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Britney Spears' visitation rights to her sons were cut to three a week yesterday. The 'Toxic' singer - who was lost custody of her two sons, two-year-old Sean Preston and 13-month-old Jayden James, to ex-husband Kevin Federline earlier this month - will get two visits a week from 12pm to 7pm and one overnight stay from 12pm to 10am the next morning. All visits will be monitored.Superior Court Commissioner Scott M. Gordon made his ruling following a joint custody hearing on October 26, where he heard testimonies from both Britney and Kevin.The commissioner also heard evidence from parenting coach Lisa Hacker - who monitored four of Britney's visits with her children - and referred to the report Hacker filed about her observations of Britney's parenting skills.Court documents revealed that while Hacker felt Britney "loves her children and the children are bonded" to her, she was concerned the 25-year-old star was not "child-centered" in her interactions.Hacker concluded the "environment at the house ranged from chaotic to almost sombre with little communication at all."She added: "During three of my visits, Ms. Spears rarely engaged with the children in either conversation or play."It seems that her choices are dependant more upon what she wants to do at any given time rather than what would be more enjoyable for the children."By the fourth meeting, Hacker noted Britney "seemed much more engaged with her and her children."In a final damning comment, Hacker concluded: "The problem is that unless Ms. Spears realizes the consequences of her behaviour and the impact that it has on her children, nothing is going to be successful."In order to keep her visitation rights, Britney must prove she has childproofed her homes by November 2 and meet with Hacker for two hours every week.She must also ensure Sean and Jayden are properly secured in child safety seats whenever they are in a car.The commissioner rejected a request made by Britney's attorney to drop the singer's twice-weekly random drug tests. Britney and Kevin - who must both still undertake co-parenting counselling and classes - are due in court for another custody hearing on November 26.