Rupert Everett has credits being gay with allowing him to maintain his sanity.The 48 year old Hollywood star insists if he wasn’t gay, his out-of-control sex drive would make him a serial womaniser addicted to sex, drugs and orgies. He says, "It’s just as well I’m gay. If I was straight, I’d be a hopeless mad movie star who f**ks everything that moves. That’s what I’d be like - married to every single girl that I’d worked with, on wife number 10 by now, always being sued for divorce because I’d been caught with two chicks somewhere."Or I’d be like a rapper - three girls at the same time, coke, orgies, yachts. I would be a monster, actually. I’d have to be competitive on a lad level with all those other male movie stars."
Editors Note: Yes, Gay people don't sleep around !
