well, took DannieLynn from the Christmas pics, moved it over and changed the little outfit to blue! Yeah, someone thought it was the christmas pic. It sure is!!!! The pic of AnnaNicole looking sick? From the daed pic. Howie painted stuff on her chest and her lips. Outside of the lips. She only dressed her baby daughter in pink!Keep trying because the noose is getting tighter! No wonder he isnt suing Moe! He did this himself!!!
Anonymous said…
LOL you people are so desperate to find fault in Howard that you'll go to any lengths. Is it any wonder he wants to be able to have his lawyer survey potential jurors in Daniel's Inquest? What if one of them is a NUTCASE like the haters here?

No matter what any witness says, all you'll here is "Howard is guilty and Howard is to blame". You people are really SAD.

You've seen the pictures of Anna taken with the so-called "death photos" smiling and playing and you STILL believe there's MALICE on Howard's part, when it was just Anna having fun.
Anonymous said…
anonymous, interesting statement you make in my opinion, trying to sterotype all the people on this board. Calling us haters and nutcases, and saying we blame Howard how sad. Please do not include me in your labeling of people. My core beliefs are "All People Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty Beyound A Reasonable Doubt In A Court Of Law." These are all of our God given rights. I believe all people have rights not just a select few this include Mrs. Authur also IMO.
Anonymous said…
Rita will get hers , and whoever heard of a grieving mother all dressed up smileing for the cameras celebriting a trashy book about her dead daughter .

3:28 PM

In this case.....um.....Virgie Arthur!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Rita will get hers , and whoever heard of a grieving mother all dressed up smileing for the cameras celebriting a trashy book about her dead daughter .


Whoever heard of a growm man and a so called lawyer living off a bimbo blonde porn star, ex stripper pole dancer, gold digger drug addict?

It's about time Virgie smiled. She has had too much sorrow and pain over this mess.

What about Howard? He is living off dead Anna NOW as he lived off her before she died.

*coughs* The book was true, Virgie knew how her daughter was, HKS made her trash. He is the one that ALLOWED her to be seen in the shape she was in , in ALL the videos and pictures. No one else to blame but him. I can't fault Anna for it, she was drugged up all the time. I blame HKS for everything.

He is the one that took all the pictures you moron.
HKS sold Anna to the highest bidder every chance he could. That has been proven.
He is a scum sucking leach.
Insert dirty filthy nasty words about HKS here______
Anonymous said…
Have you voted on the poll site 69% feel Anna was murdered.humm
Anonymous said…
Chapter four-Teflon man and SOS- SOS having been released from the Hospital rushes to save Teflon Man that again forgot his belt and fell down twelve flights of stairs.SOS does mouth to mouth Teflon Man is revived with huge smile on his face and gently kisses SOS knot on his head from the brick.So our two masked morons are off to see what else they can screw up!
Anonymous said…
I heard HKS and LB we taped space docking is that true ?

If so lmfao.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Evening. Watching the Florida game against LSU so won't be here long.

Virgie is entitle to her life. The wrongs done against her by ugly comments, by people who think she should still be in deep grief, are statement made by persons not understanding the nature of that grief. Yes, it is healthy to go on with life; is that not what Anna was trying to do in Jan. 2007 after the death of her son?

We each have our "fingerprints" in life. Howard's fingerprints are to cause a media incident prior to a court action. Usually, these media events are designed to shock or stun us, and give him (his attys, or associated with him ) cause for public appearance; preferably paid distraction. With 8/9 court events coming, expect to see more of this distraction. (Almost like a child saying, Mama! I burnt myself! Never mind the house he set afire.)

Howard (and Larry to a lesser extent)are using cheap, well known methods of selling: get your attention! Can't sell unless they have your attention. While positive attention is desired, negative attention is preferred over non-attention.

Yes. I do see where the death/morgue photos(taken with a cell phone) could be downloaded to a computer and doctored. It certainly got our attention. Then, the next photo reminds me of the "family photo" face seen of ANS at that time; the baby shots were taken from the Christmas video with the child's dress being colored over. No; ANS never dressed the child in anything but pink; sorry, I did get so very tired of the pink!

People have said HKS is a control freak; we are seeing it to the max!Interesting study in human psychology. True behavioral mental illness; he has no friends as he could never trust himself to share in a friendship. Control at all costs.

Regarding a jury: Howard has worked very hard to pollute a jury pool world wide. Still, I do think they will carefully judge him. Can you deal with him being found guilty? Only a guilty man would go to such extremes that he has demonstrated. At time I wonder if he will self destruct but that is something a normal person would do; he is not normal.(At times, I have wondered if HKS and his sister, BS, were not rescued from the Romanian orphanages when the government there collapsed.)
Anonymous said…
Does anyone have the link to the christmas video? I was looking for it. Thanks.

Anonymous said…
faye @ 7:08 PM.

