Licking Lindsay Lohan's ex-girlfriend DJ Samantha Ronson are feeding more rumors that her romance with the former star is back on, after changing her relationship status on Facebook. The licking couple reunited on Thursday afternoon when Lohan stopped by the DJ's Hollywood Hills home and they spent several hours together. It was the first time Lohan and Ronson had met up since their break up. Shortly after the meeting, Ronson reportedly changed her Facebook profile to "It's complicated," prompting speculation the lesbians are working out their problems to rekindle their love. During a TV interview that aired that afternoon, Lohan refused to rule out getting back together with Ronson, telling talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, "I really care about Samantha and we'll see what happens. Maybe when we're fully in the right place...I love her."
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna
