
Clay Aiken

Gay Clay Aiken is lending his support to a gay rights rally in North Carolina. The former American Idol singer is delivering a speech at the event this weekend. Clay, who came out of the closet in 2008, will join the activists at the Human Rights Campaign Carolinas gala in his hometown of Raleigh. But Clay is snubbing the pre-prepared speech written for him by the protest organizers because it takes aim at former U.S. president George W. Bush. Instead, the singer has come up with his own words to deliver at Saturday’s rally. He says, "I don’t feel like this is the place to be horribly politically charged and bash people and talk about the wrongs that have been done. My goal is to be hopeful, that it’s time for everyone to have equal rights." Lesbian actress Meredith Baxter, who previously starred on the hit television show Family Ties, will also make an appearance at the event. She declared her sexuality in a magazine expose last year.

Editors Extra: We just love how these people deny they are gay for so many years and then when it's safe for them, they come out of the closet. All the gays that fought for equal rights and these people stood silent, not saying a word. Now that being gay is in, and we are getting rights, they come flying out of their closet like they were helping all the time. And the thing that sucks, is the gay community accepts them and makes them icons, when they did nothing but deny being gay, like it was a disease. Shame on these stars and shame on the homosexual community that welcomes them with open arms!
Photos By: Sara De Boer/Walter McBride/Retna


Anonymous said…
Everyone comes out when they are ready. Nobody is born OUT so who the hell made you judge, jury and executioner? Your attitude harms us more than it helps.
Anonymous said…
I get it James. They want to hide behind the "acceptability" concept rather than the "truth".
Marty said… hurt the cause of gay rights more than help. How dare you expect something personal to be on your time table.

Why didn't you say that Meredith Baxter should go back in the closet too. She came out late in life.

Do you say the same about Neil Patrick Harris and David Hyde Pierce?? If not, why not.......I mean, they didn't follow your timeline.

You are a snob and a bully. Put yourself on the line in front of the world.

When Clay was interviewed just after he came out, he said that the first time he took the stage at Spamalot after he came out, he expected to be booed. But, of course a perfect person like you wouldn't understand that.

Being gay is not always easy and each individual should do what is right for themselves. Because you don't like someone, you do a disservice to the LGBT community.
Anonymous said…
Oh are a putz.

So, with your comments, you are telling me that there is no future for gay people. They are never forgiven for going through a difficult time in their lives. You are saying that even if they do wonderful things, they are lost!!

When did it become popular to be gay?? If given the choice, would someone choose to be gay ?? I doubt son is gay and lives a happy life, but everything would be easier for him if he was not gay. Thank goodness he doesn't know anyone like you who is prejudiced and uncaring.

I guess you must have had not one bit of confusion or concern when you were growing up. Well, good for perfect you.
James Edstrom said…
I don't want to hear this crap that you have to be ready... If you are gay or straight, admit it and live your life. All these famous people, knowing they are gay, pretending to be something they are not.. STRAIGHT.... Kids kill themselves because they have no gay figures to look up too till recently. All these gay people, running around saying, I am straight. When you do that, you are saying there is something wrong with being gay. While so many of us fought for gay rights, these people are in the closet pretending to be something they are not. Living a lie. When we make it safe to be gay, they come running out of the closet like they supported us all the time. The people that are in the closet are almost always the ones that put down gays. I remember in High School. The macho straight guys used to call me faggot and tormented me endlessly. Years later, I saw them in the gay bars. It is almost always the closet case that hates being gay so much, that they lash out at the gay community pretending to be straight. I can't tell you how many so called straight 'fag bashers' years later turned out to be gay. The point was, if everyone came out, there would have been gay rights much sooner and more acceptance sooner. The LGBT community seems to grab any celebrity that comes out and makes them a star, even if for years they denied they were gay. You can call me what you want, I do not like people that stay in the closet. They are saying in essence, that if you are gay, there is something wrong with you..... Im not going to change my views. Where were these people when we were marching in gay rights parades? They were an the sidelines telling everyone that they were straight and basically telling us that there was something wrong with us for being gay. They were in their safe closet pretending to be something they are not. Don't tell me that I did a dis-service to the GLBT community. I was not scared to be gay and I fought for gay rights so these closet case celebrities can now enjoy what we built. Meredith Baxter was different. She really had no idea she was gay till later in life..... She was married and she finally figured it all out. She had no idea... That is acceptable, what is not acceptable is when you know and you deny....

Anonymous said…
James.....this is really hard to read......It would be nice if you remembered about grammar, paragraphs and such if you expect someone to read what you write.

OK.....trying to understand. Because a person grew up in an very conservative Baptist family and was taught that being gay was wrong.....they were conflicted.....they were taught that they had a choice....but as they got out into another environment, learned that this was crap.......they don't say anything for a year because they know their loved ones will not support them....they are in the public arena and are asked over and over and over, but say its none of your business because they have not come out to their mother or family...but with support from friends, finally come out and embrace who they this person has nothing to say about being gay. Don't you think that this person might be just the right person to counsel others who had trouble??

What you are saying is that this person is dammed for life now...even if they do good things. I'm sorry......I just can't believe that.

You are correct. It would be wonderful if all gays were able to come out quickly and not be conflicted. However, for the majority of gays, this doesn't happen.

You have no idea what this young man has gone through. You assume things that you know nothing about. I agree that LGBT members should be proud of who they are and support others that need the support.

Who are you helping by not excepting a gay man?

At what age did you come out?? From what you have written you had a horrible childhood.

At what point do we realize that each person is there own and each person will arrive where they belong in their own way. That is not bad. That is growing and learning.
James Edstrom said…
I did not have a horrible childhood. The point was that I was never afraid to be who I am nor did I lie about it and make everyone else in the world fight for my rights. I fought for my rights and everyone elses. I am just not going to make anyone happy with this story........