Toxic singer Britney Spears mom is turning to God in a desperate bid to turn the family around. Lynne Spears has a lot on her mind because her eldest daughter has been hospitalized twice for mental illness this year and underage teenager Jamie Lynn is pregnant.But the mother is philosophical about the family’s problems, revealing she’s hoping regular prayers will turn their fortunes around.In an exclusive new interview with the upcoming issue of Life & Style magazine, Lynne Spears says, "All I can do is turn to God for answers and just leave it in his hands." Spears admits she was "a bit disappointed" when her youngest daughter fell pregnant, but now she’s resolved to the idea of becoming a grandmother again and she thinks 17-year-old Jamie Lynn will make a great mom. She explains, "She really has a way with children - she’s a natural nurturer.I just wish she had waited a bit." And, as for Britney, who was recently diagnosed bipolar amid her custody battle with ex-husband Kevin Federline, Lynne insists the eldest daughter would greatly benefit from spending more time with her young sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James. She adds, "I pray for Britney every day to be a better mother. She’s gone through a lot of trauma, but she seems to be coming out of it, and it’s showing in her relationship with the boys. They’re really bonding."
Editors Note: All this from mother of the year Lynn Spears !


Anonymous said…
One does not "fall pregnant" ! It is an action packed activity that should belong to responsible adults. Spears is only a child with no means to emotionally care for a child. No means to financially care for a child. And mom does not have a good track record.

If you really care for the baby *more than you care for your own selfish emotions** put the baby up for adoption with two loving, stable adults. Then you may get on with you fun partying. A child is NOT a toy to take out, play with, and put away. Nor does this child need to suffer while you get your growing up act out of the way...

IF you care for the baby, act responsibly toward the stability of the child.