Where do we find the poll?
Anonymous said…
faye said...
Have you voted on the poll site 69% feel Anna was murdered.humm

7:08 PM


The coroner and the police who actually, you know, DID THE INVESTIGATION, examined the body, interviewed witnesses, all disagree with the 69% who voted...and really, in cases like this, the VOTE doesn't count, the police investigation and the coroner's conclusions - they count. The people who participate in these votes really don't understand just how offensive the concept of this poll even is. What they're saying is they don't believe in their justice system, because their JUSTICE SYSTEM says there was NO MURDER.

It doesn't surprise me that people have no faith in the justice system, but it's a shame that you think so little of your system. To me it equals thinking low of your country.

It's a pity.
Anonymous said…
anonymous 9:38 PM.

Butterfly, go back to tmz....
Anonymous said…
I am trying to find the Christmas video. A lot of valuable sites have been saved here:

Bit of research but very valuable. Just found another 3 lawsuits not on the other lists: Hatten against HKS,ANS against Marshall Estate(12/06), LB against HKS (12/06)
Anonymous said…
lol! No I think highly of my country when it operates as it should: with dignity and respectful of its legal system that WE the people put into place against improprieties. Thomas Jefferson, a disbeliever in the concepts of democracy as it was purposed (feared it permitted the rich to abuse the middle and lower classes), stated the best government was a well watched government; those who would have power would be the ones to abuse said power IF it was abused... WE the people have the duty to ensure the rights of our people DEAD OR ALIVE are respected. Got it?
Anonymous said…
passing thru--Christmas Video-Dr.E took the baby after a while as that was no act Anna was high as a kite.The baby had an outfit similar to birthday party.I really wonder about that Doctor every video I have seen of her she looks dirty.It is looney for anyone to believe Anna was putting on an act-Anna was stoned .I am wondering why butter butt is coming over here.I think both shows are on Greta and I have gone thru chapter four of Teflon man and SOS-kind of fun-give it a whirl-do a chapter five.Nancy Grace still has DR.Pecker on which not sure why she does.I believe good honest reporting is getting harder to find the Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley types-now we have Harvey-crap!
Anonymous said…
Good site for lots of older photos, stories...


Trying to watch the game and research! Think the game is going to win. BTW: Many are no longer posting at tmz; second purging, my guess. (Amanda, Gto, Windi, LE, Bata, Cleo, etc.)

Dr.Perper: Wasn't his son arrested/investigated/ had medical lic revoked in Florida?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
anonymous 9:38 PM.

Butterfly, go back to tmz....

9:55 PM


LOL That's weak. Telling someone to "go back" "go away" "leave" because you don't like what they have to say. LOL

It's so obvious that you FEAR the truth. If someone writes the real truth (that Howard is no murderer) you tell them to go away. This place is for LIES ONLY, as far as you're concerned. Sorry, we're not going anywhere. We'll keep telling the truth wherever and whenever we like.

Deal with it.

BTW - I'm not Butterfly. LOL
Anonymous said…
Passing thru-Excellent point you made .Government of the people and by the people-one law that applies to everyone.What we unfortunately have evolved into is a system where the rich walk and everyone else goes to jail for the same offense.When was the last time we had a leader that was not a Lawyer? We can fix what is broke at State and Federal level or we can go on with the mess we have now.People need to vote in 2008 and fix what is broke.
Anonymous said…
Everyone was saying in August to "just wait for September" - then in September "just wait for october" - is that just a monthly ritual with - what are you all waiting for?

strange group......
Anonymous said…
anonymous-it is a topix site
Anonymous said…
Tell me again about the ice bath...What day, by whom, where did the ice come from?

Why did HKS not go to hospital when ANS was taken there dead?

Tell about the baby bottle and the phone call to the children's school?

He has yet to prove he was not involved in the deaths of 2 people...lawsuit not withstanding, most can see thru the smoke screen!
Anonymous said…
How do you spell 'accidental overdose'?
Anonymous said…
It would be nice if Stern, your hero,HKS would would tell the truth, then maybe we could deal with it.

For instance the Seidlin hearing.
You deal with it!
Anonymous said…
How do you spell MURDER?
Anonymous said…
I am dealing fine - you sound a bit grumpy.......cheer up!
Anonymous said…
Real eye opener... John Perkins, _Confessions of an Economic Hit Man_; the third "White Sands" was Camp Ono in CA where over 20 barrels of buried nuke waste is currently leaking into the water table, resulting in enormous cancer rates... No EPA study needed for gov.t owned land; city sold it, approved th toxic ground for housing development... land that in 1940s had reports of childrens' Red Ball tennys melting when they played there...

I was taught to question and that I will do for anything unreasonable.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like the blind leading the blind.........
Anonymous said…
passing thru said...
Good site for lots of older photos, stories...


