
First my view of Rita Cosby: Yes, she has been my friend for many years. She is my friend because she is a good person and a fair and caring person. When I got real sick years ago, I got rid of all the mean and horrible people in the entertainment business that just used me and could give a crap about me. I kept the wonderful ones and have never looked back. Rita is the kind of person who is more than fair. When I first met her when she was on Fox News, I would watch her do stories with love and compassion and most of all fairness. She always gave the person she was interviewing a fair shake, while turning up interesting facts and reporting the way the media should be reporting, fair and un-bias. She wrote the Anna Nicole Smith book based mostly on facts that were already out there. She never wrote the book to trash anyone, she wrote the book in a easy to read format based on information that was there for anyone to see, with or without a book. It was a New York Times Best Seller, so I think that speaks for itself.
Now my view of Anna Nicole Smith: Having met her a few times, I never cared for her. My friend David was her publicist for many years. She was always drunk or drugged up, I do not know which nor do I care. Here was a woman who had the whole world watching her and she threw it all away. She was a drug addict and a drunk who did not appreciate anyone around her nor did she appreciate the things that life had given her. She expected everyone to give her everything and she gave nothing back. Nothing back to the people around her and nothing back to society. When I saw her show on E, I was shocked that a network would give a woman who was nothing more than a glorified drug addict a show, and pay her to boot. She openly did drugs and alcohol around her son Daniel. The poor kid grew up watching his mom smashed all the time and to Daniel, this seemed normal. I blame Anna Nicole Smith and the people around her for Daniels death. Plain and simple. When you have a kid, you need to be a mentor. You need to look responsible, even know you may not be. Daniel died from taking methadone. Maybe we will find out where that came from in the pending case against Howard K. Stern in California. Maybe we will never know. I also feel bad for daughter Danielynn. Anna Nicole Smith took these drugs while she was pregnant. I am sure there will be problems later in her life from this. In reality, Anna Nicole Smith gave her un-born baby drugs. How can anyone do this. In my view, Anna Nicole Smith was a disgusting human being and a drug addict.
My view on Howard K. Stern: I can not put into words how I feel about this low life human being. If I gave someone prescription drugs like they are alleging Howard K. Stern and the doctors did, and they died, I would go to jail.
According to the Fox News website, Eleven prescription medications were found in Smith's hotel room the day she died, according to the medical examiner's office. More than 600 pills — including about 450 muscle relaxants — were missing from prescriptions that were no more than five weeks old when she died. Most of the drugs were prescribed in the name of Stern, her lawyer-turned-companion, and none was prescribed in Smith's own name. Anna Nicole Smith's boyfriend Howard K. Stern and two doctors were charged with giving thousands of prescription drugs to the former Playboy Playmate in the years leading up to her fatal drug overdose in 2007. Stern and doctors Sandeep Kapoor and Khristine Eroshevich were each charged with three felony counts of conspiracy and several other charges of fraudulent prescriptions. Prosecutors said the doctors gave the drugs — including opiates and benzodiazepines — to Stern, who then gave them to Smith. California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown called Stern Smith's "principal enabler" in a press conference, adding that "[Smith] took the drugs almost to the point of stupefication."
Now you decide. Guilty or not guilty. Howard K. Stern lived off Anna Nicole Smith, plain and simple. Weather or not he gave any drugs to anyone, is not the question. Or is it? If you really care about the people around you, you must do everything to protect them. He knew Anna Nicole Smith had a very bad drug problem, yet according to the charges, allegedly kept supplying her with everything. A good person would do everything to get their friend help for their addictions. Many people also ask me if Howard K. Stern made money from media outlets before and after Anna Nicole Smiths death. The answer in my opinion is yes. I could be wrong, but from what I have seen and since I am in the media business for almost 30 years, this guy has made alot on money on the sad life and death of Anna Nicole Smith. Like I said, I could be wrong or I could be right. Will we ever find out, who knows.
On Rose Speaks: This website seemed to just come out of the blue to trash Rita Cosby in June 2007. I never was a reader, but I would get e-mails from people saying this vile website was writing such un-true bad things about Rita Cosby and at times wrote such un-true things about me. The very few times I went over there to see what they were saying, I could see right away that this was a site that looked like it was created solely for making Howard K. Stern look good and to make Rita Cosby look bad.
One posting from Rose Speaks On James Edstrom: Now what does the witness list tell us about Rita Cosby’s defense? First, we noticed she has many of the same witnesses as Howard K. Stern. However, Cosby now tells us that Bruce Littlefield of New York, alleged friend of Cosby’s good pal; James Edstrom was her “ghost writer”. James Edstrom, whom by the way is NOT on the witness list, I wonder why when he brags about being Cosby’s official photographer for years. Perhaps he will be added to the gang of Cosby’s defenders, as the trial gets closer, isn’t that what good friends are for? Perhaps James Edstrom was never a long time good friend and like so many others in this tragic tale, just hung onto the coat tails of Cosby for a bit to get his own publicity. Any of you know how long Edstrom has been Cosby’s “good buddy”? I continue to say this book read so bad that you have to wonder who wrote it and how quickly, you would think an “award winning journalist” would have taken some writing classes to get her degree. Who is Bruce Littlefield anyway, did he do some garage sale shopping books?
Debunking Rose Speaks: Well Rose, or whatever your real name is, why would I have been on the witness list? I knew nothing about the book, I think I met Bruce Littlefield once at a cocktail party at the Waldolph Astoria for like 2 seconds. Do you call that good friends? I would not even know him if I saw him again. Nice you use the word alleged to cover your smelly ass. But hey, we love that word too. Onto the coat tails of Cosby? Unlike you, who allegedly appears to have created Rose Speaks to ride the coat tails of loser Howard K. Stern, I did not use my friendship with Rita to get inside information. I decided my friendship was more valuable with Rita, than some stupid story. We never ever discussed the case. I stopped writing anything about the case, because I never wanted to be accused of being biased or using my friendship for information. Till this day, I have no idea who most of the players are, nor do I care. You are a mean vile person who should be ashamed of hurting such a nice person. It's also funny when the Cosby-Stern case was no longer, you announce you are closing down Rose Speaks. But here we go, Judge Larry Seidlin's new book " The Murder Of Anna Nicole Smith", behold. Rose Speaks is back. You are already allegedly trashing it, and you have not even read it. Who the F**k are you? The answer is no-one important. No-One at all! But I just wanted to tell you how vile and mean you are. I am sure you will have something to say, but you are no-one, so who cares.
On Lincoln Bain: This guy wanted his 15 minutes of fame and he did not care what he did to get it. His stories changed like the wind. I think I read somewhere recently that he opened a shoe store, which it great considering he always puts his foot in his mouth. And one has to wonder where the money came from....
On Lin Wood: I do not like this guy. He picks high profile cases, gets his media attention and disappears. I am not that stupid that the night of Rita Cosby's book party there was a TV crew outside that we kept asking to come inside. They insisted they wanted to stay outside, and behold Rita Cosby is served with papers and they get it all on camera. They were tipped off from someone and there is no doubt about it. Lin Wood loves the media spotlight. Funny how he has now disappeared since Howard K. Stern is fighting charges in California. He threw subpoenas around like they were going out of style and the sad thing is the court let him do this. I hope he lost a small fortune in expenses on this court case, as I do not think he will ever recoup what he has spent from Howard K. Stern.
My views on Larry Birkhead: I am ashamed I rooted for this guy to get his baby back. If it was not for Debra Opri, I think it could have been many more years for him to get Danielynn back. She took this guy, dressed him up and gave him a image that made everyone in the world want him to have his baby back. He finally gets the child and bam, joins Howard K. Sterns side. He joins Howard K. Stern, the man who went on Larry King and swore he was the father of the baby and not Larry. The man who tried to take Danielynn away from him. We also think the photo caption on Hollywood Gossip says it all. "We wonder how much money Larry Birkhead was paid to exploit his daughter on every entertainment news show he could find." We also wonder at Times Square Gossip about all these alleged gay rumors. When someone writes them, he says he will sue and he never does. What does that tell us? I tried to research to see if Opri was ever paid anything and could not find anything. Does any of our readers know? Larry Birkhead, you should be ashamed. You really should be.
What I think should be done now: Whoever gave Anna Nicole Smith these prescription drugs, should go to jail. I have no idea who did what, nor do I care about this case anymore. I think a message has to be sent out to the world about prescription drugs and the people that knowingly supply them. Weather the Anna Nicole Smith case or the Michael Jackson case, a message has to be sent. So many people have died recently because of the abuse of prescriptions. Hopefully people will start to educate themselves when they get a prescriptions from their doctors. Ask questions, go over everything you are taking with your Doctor and make sure you do not abuse them. Too many lives are being lost.
Finally: I hope I never have to write anything about this case again. The people involved make me sick. You are all vile low-lives who need to crawl back into the hole you came from!
Photos By: Sara De Boer/James Edstrom/Retna
I'm glad Rita did the book. She said once she has enough information for at least another book. If she has been prohibited form using the information personally, then I do hope it will find the hands of someone else who is not afraid to print the truth.
So many people have been so hurt by the people involved in all of this. I don't think anyone walked away without a few scars, including yourself.
I followed this story for awhile and kept hoping that a "good guy" would appear.
