Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom


Anonymous said…
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.
Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.
Anonymous said…
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!
Anonymous said…
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You
Anonymous said…

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.
Anonymous said…
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...
Anonymous said…
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..
Anonymous said…
hear hear, say what
Anonymous said…

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,
Anonymous said…
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...
Anonymous said…
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.
Anonymous said…
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.
Anonymous said…
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?
Anonymous said…
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.
Anonymous said…
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!
Anonymous said…
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.

Anonymous said…
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."

Anonymous said…
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.
Anonymous said…
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!
Anonymous said…
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.
Anonymous said…
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!
Anonymous said…
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.
Anonymous said…
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.
Anonymous said…
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!
Anonymous said…
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!
Mo said…

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!
Anonymous said…
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...
Anonymous said…
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."
Anonymous said…
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!
Anonymous said…
another photo there as well....
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!

Anonymous said…

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!
Anonymous said…


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!
Anonymous said…
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...
Anonymous said…
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.
Anonymous said…
lol let em all go downwith the ship
Anonymous said…
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.
Anonymous said…
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.
Anonymous said…
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.
Anonymous said…
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!
Anonymous said…
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!
Anonymous said…
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!
Anonymous said…

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.
Anonymous said…
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!
Anonymous said…
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....
Anonymous said…
passing thru...I agree...Moe may not have been truthful in the beginning...I felt he wasn't...and he'll have to live with that...BUT, I feel sometimes People CAN and Do come clean when given enough time to think it through...I hope thats the case...and welcome TRUTHFULNESS from ANY of the Players in this SICK SAGA....even if it's later than it should be...IMO
Anonymous said…
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
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Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
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DISCLAIMER : Times Square Gossip is all about gossip TRUE or NOT TRUE ! The content that is published contains rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, and factual information from magazines and newspapers around the world as well as sources, television and other means. Postings may contain erroneous or inaccurate information. The owner of this site does not insure the accurateness of any content presented on Times Square Gossip.Com . Furthermore, please notify us of any mistakes in any story.We will correct. We try to use photos from our vast collection of images taken over the last 20 years. Some photos are found on the internet. If we used a image of yours by mistake, please contact us at TheBestGossip@aol.com and we will remove right away !
Anonymous said…
Why is ET reporting the picture as her death photo, when she is in her bed in the Bahamas?
Anonymous said…
What is the purpose of spamming the board again?
Anonymous said…
passing thru-Remember when she fell in the pool-he could of jumped in anyone that loves someone would have and I highly doubt he would not of jumped in the Ocean if he did not know how to swim.I think reflecting on what Taz said in her interview she felt they were being set up and they were.I think Moe knows it all he has too!If Moe has pictures bet you a dollar so does Ford Shelly have tapes.But Howard was stupid enough to take them in the first place.Got to make that dollar!
Anonymous said…
aunt b...they are trying to discredit it by saying that...THAT way everyone is focused on the FACT it ISN'T a DEATH PHOTO...(so then people will say...oh! it's a fake, and not think again...if you noticed they cleaned it up , as well).AND they are trying to keep our eyes OFF OF WHAT it REALLY is....ABUSE and NEGLECT and HOSTAGE-TAKING....IMO
Anonymous said…
ET is just spinning the story.

They know that website has already stated that they are taken before she died. They said the truth will be told tomorrow about them. blahblah
Anonymous said…
"Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of spamming the board again?"

shows thier level of intelect
Anonymous said…
Aunt B said...
Why is ET reporting the picture as her death photo, when she is in her bed in the Bahamas?

Because they are still looking for ways to cash in...and of course it keeps them "in" with Howie.
Anonymous said…
Is this the third "death picture" maybe?

Anonymous said…
Not only have I read it is a death photo but have seen it reported that the pics of Anna @ boxing match was the day before her death. What the flip? Wasn't that a month prior to her demise?! Can't anybody get this story straight, grrr...........
Anonymous said…
Someone needs to send the above trash to James. Be a same if VA or Rita should see the likes of that...

ET: The spin they gave: Tomorrow they will give proof the pics were not taken of a dead ANS. Wow. Who said she was dead when the photos were taken that ET should under take disproving it?

