Lindsay Lohan

Licking Lindsay Lohan has hitting out at her dad Michael after he claimed he’ll release conversations he had about the star with her mom Dina. Lindsay Tweeted: “My father is a lunatic and doesn't even deserve such a title since he's never been around in my life other than when he'd threaten me and my family. “He should be where he has always put himself after verbally abusing and physically abusing people all my life- behind bars.” Michael Lohan recently said that he’s given tape recordings of private telephone chats about his daughter to television shows. He also recently told reporters that Lindsay is hooked on prescription drugs saying: “You know why Lindsay’s not acting in feature films right now? Because she can’t. When you hug her it’s like she’s vacant inside.”
Editors Note: We looked for these tweets, as reported by several media outlets and could not find them. As much as we dislike Lindsay because of the way she acted one night towards me when she was with Kate Moss, we tend to agree with her here. So take it for what it is, Gossip !
Photos By: RD/Dziekan/Retna
