
I just got off the phone with Rita Cosby. Holding back tears, Rita said "Bill was one of the most extraordinary persons she has ever met." I also spoke to public relations wiz Claire O'Connor who said "She is just devastated." She just can not imagine not seeing Bill again, she has known him since she started in the business. Ann Lawlor, from Lawlor Media Group called Bill "The last of the great gentleman." Norah Lawlor, president of Lawlor Media Group said," He was never affected by the world of celebrity. He made everyone feel like an old friend." Publicist Edward Callaghan said, "For over 30 years Bill Murray was my friend and my go-to-man - there wasn't anyone on the planet of any worth that he did not know and know how to reach. He was the most generous and caring professional in a business not known for such qualities and - the last of the great gentlemen in the industry. I will miss him terribly and am so saddened he will never pick up the phone and open with a cheery " How can I help you Eddie? You could almost see his smile." PR icon John Wegorzewski added, "Bill Murray was one of the first people I met in the entertainment business who became a true friend. He was always the consummate gent and a reminder of the days when manners & decency mattered in both professional and personal matters. He will be sorely missed." Jerry Springer publicist Linda Shafran said,"O' captain My captain" Your legacy lives in all you touched and in our saddened hearts. Rest in peace sweet prince "
Publicist David Salidor Remembers Bill Murray
BILL MURRAY – RIP – I knew Bill Murray for what seems like my entire career as an entertainment publicist. I believe I first met him when I was at the infamous Howard Bloom organization in the ‘80s … working on almost 22 accounts. Suffice to say, his guidance and assistance became a quick necessity. He couldn’t have been more helpful and nicer, and that, I believe was Bill’s talent. He had an amazing quality to quickly size up a situation and offer whatever he could. All these years later, I recall taking Micky Dolenz to one of his terrific birthday parties hosted by Rita Cosby and James Edstrom. Micky had an absolutely terrific time, as did I. The range of his contacts and interests always amazed me and as I quickly became a seasoned veteran, I continued to admire his ability to help whenever and do whatever he could do. I can’t even recall how many people he introduced me too … many have become close friends and associates. I also recall at a party for Times Square Gossip, where I took two new clients … their first time at an industry event like this and Bill welcomed them with open arms. I remember quite clearly looking on and really appreciating that. Sending him daily releases and seeing them listed quickly in Celebrity Bulletin was terrific, but Bill was much more than that. In the years we weren’t able to properly subscribe to the sheet, Bill always sent the printed sheet down … that’s the kind of guy he was, dependable. I even shared the same building address for a time with him and it was terrific running into him on a more regular basis. I’d put Bill on the same list as Daily Variety’s late-Army Archerd as a key force in this business. They’ll never be another like him. I was lucky to have known him. Rest easy Bill –
Photos By: Ann Watt/Society Photos
You friends have found you to be a blessing, Mr. Murray. You must have been a wonderful person.
I was gossip columnist on Star magazine and would see Bill frequently at Studio 54 and at various screenings and showbiz oriented events.
He was always utterly charming and amusing and we became fast friends.
Having lived in California for the past ten years, I had not seen Bill in an age, but was much saddened to read of his death.
He was one of the last of the old school and will be much missed on the Manhattan scene.
Richard Mineards,
Santa Barbara. Ca.