Once again, the release of the photos works the same as HKS releasing info to control the media spin to us, the viewers. He is trying very hard to persuade and disuade; to try to influence the potential jurors in the inquest and the upcoming trials-- "Look! With all the media, I can't get a fair shake!" Yet, it is HKS that keeps mistaking ET for 911! ET has become Howie's 911 against future court dates...pathetic and coniving; does not upgrade the view most hold of attys.
Anonymous said…
...oops! Be a SHAME...
Anonymous said…
You said it!
Anonymous said…
Passing thru...pretty obvious how they spin to the unknowing Public...

CAN'T WAIT for news about the PARTY!!! Hope I can stay AWAKE!!!These pics breaking kept me awake till 3:30 am this morning...TOO disturbed by them to sleep...Annas face just HAUNTED me....The Woman needed help and Stern kept ANYONE who MAY have helped away...

SO SAD.........................
Anonymous said…
I can't believe how HKS is feeding the media with the timing of his actions; LB's timing of "oh, aren't we so sweet and distant from HKS" doesn't play.Talk about a sick control freak!

Recall the story of King Midas...
Anonymous said…
Sterns house of PILL BOTTLES is falling around him...ONLY question IS...WHO ALL will get BURIED WITH HIM........??????? I WOULDN'T stand TOO CLOSE!!!!
Anonymous said…
I have trouble getting those child proof caps off the bottles; how did a drugged up, dying ANS do it, do you think? HMMMMMMMM!
Anonymous said…
TMZ posts say STERN on larry king live on the 10th...showing on larrys schedule. LARRY is NUTS TOO!!!! UNLESS it's LEVIN AGAIN?????
Anonymous said…
lol! They are sure working overtime to get the PR before juries... I am bored by there shananigans...
Anonymous said…
The Authorities need to WAKE UP...The MEDIA needs to WAKE UP...This is a travesty...A Woman can be treated as such and....WHAT???

We CANNOT give UP....
Anonymous said…
pt....YES!!.....THEN he'll COMPLAIN about NO FAIR JURY!!!!

I SAY HANG HIM....HE don't need no JURY!!!! IMO
Anonymous said…
I HOPE LARRY lays the BOOTS to him....
Anonymous said…
Whack posted for banned sisters... do you recall the correct site? I was going to go there for a a first time...
Anonymous said…
Maybe Larry is tired of Howie playing the threat card... maybe he will drop a Brick on Howie's Head! lol
Anonymous said…
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Passing thru...pretty obvious how they spin to the unknowing Public...

CAN'T WAIT for news about the PARTY!!! Hope I can stay AWAKE!!!These pics breaking kept me awake till 3:30 am this morning...TOO disturbed by them to sleep...Annas face just HAUNTED me....The Woman needed help and Stern kept ANYONE who MAY have helped away...

SO SAD.........................

I know what you mean about the pictures. I won't look at them because I'm afraid they will haunt me and that's all I would think about. I don't understand how the pro-Stern people can still defend him. They believe every lie he tells. Who in their right mind would believe that Anna was acting for the camera? People who throw up usually go to the bathroom and wash their face off. They don't let it smear all over their face and neck and have their picture taken. Unless of course they're so doped up they don't know what's going on. I hope and pray that Howard gets what he deserves (and it "ain't" going to be good). He is sick and anyone who believes him after Rita's book and those pictures are sick as well. Just my opinion, of course.

Anonymous said…
I know what you mean about the pictures. I won't look at them because I'm afraid they will haunt me and that's all I would think about.

what pictures? do you have a link?
Anonymous said…
Not seeing the pictures might be a wise thing to do. ANS appears listless in the one; the other, she looks very weak and strung out... Keep the better photos of her in your mind and let the rest go.

Years back, I bought the mag that carried the photos of Nicole Brown Simpson. They were bad... I had to hide them so my kids wouldn't accidentally find them. Just terrible. Guess I am telling you somethings just aren't worth being curious over.
Anonymous said…
passing, I want to see them, do you mind linking me? thanks
Anonymous said…
from above:


Need to go to bed; work in AM Night!
Anonymous said…
that link does not work..
Anonymous said…
never mind I found the vomit one
Anonymous said…
Legal Eagle:
Here is yours: Originally Posted by LegalEagle View Post
I am reading some of the most amazing posts regarding post-op food here today.

Would some of you like to give me the name of the hospital and city and state where you say you could do things like bring your family member food? And what their operation was?

In more than 30 years, in 5 cities and 8 hospitals, with 22 friends and family members, I have never known one to permit me to come in the day after, or the following day, and bring FOOD or DRINK to the patient!

I'm sorry, but I find this impossible to believe.

