Hole singer Courtney Love is slamming reports that she is bipolar, insisting she is suffering from the disorder are "slander".The former party girl is furious her erratic behaviour is constantly being referred to as a result of the alleged illness, although she does admit to being somewhat "eccentric" because of her tendency to speak her mind.Writing on her MySpace blog, she says, "God, people are bats**t. And I'm (sic) not the one who is. and i hear now i am "Bi Polar" uhhhh…that's more nuts than I will ever be. I may be Eccentric, i certainly speak my mind and am slow to put out a record i need to mean the world to ME, and I'm sure i am quite Neurotic (sic) but "Bi Polar" . That's just slander.I shoot straight from the hip and spellcheck has NOTHING to do with REALITY."
