Britney Spears has regained visitation rights of her two young sons.The troubled star - who lost the right to see two-year-old Sean Preston and 13-month-old Jayden James following a breach of a court order last week - was seen driving with the boys on Saturday. A presumed court-appointed monitor was seated in the front seat of the white Mercedes convertible, with her sons in the back strapped into their car seats.Earlier this month, Britney temporarily lost custody of her two children to ex-husband Kevin Federline following her erratic behaviour. She was later granted supervised overnight visits, providing she took regular drink and drug tests and attended a parenting course. However, last Wednesday, Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon temporarily suspended the 'Toxic' singer's visitation rights. Sources claim Britney was unreachable on her mobile phone. Britney and Kevin - whose divorce was finalised in July - are both required to attend the next court scheduled hearing on Friday.