Just give me the name of the hospital and city/state. I'd love to contact them and confirm that you can have Taco Bell food for example.



Mine: ANS had a c-section. She would have been on a liquid or soft food diet following major surgery. All c-sections are on soft food. Imagine trying to process solid food under stitches; imagine straining the bowels following surgery. Imagine intestional gas following surgery. Obvious why soft foods following the c-section.
Anonymous said…
The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Very interesting read.....

Anonymous said…
Thanks, passing thru. I am curious about the pictures, but not enough to make myself sick by looking at them. Have you seen this nice picture of Virgie and Rita?


Anonymous said…
WOnder who paid for that get up.

SHe looks like a pig
Anonymous said…
She looks just like Anna. It's the genes, yanno.

Oh I forgot...you do not speak english...

he-say ooks-lay just-jay ike-lay nna-ay. t's-ay he-tay enes-gay, anno-yay.
Anonymous said…
Hors d'oeuvres weren't the only delectables served at Wednesday night's party in Manhattan for Rita Cosby's bombshell book Blond Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. The husky-voiced former MSNBC and Fox fox was slapped with a copy of a $60 million libel suit from Smith lawyer and hanger-on Howard K. Stern just as she set foot on her own red carpet.
"He used this as a publicity opportunity for himself," Cosby said of Stern, and she immediately handed the papers to her publicist. "It just shows me that with all these guys, it was always smoke and mirrors."

Stern, Anna Nicole's companion at the time of her death, filed the hefty lawsuit on Tuesday. In it, he refutes Cosby's claims that he used cocaine, conspired to commit kidnapping and murder, and had a homosexual affair with Dannielynn's true babydaddy, Larry Birkhead.

"It stuns me that someone like Howard K. Stern would accuse me of cashing in," Cosby huffed to Radar as she autographed copies of Blond Ambition. At her side during the signing was Smith's grieving mother, Virgie Arthur.

The anti-drug advocacy group D.A.R.E., on the other hand, is happy about the book: They're reaping 10 percent of the profits, which a former DEA agent said will go toward funding curricula on prescription drug abuse.

Also on hand was Mark Speer, the former Birkhead bodyguard who recently accused Larry of posing for paparazzi at Smith's deceased son Daniel's grave. Speer said he's keeping mum with "50 percent" of the dirt he has to dish. What's still secret is "huge," he boasted to Radar. "There's still a lot to be divulged."

Village Voice columnist Michael Musto brought levity to the event. He said he's half way through the book, which sits at No.13 on the New York Times best-seller list. It's an easy read, he told Radar. "There's a lot of pictures." But he's so far unimpressed by the book's big gay revelation. "The thing about Howard and Larry didn't shock me at all—two people in show business are gay?"

Anonymous said…
Anna Nicole Smith's longtime companion Howard K. Stern and the bodyguard who attempted to revive the actress as she lay dying are locked in a new legal battle over alleged stolen photographs. Stern's attorney L. Lin Wood is advising media groups to steer clear of photos Moe 'Big Moe' Brighthaupt is offering round, because he claims they were obtained illegally.

The images range from sweet family shots of Anna Nicole and her baby daughter Dannielynn to disturbing images of the tragic actress/model throwing up.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Wood says, "Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that Moe Brighthaupt had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and (baby daughter) Dannielynn were posted on various internet websites. These photographs are the property of the estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"The estate shall pursue all available remedies against any individual or entity involved in the unauthorised distribution or publication of these, or any other, stolen photographs."

But Brighthaupt insists Stern and Wood are in the wrong and he has never stolen anything from his former mistress.

He says, "Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various internet websites. Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends but continues to question why (these) pictures of Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place."

Anonymous said…
Also on hand was Mark Speer, the former Birkhead bodyguard who recently accused Larry of posing for paparazzi at Smith's deceased son Daniel's grave. Speer said he's keeping mum with "50 percent" of the dirt he has to dish. What's still secret is "huge," he boasted to Radar. "There's still a lot to be divulged."

Can't wait for this....
Anonymous said…
I hope Virgie and others had a good time at the party. A lot on the Horizon.
Does anyone know if the Bahamas allows prisoners access to cameras.
I hope so because "ankles" seems addicted to taking degrading photos.
It's like he decided to 'payback' Anna for all the humiliation that he thought he suffered.
That gentleman is seriously disturbed.
Anonymous said…
Virgie looks absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...
WOnder who paid for that get up.