First Larry,The J. O'Quinn, then Don Clark - in the end they all turned out to be illusions. There are no good guys in this story.
The one thing you didn't write about are the people who took advantage of Rita Cosby's trust and fed her false information to suit their own agenda. I wonder why you left them out of your last story on this subject?
Now there's a book in this whole ordeal. A story about money, greed, betrayel, dishonesty, fame-seeking and I'm not talking about the life of Anna Nicole Smith but the leeches who crawled out of some dark place after her death. For what? their 15 minutes.
I feel sorry for anyone who really cared or thought that their would ever be answers to the questions.
I doubt anyone will ever know what really happened to Daniel, except that his life was tragic and his death even more so.
As far as RoseSpeaks and her members, makes one want to believe in Heaven and Hell, doesn't it?
Unfortunately you can see that the whole sorry lot of them are as vile and nasty today as they were years ago.
They feel no shame, no remorse, no regret.
It's business as usual and on to the next smear job, because hey that's what they do.
Like our parents use to tell us
"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".
Again James,
I'm sorry that your friendship with Rita and your quest for some answers and truth ended up leaving scars. Maybe there are some good guys in all of this and everyone has just been looking in the wrong place.
Good luck in the future and again, God Bless you and your loved ones.
Thank you for your article. I really get how upset Nelda Turner (that's her real name) makes you feel. I was a moderator on her site for over a year (yes, I feel embarrassed about that) and when I decided to leave the site due to the lies and comments on her blog I became a target for this disgusting woman and gang of crazy bloggers including her husband Ken. It was a nightmare and they even went as far as using my family against me. That is the way she treats her friends. I helped and protected her and my loyalty was treated with no regard. Nelda and her bloggers tormented, published lies and ridiculed me so if I am getting a laugh this morning over your article please forgive me because I certainly understand how pissed off you feel at that creepy woman.
Hey, I'm with you "who cares".
Might explain the rage she demonstrates against anyone who dares to oppose her.
She can't say anything back to the Master so she takes it out on everyone else.
James, you forgot to mention very important player in Anna's life, her estranged MOTHER Virgie Arthur. Mrs.Arthur had an exclusive contract with Splash/ David Leigh. Virgie sold Daniel Smith's pictures, and Texas Memorial. She also braught Splash reporter to morgue. He took pictures of dead Vickie Hogan/Anna Nicole and sold them to tabloids. Virgie also filed a defamation lawsuit against 40 bloggers, Larry Birkhead, H.Stern.
No matter how many times you show them proof that they're wrong, the attackers of Mrs. Arthur continue to spread their same old lies.
Mrs. Arthur did not have an exclusive contract with anyone. She sold pictures of Daniel and the family long before Daniel's death, for a mere $5,000.
No photographer from Splash or any other publication entered the morgue and took pictures of a deceased Anna. Howard, however, was there, and we know he takes a camera everywhere he goes. "This picture will be worth money some day."
There was no media coverage of Daniel's Texas memorial.
I think it's very obvious why Mrs. Arthur has resorted to suing the bloggers such as Anonymous above. They just can't stop themselves from libeling and lying about her.
I have to agree with a comment above "There are no HERO's in this saga'. It is time to move on and get on with our lives. We may never know the answers to the questions we once thrived on getting. I still say a little prayer here and there for Daniel and I always will but I refuse to get in bed with losers and be used trying to help. I have moved on and I am happy to hear that you have as well.
Keep your head up James!
My heart goes out to Ms. Arthur and I pray for success in this lawsuit showing the public what she endured and holding those accountable. After realizing how low the group went to hurt a grieving mother/grandmother is horrifying.
I don't think Ms. Arthur will ever fully recover from what she has endured, losing two love ones and the attacks followed merely for being Anna's mom and Daniel's grand mom. Ms. Arthur may not have understood media or the how to play the public but IMO Stern did and used it against her but my question is why did he and his group of helpers have the need to harm a mother/grand mother that way, what is their motive?
I have read on the site the created to defend Stern referring to him a narcissist. A very revealing term known to be great performers and their ability to use emotions and fool others is well documented finding this trait in people like Scott Petterson and Casey Anthony. IMO his supporter is saying what he is yet they continue to chant their nonsense and apparently ignore the evidence shown in a court of law.
In conclusion, anyone with a reasonable thought process and even if at one time you believed Stern sincere after all the evidence that has come forward the only thing you could walk away feeling is Stern is a narcissist and I have to give credit for at least his support site said it. Now they have to understand what a narcissist is and what they are capable of. You could start with realizing the only thing they care about is their image and their needs and no way do they care about anyone else. If you want to disregard what happen to Anna and her son by him a personality disorder start studying what a narcissist does to his family and friends.