Trying to watch the game and research! Think the game is going to win. BTW: Many are no longer posting at tmz; second purging, my guess. (Amanda, Gto, Windi, LE, Bata, Cleo, etc.)

Dr.Perper: Wasn't his son arrested/investigated/ had medical lic revoked in Florida?

10:23 PM

Dont go starting rumors, Dr perpers son has a clear license in Florida, here is his link:

Anonymous said…
Sometimes rumors are all they have.......
Anonymous said…
Sinister-Hello Dear-How are you! We sure have a lot of anonymous folks of late-imagine that!Problem is everyone knows all the players on TV and in the news-Suzanne point is well taken we all assumed the legal system would work at the beginning and it has not thus far.I honestly have my doubts about the Bahamas as well.I truly think our Federal Govt is going to have to step up to the plate as to date I see nothing has happened at the State level and it should have.Going on vacation to see my oldest sister she is 80 and lives in PA so I will be gone from 9-18 so I am sure they will make up some story where I got captured by an alien or some similar nonsense.Keep the faith Ladies we have come to far to let things fall thru the crack.
Anonymous said…
Did you all see the bugs at the baseball game-when has that ever happened ?.There was an ugly fat woman with purple hair that dropped her drawers and mooned the umpire next thing you know got bugs everywhere.People thought I was kidding about Kimmie there is your proof! lol
Anonymous said…
Courage-less annoymouse:

Oh, so sorry! Maybe I did not qualify that to your satisfaction, but what the heck! Was I addressing anything to you? lol Forgot you have a patent on misinformation and think you are the hallway monitor of free speech! So be it. I will let Dr Evil move in next door and script for you and yours; I have no problem letting you rent to HKS; your cast of characters is up for scrutiny and they love it! What's your beef? Panties get twisted?
Anonymous said…
I want to see justice for Anna and Daniel, plus see HKS incarcerated... and maybe a REAL investigation done in Florida..but to post something on a guess or a rumor when verification is just a click away is WRONG.. enough with the hysteria, there are so many FACTS to focus on...
Anonymous said…
Lots of Jones here so why don't you just grab a handle so we can recognize you? If you are ashamed of the one from the other place, take a new one... you are being rude by hiding and then asking us to respect you.
Anonymous said…
Hi Faye
Have the same old RC posters who think they are hiding but I can spot the scum a mile away but I'm not as sharp as you.
Can't wait for the inquest!
Anonymous said…
RC=rotten crotch!
Anonymous said…
passing thru-I remember the incident-but here is something else most people do not realize as well-what travels every day on rail system from everywhere chemicals-does anyone ever monitor or even think if they are safe.Can you imagine the scale of hysteria if we had multiple chemical spills in a city say the size of LA.Just eyeball some time a freight train and then look up what some are carrying pretty scary.
Anonymous said…
I don't recall asking for respect, I posted a fact about Dr Perper'a son.. if I shouldn't have the name anonymous, it shouldn't be listed as an option. I wont name call or be rude to anyone tho.. I thought this was a forum for discussion...
Anonymous said…
Mayor of that city where Camp Ono was located wanted the government contract for hazardous waste. Was going to put it on top of the old site to hide the info of the nuke leaking into the ground water. Had proposed a new freeway just to carry the stuff; it was to go between two city schools! School district said no way! No elevated freeway near our schools! Then, EPA finally acknowledged Camp Ono existed; most who worked there have died now of cancer.
Anonymous said…
Sinister-You are sharper dear! I am just an old woman wanting some of our dollars that we all spend to go to good use.Justice system needs to get rolling!
Anonymous said…
good thing you did not ask for respect.
Anonymous said…
Whose son was arrested in Florida? Wecht or Perper? Doctor. Father involved in the ANS situation last spring.
Anonymous said…
Nyfong got snagged so will Stern.
Yes our justice system needs revisions. We pay enough taxes.
Voting the right people in does make a difference.
Out with Seidlin, the Milstiens and all the other crooks involved in this scenario. ie, Stern Rale, too many to mention.
Anonymous said…
Oh I know-like the Agent Orange stuff-I know a dear friend that never drank never smoked -no history of cancer in his family and passed away couple years ago -his widow is still arm wrestling with the Government as he served in Viet-Nam as many did.I think many times we have our priorities messed up-how many dollars are devoted to medical research versus weapons research! How many millions do we give away every year when we have our own homeless problems here.We have kids needing adoption and what do the wealthy do go to some country and adopt-why makes no sense.
Anonymous said…
Sinister-I hope so Dear! I remember Lucas mentioning a click long time ago-he was correct that is what they had.No way did Howard do this all by himself.I have always believed that Ron Rale is the brains behind this whole thing.Remember when he appeared with Larry-that showed me a lot right there this was a well planned scheme.
Anonymous said…
I hope Ms. Howard K Stern pull his pants up from his ankles for his many court appearances. Or should I say her pants?
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