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During a very short court appearance, a quiet Chris Brown pleaded not guilty today to felony charges of assaulting and threatening to kill Rihanna last February. The star arrived at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center at 3:24 a black SUV, accompanied by his mother and four bodyguards. A coterie of sheriff's deputies escorted them into the high security building. After hearing the counts against him—assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury and making criminal threats—and being asked for his plea by Los Angeles California Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg, Brown answered with a "not guilty, your honor." Brown's legal team, headed up by lead attorney Mark Geragos, has been busy trying to hammer out a plea deal with prosecutors that would prevent their client from having to serve any jail time. If convicted on all the charges, he faces a maximum sentence of four years and eight months in prison.
