Hillary Clinton has the experience

Times Square Gossip and Famed Hollywood star Jack Nicholson are endorsing Hillary Clinton for President. You can see Jack's YouTube video endorsing Hillary above, but after looking at every candidate I feel it's time for Times Square Gossip to tell the world who we think will be the best President. I am not going to get into a real complicated speech. I am a registered Republican who never wanted Bush as President. I told all my friends why he was bad for this country, and now they believe me. I am switching to Democrat as I don't believe the Republican party can help this country anymore. I have listened to McCain and think he is a nice guy, but he just does not get it. Obama is nothing more than a great speaker with no experience. He knows how to shake a crowd up but this election should be about experience only. I met Hillary Clinton when she was in the White House. I never liked her before I met her, I don't know why, I didn't. When I first met her I found her to be smart and she knew what was going on in the world. She talked to me for a very long time, even know there were thousands of politicians and fans waiting for a photo with her. My conversation with her changed my views on her. There's something about the way she comes over on TV that does not do her justice. If you met her, you would love her. This election should be about experience and not about charisma. I have watched the debates and listened to all the sides. I am going to have a lot of powerful Republican friends telling me I'm crazy to support Hillary Clinton and some might even be pissed off at me. But the way I figure this whole election is, Hillary has the most experience and when she has some huge problem and needs advice, she also has husband Bill Clinton to give her guidance. I know the Clinton camp has been staying away from saying Bill could help when needed, but when Bill was in the White House, I bet he asked Hillary many times for her advice. So I believe when electing Hillary, we also are electing Bill. It's kinda of electing two Presidents. My millions of readers need to get to the polls tomorrow and cast their vote. We can't afford to risk this country to some new comer with very little experience. Obama may be a nice guy, but we need leadership now. Hillary Clinton is the person we need. Hillary Clinton is a proven leader !


Anonymous said…
Thank you, James!
Anonymous said…
Something found today....
