Willie Nelson

Former Marijuana smoker Willie Nelson is taking up jogging at the age of 74, in a bid to stay fit and healthy.The life long weed smoker recently kicked the great drug and he has taken up exercise to boost his life expectancy. He tells Spinner.com, "I have started running. What I was trying to do was do at least as much good in the daytime as I was destroying in the nighttime. But it got to the point where I was losing ground. "I had to start trying to stay alive or I was going to die. So I’ve had to give up the smoking and drinking. And when I quit that and started running, I got a lot healthier."
Editors Note: Whats this world coming too, when Willie Nelson gives up pot!


Anonymous said…
Love you Willie! They threw out the mold when you were born! Blessings.
Anonymous said…
I thought the same thing James!
Damn, he looks sad about it in that picture you posted. LOL