Mischa Barton

Former O.C. star Mischa Barton was reportedly very close to tears at a Hollywood party on Wednesday, after an ex-boyfriend called her "one of the fattest people on the planet." Oil heir Brandon Davis aimed the hurtful comments at Mischa after spotting her at Nylon magazine's 11th anniversary bash in Los Angeles, California. In a post on his
Twitter page, he wrote: "Omg. Just realised (sic) my ex turned in to 1 of the fattest people on the planet. I'm gonna start dating plus size models. Not! Mischa the Hefer (sic)." And Mischa was visibly upset by the jibes, according to the
New York Daily News. An onlooker tells the publication, "She was chain-smoking the entire night. Mischa was never without a cigarette in her hand - and a (scowl) on her face."
Photos By: Sara De Boer/Retna
Consider the source, Mr Greasy is not exactly one to throw stones.