Superstar Celine Dion

Singing star Celine Dion has been left "bruised and numb" from her ongoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and constantly bursts into tears over her pregnancy. Celine has been trying for another child with hubby Rene Angelil, and she has undergone four failed attempts by doctors to implant embryos in her uterus. The couple had embryos frozen for in-vitro fertilization while trying to conceive their first child, Rene-Charles, who is now nine years old. Last August the Celine also confirmed she was expecting, but that all ended in sadness when the doctors informed them that Dion was no long pregnant. Celine is also admitting she broke down when she was told the sad news. In footage from her documentary, Celine: Through The Eyes Of The World, she says, "Rene answered the phone and when I saw the tears running down his face, I knew it wasn’t the news we have been longing for. "You do everything right and you’re careful and you rest and then… the disappointment hits you like a wave. But I swear, I’ll keep trying until it works." But the process isn’t easy. Dion also said, "I give the shots (of fertility drugs) to myself. My thighs are bruised and numb and full of lumps from the long needles that go deep into the muscle. I don’t want people saying, ‘Oh, poor Celine,’ but it does take a lot out of me. "Sometimes I just suddenly burst into tears for no reason. Rene and I want this so much and we go crazy waiting for the results. As a girl who grew up with 13 siblings, I found it hard."
Photos By: Sara De Boer/Retna
