Lamar Fike and Mark Bego

Celebrity-author MARK BEGO is uncovering all sorts of never-before-revealed tidbits about ELVIS PRESLEY, in the forthcoming ON ELVIS PRESLEY BOULEVARD; LAMAR FIKE: AN UNCOMMON JOURNEY, the tome he is writing with LAMAR FIKE; he of the infamous Memphis Mafia. Fike lived, worked, played, and partied with the King. He was there for the highs and the lows of life with The King. Among the books saucy revelations: "When Lamar first moved into Graceland with Elvis, he actually slept in the same bed with The King. According to Lamar, "He would have nightmares, and he would sleepwalk, so I slept with him ... so he didn't walk out of the second floor window. I had to turn on the lights to get him out of his sleepwalking phase." While there are all sorts of rumors about Elvis meeting and having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, in reality, it was Lamar who met her. Says Fike, "She invited Elvis over to a party at the studio, but he sent me over to send his apologies. Instead of Elvis ever meeting her, it was just me. I spent a half an hour talking to her. She was just mesmerizing to talk to. She would look you right in the eyes."
*In 1971, when Elvis had been absent on the record scene for years, it was Lamar who found him his last million-selling hit, "Kentucky Rain." Lamar went onto run Elvis' publishing company for years.

*Lamar was with Elvis at a party at Nat King Cole's house in 1957, where Rock Hudson was a guest. Lamar told Elvis that Rock was gay, and Elvis didn't believe him. At the party, Lamar watched as Rock started up a conversation with Elvis and they sat down on the sofa together. Amidst their conversation, Rock put his hand on Elvis' leg, and Presley jumped up like the sofa was on fire.
He walked over to Lamar and said, "You know what? You were right - Rock is Gay!"

*Lamar went to Hollywood to stay with Elvis in 1957 at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. The following day Elvis told him that they were going to go over to the movie studio. The next thing Lamar knew, he was on the set of "Jailhouse Rock," and he was a character in the film. Lamar is seen in several scenes as part of Elvis' group of friends in the final cut of the picture.

*One night, late, after some serious partying, Elvis and Lamar were sitting alone, and Elvis asked Lamar how he saw him as an old man. Lamar, pausing for a moment, looked at him and said "I don't." Prophetic words indeed. The book will be out early next year.


Anonymous said…
Lamar, go for it! This is Dawn McDonald! Daughter to T.S. McDonald. I am so happy to see that you are doing this! Wish that I could speak with you regarding all the things pertaining to E.P.! It has been a long road and where is James B.? He sure could play the piano! Hear he is in Branson! Keep in touch as well as Father! Love to all! DH
Anonymous said…
Lamar...this will be a great book from a unique perspectve about the King. Looking forward to buying this one for sure! Bill Simmons
Anonymous said…
I, just like thousands of other Elvis fans, still haven't forgiven him for his involvement in the book that he ghost-wrote with that sob Albert Goldman.

However, perhaps, I'll buy this one after several years - especially if he will not publish books year out and year in, like Esposito; whose books I've stopped buying years ago
Debi747 said…
Lamar,Tom,Taylor & Mark - way to go Gentlemen! This is going to be a wonderful book with a whole new perspective into EP, Lamar and their friends.
He is going to take you on the wonderful journey with him and give you the opportunity along the way to personally meet some of the many people, who touched his life and he theirs.
I was fortunate enough to meet Tom & Karen, and through them become friends with Lamar and some of his friends.
It is terrific that at this time in his life, he is stepping out of his comfort zone to give everyone some insight into his personal journey. It will allow the readers to see the human side of the many celebrities and such, that he was fortunate enough to meet in his lifetime.
This will allow all the readers to walk in his shoes with him and some insight into the lives that they all led away from the spotlight.

Anonymous said…
Who knows, the Bahamas may be better off if Americans like you and the corrupt others do not enter our country. There are many wonderful Americans who will look beyond your ignorance.