Britney Spears could allegedly lose custody of her two sons this morning. The lawyer of Britney's ex-husband Kevin Federline is reportedly bringing a"secret" witness to a court hearing in Los Angeles at 8.30am, whose evidence could see two-year-old Sean Preston and one-year-old Jayden James immediately removed from Britney's care. According to Fox news, Kevin's lawyer Gloria Allred filed a signed declaration from the witness, who is described only "as a man who has had close observation of Spears' behaviour with her kids", to the judge hearing the closed court case last week.The 'secret witness' declaration is believed to contain a testimony claiming Britney, 25, has used drugs in her home and in front of her children. Commissioner Scott Gordon - who is hearing the case - is able to rule or dismiss the testimony in its written form but the witness could be called to give evidence in court today if the 'Toxic' singer's legal team wish to cross-examine him. Allred said: "You may recognise him as we walk into court. But maybe not. He is not famous. He's just someone who's concerned about the kids."Britney and her attorney Laura Wasser will have learned the witness' name when the declaration was filed on Friday. Meanwhile, it has also been claimed Britney plans to bribe Kevin with a multi-million dollar sum to allow her joint custody of the children. Kevin, 29, is seeking 70 per cent custody of the boys and Britney is allegedly terrified he has enough evidence to against her to win, and so is resorting to a cash-for-kids settlement, giving her 70 per cent custody A source said: "She is a caring, devoted mom despite her crazy lifestyle.The kids mean the world to her."However, she has finally come to terms with the fact that the way things are heading, she is going to lose them."She doesn't think she will win full custody. So she has decided to reach a compromise with Kevin where she will have most custody."


Anonymous said…
I'll give KFed credit for hiring a brilliant lawyer. Love that Gloria made it so they could have their "secret witness." It's a win win for the ExFed team.

I hope Britney loses custody of her kids. It may be a way to save her life. But then again...she hasn't seem to have learned from her past mistakes, or make a sincere attempt to change her self destructive ways. Choice is hers; I hope she can live with the out come. Or not.
Anonymous said…
Oh... I guess I should've said FedEx, but I really thought him more as an Ex. FedEx actually works!
Anonymous said…
someone needs to force this young girl into getting some help before something awful happens....people like harvey levin who continue to bash and trash her are NOT helping her..funny harvey is appalled at britney yet he backs 2 "men" who have committed despicable sins..go figure..
James Edstrom said…
I agree.... My readers have such insite. Glad to see the world isn't fooled. At least my readers anyway !

Anonymous said…
Brittany, You need to call your mother and go be with your family awhile. You are missing your childrens lives. Spend some time with them.Straighten up before you become the next Anna Nicole.