Sarah Palin And Family

Presidential candidate John McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, said Monday her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. The shocking announcement stole even more thunder from McCain and a Republican presidential convention already overshadowed by Hurricane Gustav. Adding to the day's drama, McCain aides said the announcement was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's child. Today's statement, attributed to Sarah and Todd Palin and released by the campaign, said that Bristol Palin would keep her baby and marry the child's father, identified only as a young man named Levi. The baby is due in late December."Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."

Editors Note: Having a pregnant teen is not what worries me. What worries me, is the fact that Palin has very little government experience and has close ties to Big Oil. She is in favor of opening up Alaska for drilling. It would help if these politicians would wake up. The Oil companies for years have had leases to drill in Alaska and many other places and they won't do it. The Oil thief's refuse to build new refineries as this would bring down the price of Oil. In fact, the Oil companies haven't built any new refineries in over 20 years. Maybe over 30 years. It's time the government sticks it to the huge companies with tax increases and more regulation on how much profit they can make. They made over a Trillion in profits so far this year and they continue to raise the prices. It's time the government starts their own Oil business. Some things are better run by the government. They just are.


Anonymous said…
Ah, James! So very much is wrong with the entire picture. First, the lack of solid experience on the part of the governor is a real concern here. She just doesn't have the experience to be placed into such a high level position. Kind of rushing the gate. Maybe, in a few years, she can focus more on what a NATIONAL LEADER is when she has taken on progressively deeper roles. For now, she would be best fighting sex classes being served up at public schools. She seems to think she is qualified to handle that.

When an authority figure can not teach appropriate morality in her OWN HOME, she has NO business trying to lecture to a larger audience. Personally, IMO, her plate is filled with her own self serving interests: She has a down's child who she should be focusing on; there are other young girls and a boy who are watching the sexual irresponsibility of an older sibling. And, who will be raising THAT child??? Mama???

Good heavens, give it up! This person is NOT cut out to be a world leader when she can't manage her own very small household. She is giving the rest of us TRADITIONAL REPUBLICAN MOTHERS a very bad name.

I am writing in Hilary this time.