Hollywood star Jessica Alba isn’t competitive with rival actresses, because she believes they should come together to seek equality with their male counterparts.The actress has risen to become one of today’s biggest Hollywood stars, competing with fellow movie star friends Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson and Eva Mendes for the top movie roles. But Alba doesn’t consider her peers a threat and instead is urging them to stand up and demand equal pay and similar treatment to male actors.She says, "I’m not competitive with them (actresses). I root for all of them because we definitely don’t have equality with men in this business."There are a lot more men making a lot more money and headlining movies than women, and the more of us who can come up and do that the better. I want my friends to produce, direct, act, write, all of it." She adds, "I think being competitive defeats the whole female movement. I want to be encouraging to my girlfriends. Totally."
