The guy or girl that writes this column is a very big industry insider who wishes to remain anonymous, but wants to write about all the headlines happening in Hollywood and the Music Industry.
The guy or girl that writes this column is a very big industry insider who wishes to remain anonymous, but wants to write about all the headlines happening in Hollywood and the Music Industry.

OSCARS - Here’s my yearly shot to speak on next weekend’s Oscar race. Before I state my guesses, let me just say that “A Single Man,” starring Colin firth IS probably the best performance of the year … from a quality standpoint I think. He'll never win the Oscar, but his performance is utterly riveting. If you haven't seen it … you owe it to yourself too. A Tom Ford-Vogue postcard. A treat for sure. OK, here goes: BEST PICTURE: Avatar - Because it was an event and it is James Cameron after all. He has made his films events … and, Hollywood likes that … I think! King Of The World and all that too. BEST ACTOR: – Jeff Bridges - What a great actor and because he deserves it; my favorite film of his, “Fearless.”SUPPORING ACTOR: Christoph Waltz - Been around for years and Tarantino found him … brilliant move! ACTRESS: Sandra Bullock - The performance of her career … she was spot-on perfect! Good movie too! SUPPORTING ACTRESS: - Maggie Gyllenhaal - Riveting performance … she’s a great actress. DIRECTOR: - James Cameron – See above! ABBEY ROAD -- Can EMI Records really be selling the legendary Abbey Road studios in the U.K? Boy, things must be bad if the ancestral home of such legendary groups like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Wham, U2, and Queen, is on the chopping block. Truth is, these days you can pretty much make a studio out of your apartment … and, before you laugh, that’s more the norm these days. Still, it’s tantamount to Disney selling their copyrights! EMI is pushing the idea to pay back their investors … as they rightly feel it’s a high priced commodity. Paul McCartney was contacted and expressed his shock and dismay. Andrew Lloyd Webber, who’s got more money than even McCartney these days, said he just might buy it. You know the famed Capitol Towers out in L. A. at Hollywood and Vine? Several years back, they closed up most of the office space and built some condos. Tragedy yes … reality, for sure!
CARLY SIMON --- So, the U.K.-media has busted a gut proclaiming that Carly Simon has come out and said who her song “You're So Vain” is about ... David Geffen? Coming in tandem with a new album from Carly does seem a mite too convenient … right? Everyone from Mick Jagger to Warren Beatty have been the rumored subject of that song … but, the media , with a nod from Simon, now claims it’s Geffen of all people. Geffen ran Asylum Records, not Elektra, where Carly was based for those hit-making years. They're saying she was jealous of the attention and affection Geffen gave to Joni. Hell, they lived together for several years … maybe Carly should have tried that maneuver? As our savvy colleague Roger Freidman said (damn, he always gets it so right!) “Geffen can rest easy … he never would have been caught dead wearing an apricot scarf anyway!” My money’s on Mick … he even sings on the song and would have had no problem singing about him. In fact, he'd probably loved it! AT&T COMMERCIAL/PERFECT DAY ---I always get a mite giddy when I hear Iggy Pop’s immortal “Lust For Life” used as a car commercial. I mean, they edit out all the fun lines, but, it’s still Iggy! The other day I saw a commercial for AT&T and they used Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” as the music. Brilliantly done and realized. The visual are of a spacewalk … just perfect, you know? Reed's an out-and-out genius.
PATTERSON/CUOMO/A MESS --- I never quite got David Patterson. Sure, the SNL-skit might have been a tad offensive, but I laughed right along with the rest of New York and America. Coming into office after the Elliot Spitzer debacle would have proven a raw deal for almost anyone, but he definitely flip-flopped so often it proved downright irritating. His seemingly regular attacks on the government of New York proved hurtful to hear too. Sure it isn't easy, but he took the job. Remember, he was never voted in … nor ran. Now, he won't run … just after saying he would a mere two weeks ago. I guess this paves the way for Andrew Cuomo to run; all these years after Papa Mario didn't because of much negative innuendo … which was never proven. Let’s face it, it’s a cesspool there. I don't know Andrew at all … but, maybe this is one fight not to win.
WE ARE FAMILY --- So producer Nile Rogers is writing a book. His assistant Sooze actually revealed it to me about a year ago at the China Club. According to Roger Friedman, he’s thinking of entitling it “We Are Family,” after the successful Sister Sledge song (and, album) he produced for them. Along with paramour Nancy Hunt, Roger has cooked up many a successful idea. Be it his We Are family charity (where Micky Dolenz performed two years … and, it was fantastic; the voice of The Monkees .. and, Chic!) or his many successful record productions with Madonna, Duran Duran, Bob Dylan, Diana Ross, the B52s, Sister Sledge, or David Bowie. First and foremost, he was the ringleader of the very influential group Chic that exploded onto the burgeoning dance music scene in the 80s. “Good Times,” “Dance Dance Dance,” and “Le Freak” being three of their monster hits. For me, my favorites were always “I Want Your Love” and “Keep On Dancin’.” As a die-hard Hall And Oates fan, I must reference their song “Adult Education” that Nile mixed for them … as well as adding his dynamic guitar work. That song, to me, is one of the major pivotal rock/dance hits of the 80s. That original lineup in Chic, Rogers, with the late-Bernard Edwards, Fonzi Thornton, Tony Thompson, and vocalist Norma Jean Wright, were the forerunner of much of the dance music scene, and all these years later Chic remains the template for much of R&B music. If you've ever been to a club, you have danced to their music. It was, truly sublime. I’ll never forget one early morning in the 80s I was in a cab heading back to my Upper East Side residence, slumped way back in the cab and we stopped at the 84th and 5th Avenue exit waiting for light to change. All of a sudden I heard this tremendous music real loud, I looked up and there in a Porsche, with two extremely good looking women, was Nile. We acknowledged each other with a nod and a wink and then we both went back to business. His book, which will come via Random House, should be priceless.


Photos By: Sara De Boer/RD/Leon/Walter McBride/Retna