"Celebrity Autobiography: In Their Own Words," the acclaimed, long-running L.A-based comedy sensation has taken New York by storm and has extended its run (Mondays at 7:30PM) through March 24 at The Triad Theater (158 West 72nd Street). Produced by Angelo Fraboni, Eugene Pack, Dayle Reyfel and Peter Martin, the show continues to draw top talent to its rotating cast and bold -faced names to its sold-out audiences."Celebrity Autobiography: In Their Own Words" features a line up of revolving performers who will interpret the actual words and stories written by the famous and the infamous, in both solo and ensemble "chamber" pieces. Some of the "authors" that are featured include Ivana Trump, Vanna White, Mr. T, Star Jones, Kenny Loggins, Tommy Lee, Sylvester Stallone, 'N Sync, Zsa Zsa Gabor, David Cassidy, Neil Sedaka, Britney Spears, Madonna, Burt Reynolds and Loni Anderson, as well as the infamous memoirs of Elizabeth Taylor, Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, which are edited together to create a Rashomon-esque playlet in the participants' own words."Celebrity Autobiography", created by Emmy nominated writer and performer Eugene Pack and co-produced/developed with Dayle Reyfel, has been a monthly event in Los Angeles that attracts celebrities as guest performers and audience members. In 2005, "Celebrity Autobiography" premiered on Bravo-TV as a one-hour comedy special. As Pack explains, "I would listen to a lot of books-on-tape, particularly autobiographies, and was astounded at what people would write about. If I got a hold of one of the books, I'd read it out loud to a friend, and they'd insist I was making it up….but people actually wrote these words. I thought that putting the material up in front of an audience would be extremely entertaining." One night, Pack had access to a comedy space and asked a group of fellow performers and comedians to bring in excerpts of autobiographies that were not necessarily written to be funny. The evening was an instant success---and it soon became a monthly performance piece, co-hosted and co-produced by Dayle Reyfel. After covering over 300 different bios, "Celebrity Autobiography: In Their Own Words" is never short of material because every week, someone else has written their life story!A portion of the proceeds of "Celebrity Autobiography" will benefit The Actors' Fund, a nationwide human services organization that helps all professionals – both performers and those behind the scenes - in performing arts and entertainment. Founded in 1882, The Fund serves those in film, theatre, television, music, opera, and dance with a broad spectrum of programs including comprehensive social services, health services, supportive and affordable housing, emergency financial assistance, employment and training services, and skilled nursing and assisted living care. Administered from offices in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, The Actors' Fund is a safety net, providing programs and services for those who are in need, crisis, or transition. Please visit The Actors' Fund website at www.actorsfund.org. Monday evenings (7:30) through March 24th-- Tickets for "Celebrity Autobiography" are scaled at $35.00 - $45.00 (plus a 2 drink minimum). Tickets are available in advance through Smartix by phone at 212-868-4444 or online at www.SmartTix.com.
Scheduled to appear Monday, March 10th: Matthew Broderick, Kristen Johnston, Rachel Dratch, Rick Holmes, Kristen Wiig, Sherri Shepherd,Eugene Pack, Dayle Reyfel, Richard Kind,Claudia Shear, and more!!