Out of control Britney Spears

Britney Spears is allegedly checking into Eric Clapton's rehab centre this weekend.The 'Toxic' singer - who has been granted supervised visitation rights with her sons, two-year-old Sean Preston and one-year-old Jayden James - is reportedly planning to enter the Crossroads Centre in Antigua on today. A source told America's OK! magazine: "Britney's team has been working closely with her attorneys to figure out a way to get the babies back from Kevin."She is surrendering herself to rehab for treatment of depression and alcohol so that there is no question if she is drinking or missing any future tests." She has got to pull her life together or else she will lose the kids for good. She will do whatever her legal team and those closest to her think is best if it means she gets Sean and Jayden back. She is getting the help she needs and everyone is hoping she goes through with it this time."The 25-year-old star briefly visited Crossroads earlier this year before checking out, shaving her head and later checking into Malibu's Promises rehab facility.Britney lost custody of her sons to ex-husband Kevin Federline on Monday after failing to take a court-ordered drugs test. The other day she was granted visitation rights every other day but Kevin still has full custody of the boys until further notice from the court.
NOTE : It seems Britney has been listening to her legal team and her friends for a while now. I think it's time for new friends and new legal team !


Anonymous said…
You got something to work for here, kiddo! Post a picture of your boys and think about them every second you are a wake. Plan the path to getting them back for good, and making wonderful people of your sons. Don't screw them up again! NOT your right and you know that!

Skip the glam and go for the good stuff in life. You CAN do this!!