Britney Spears was booed by fans after being caught out lip-synching during a 'live' performance.The troubled singer was performing at the House of Blues in Florida on Saturday night when technical glitches saw her backing CD skip repeatedly, exposing her miming. A source is quoted by gossip website "It was an ugly scene. The crowd started jeering and heckling her. Britney looked absolutely devastated."When the CD started skipping during the song 'Do Somethin'', Britney hid her face and turned her back. Then, when it resolved itself, she turned around with this look on her face like she was going to puke."Hundreds of fans had queued for hours and spent as much as $500. a ticket to see the show.The appearance was part of a series of 15-minute concerts which have seen Britney perform live for the first time in three years under the pseudonym M+Ms. After the initial hitch, Britney suffered further technical problems, which left her "rolling around on the floor with her headset broken". Britney is not the first star to suffer the embarrassment of being caught miming. Ashlee Simpson was left stunned during a performance on US comedy show' Saturday Night Live' in 2004 when the wrong backing track was accidentally played, leaving her mouthing the wrong words. Madonna was also famously blasted by Sir Elton John for lip-synching at her stage shows.