SHe looks like a pig

Hey prick.. one could ask who paid for everything the Stern camp has..
Virgie paid for eveything with her own money.
Can you say that for Stern or Larry?
That baby is Stern & Larry's meal ticket.

Anonymous said…
Brought over from TMZ...

By the way, when Rita walked up to the mike and held the suit over her head, she said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I've been served!" And the crowd went WILD with applause and laughter.

"When Lin's errand boy told me I was served, just outside the door here...."

And the crowd BOOOOOOOed!

"When he handed me this, uh, this... well, THIS!" and she held up the suit again.

The people ROARED!

"I told him, 'Thank you!'"

The crowd screamed with laughter.

"I told him, 'Thank you, we were expecting this!' ....And now I ask you, Were we expecting this?"

The crowd yelled even louder.

"Is this what we've wanted all along?" she yelled. The crowd continued to roar as Rita stepped away from the mike.

Posted at 1:58AM on Oct 4th 2007 by The Delusional Walk Among Us
Anonymous said…
A poster on TMZ has figured out the pictures properties to determine the time they were taken...DON'T ask dumb ole me HOW!!


On this page, click on the thumbnail to enlarge (if you want to be grossed out)


date picture taken 1/12/2007 3:11 PM
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

date picture taken 1/20/2007 9:15 AM
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

There's a new image, a close-up of stoned Anna (click on thumbnail to enlarge)


date picture taken 1/12/2007 8:29 AM
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT


Posted at 5:34AM on Oct 4th 2007 by Team Lynda: I Will Ahava Banana While Swims Is Snurfing in his Cesspool Ocean with Butterflies on the Brain Oh Happy Day!

My point in posting these is THIS...

NOTICE TWO taken on the same day...ONE in the early am 8ish...and the other hours later 3ish (THIS is the vomit photo)...WAS he STANDING THERE WAITING for her to aspirate???

Anonymous said…
Obviously Virgie's conscious is clear concerning all the horrible accusations placed out there by Howard.
She looks beautiful and radiant, seems she has not the guilt Howard and Larry live with everyday.
She is blossoming and they are looking ill and run down.
Anonymous said…
Carolyn, I believe you are right. Howard wanted to humiliate Anna just like he was humiliated by her for years. But, he let her do it while he hatched his plan to get his hands on the money. He could have walked away. And btw, he's no gentleman. lol
Anonymous said…
SOMEONE is not happy....Nothing better to do? Having fun? It MAKES NO IMPACT!
Anonymous said…
James, could you please block the spammers from posting?

Anonymous said…
It's so quiet everywhere today!
Congrats on your party Rita!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
WOnder who paid for that get up.

SHe looks like a pig

Hey prick.. one could ask who paid for everything the Stern camp has..
Virgie paid for eveything with her own money.
Can you say that for Stern or Larry?
That baby is Stern & Larry's meal ticket.


7:17 AM

You should do a little research, O'Quinn has already paid out over $400,00 for virgie.

But I think he sould get his money back after how she look last night.
Anonymous said…
Wow! You know things are not going well at camp H sue and L sue, when all they can do now is disrupt bloggs with their childish behavior.
Threats to bloggers are not working, so you resort to this?
Anonymous said…
A lot cheaper than Larry's fees.. I guess Larry needed more work. How much has Howard spent on Attorneys? Larry's bill was 600,000 for just ONE attorney for a short time.
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Arthur looks great with beautiful Rita in the one photo I've seen so far!

Reflecting on the pathetic posters who continue to bash this mother and call her despicable names, they obviously have some serious and unhealed relationship issues with their own birth mothers and are projecting on Anna's mother!

May the truth prevail in this saga and everything be brought to the "light of day" for final resolution.
Anonymous said…
I think Virgie looked great also. I hope they had a good time. I'm looking forward to James updating the site with details of the party.

To the poster who keeps commenting on O'Quinn paying, I say so what. Who do you think pays for Howard and Larry? ET. They even pay for their private jets i'm sure.
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Folks:

What a beautiful day it is. Bless Virgie and Rita and James and O'Quinn. Heroes in my eyes.

I have seen an evilness and vileness that I have never witnessed in my life with the Likes of Howard K. Stern and his despicable Sternoid hoodlums. But valiant Folks have stayed the course and demanded Justice. That Justice is forthcoming and we have Virgie, Rita, James, and O'Q to thank for that.

I am so grateful for the Folks that have stood up and demanded Justice. Thanks James and Rita and O'Q for being such brave warriors in this horrendous saga.

Rita's party marks the beginning of a new chapter in this fight for justice. The momentum has switched to the side of Justice and I believe the looser Sternoids know it. I believe these cyberspace bullies are all over at TMZ sweating bullets.

Today is a new day and I hope that you all enjoy every minute of it!
Anonymous said…
anonymous-mee and sensitive soul are posting on topix and other places it is Bonnie and Kimmie-I baited them and they always come after me sure sign of Stern camp.They never were too bright-course the use that red light on porch and crack pipe.

James-As a writer I am sure you can pick up the obvious style of writing.You have a mee and sensitive soul which is Kimmie and Bonnie.
Anonymous said…
I saw the picture of VA and Rita. VA looked very pretty. Great job Rita. HKS, Lin Wood, Larry, etc. act like a bunch of bullies. It's great to see someone strong enough to take them on.
Anonymous said…
And how do they act like a buncch of bullies?
Anonymous said…

31217. The tabloid NY Daily News, for anyone interested:

Rush & Molloy

Birkhead & baby Danniellyn ready for their TV closeup

Thursday, October 4th 2007, 4:00 AM

It looks as though the cameras will capture Larry Birkhead changing Pampers after all.

A source says the father of the late Anna Nicole Smith's daughter, Dannielynn, who's been inundated with offers ever since bringing the baby home, has an agreement in principle with one television producer.

"I don't want to give away something yet," Birkhead told us yesterday. "It's basically the 'day in the life of daddy duties.'

"The truth is, people came to me with pitches, and I haven't accepted anything. It's something they continue to talk to me about. It's multiple networks. I'm listening to what they have to say. I turned down ["Celebrity Rap Superstar"].

We asked Birkhead, a professional photographer, whether reports were true that he is keeping all $1.7 million from OK! magazine for exclusive pictures of him and the infant, instead of putting some in an
account for her as stipulated in the mag's deal.

"I'm not going to discuss contracts because of confidentiality agreements," Birkhead told us. "And I don't think it's anyone's business. But if I wanted to, I can do whatever I want to, because she's my daughter.

"Let Anna rest in peace, and let me move on."

Has Birkhead moved on? He was recently pictured with a mystery brunette. "I'm not dating anyone," he said. "The 'gal pal' is just a pal. She's just my assistant, Lisa.

"My daughter is my focus now. I'm being a great dad. She's teething. She's got about eight teeth. Everything is great with her. She chomps on me every day. All she has to worry about is her Barney video."

Posted at 11:35AM on Oct 4th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean
Anonymous said…
an interview with The Saturday Early Show co-anchor Tracy Smith, Anna Nicole Smith’s former manager characterized her as a troubled child-woman who was addicted to prescription drugs and was greatly changed by fame and fortune.

He also says he believes the father of her child is Larry Birkhead because of the physical resemblance he sees between photographs of Birkhead and infant Dannielynn. (For now, Smith’s companion, Howard K. Stern, has custody of the child because his name is on her birth certificate.)

Eric Redding said Smith was "a very confused young lady from the beginning. Very child-like, almost like a kid, just like her son, Daniel. They did everything together. They were like brother and sister, to be honest, and very troubled for the last 16 years that I have known her."

Smith’s 20-year-old son, Daniel, died in September of what was believed to be an accidental drug overdose, around the time Smith gave birth to her daughter.

Redding met Smith in 1991, when he photographed her for Playboy magazine. He then became her manager for two years while she lived in Texas. They parted amicably when she moved to California, where she hired new management. Redding says they remained friends until the last two years of her life, when, he says, Smith withdrew from her friends in general.

Redding says he was "shocked, but not surprised" at the news of her death on Thursday.

"She has had a history, unfortunately, of… abusing the prescription medications," he added, telling Tracy Smith, "I think she overdosed on prescription medication… From the very first time we met her in 1991, she was having that problem: took pills to go to sleep, pills to get up, pills for any little pain. She was like a hypochondriac. She abused them. She was on 20 different medications that I knew about."
Anonymous said…
11:51 am. Anonymous.

Yes, 18 of those "different" medications were in the name of a lawyer commonly known as Howard K. Stern who, also, abusively photographed her in that drugged out ot "knocked out" state! If he isn't in psychotherapy right now, he should be!
Anonymous said…
kerry-They are on the run! I think Kimmie possibly crack after seeing Moe .So test the water my dear-curious to see what her response might be.You and E are very good at getting them mad and when you do they reveal themselves .I will be going to visit my sister she is 80 in PA and in poor health-so be gone from 9th till 18.I live moron in your capable hands bash her till her two teeth fall out-she will claim all kinds of crap so hold the fort.Love ya.I will be around till Monday.
Anonymous said…
Howard is a good and handsome man. IMO
Anonymous said…
Larry Sue is pretty quiet! Too busy spending Dannilynns money I think.

I am sick of Gay men using women! I support Rita! Larry's testimony to the Bahamian Police that Howard gave Anna drugs and was forging checks and money laundering tells me alot about Mr. Stern! Not to mention the CLOWN VIDEO!

These two guys are sick dudes!
Anonymous said…
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
passing thru...I agree...Moe may not have been truthful in the beginning...I felt he wasn't...and he'll have to live with that...BUT, I feel sometimes People CAN and Do come clean when given enough time to think it through...I hope thats the case...and welcome TRUTHFULNESS from ANY of the Players in this SICK SAGA....even if it's later than it should be...IMO

7:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
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DISCLAIMER : Times Square Gossip is all about gossip TRUE or NOT TRUE ! The content that is published contains rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, and factual information from magazines and newspapers around the world as well as sources, television and other means. Postings may contain erroneous or inaccurate information. The owner of this site does not insure the accurateness of any content presented on Times Square Gossip.Com . Furthermore, please notify us of any mistakes in any story.We will correct. We try to use photos from our vast collection of images taken over the last 20 years. Some photos are found on the internet. If we used a image of yours by mistake, please contact us at TheBestGossip@aol.com and we will remove right away !

Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
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DISCLAIMER : Times Square Gossip is all about gossip TRUE or NOT TRUE ! The content that is published contains rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, and factual information from magazines and newspapers around the world as well as sources, television and other means. Postings may contain erroneous or inaccurate information. The owner of this site does not insure the accurateness of any content presented on Times Square Gossip.Com . Furthermore, please notify us of any mistakes in any story.We will correct. We try to use photos from our vast collection of images taken over the last 20 years. Some photos are found on the internet. If we used a image of yours by mistake, please contact us at TheBestGossip@aol.com and we will remove right away !

7:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
passing thru...I agree...Moe may not have been truthful in the beginning...I felt he wasn't...and he'll have to live with that...BUT, I feel sometimes People CAN and Do come clean when given enough time to think it through...I hope thats the case...and welcome TRUTHFULNESS from ANY of the Players in this SICK SAGA....even if it's later than it should be...IMO

7:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
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DISCLAIMER : Times Square Gossip is all about gossip TRUE or NOT TRUE ! The content that is published contains rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, and factual information from magazines and newspapers around the world as well as sources, television and other means. Postings may contain erroneous or inaccurate information. The owner of this site does not insure the accurateness of any content presented on Times Square Gossip.Com . Furthermore, please notify us of any mistakes in any story.We will correct. We try to use photos from our vast collection of images taken over the last 20 years. Some photos are found on the internet. If we used a image of yours by mistake, please contact us at TheBestGossip@aol.com and we will remove right away !

Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Virgie Arthur will have something to say tonight

Virgie Arthur, Anna Nicole Smith's mother, is making a surprise and rare public appearance tonight at Rita Cosby's book party at Pacha NYC in midtown Manhattan. It will be the first time she has spoken since the release of the TV host's book, which is now a NY Times Bestseller three weeks in a row. Arthur isn't the only key player in the human soap opera rumored to be showing up. Other surprise guests may include Mark Speer, who was Larry Birkhead's bodyguard during the stunning events detailed in Cosby's Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. In the book, Speer talks about the proposed secret deal between the two men, Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead, both alleging to be the father of Anna's baby at that time. Speer claims he heard firsthand Stern's proposal to Birkhead, “I will give you your baby, if you leave me as executor of the estate.” Since the release of the bombshell book one major development has occurred: After more than a year, the Bahamian government has finally announced an inquest into the death of Daniel Smith, Anna's 20 year old son who mysteriously died only months before her death on February 8th. As for the lawsuit filed yesterday against Cosby by Howard Stern for 60 million, Cosby is thrilled she will have her day in court to make Stern answer the un-answered !
Rita Cosby Photo By: James Edstrom

posted by Times Square Gossip at 12:28 PM

Time WILL Tell said...
You go Virgie, get justice for Daniel and Anna. We are behind you and support you.

12:55 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Have a wonderful evening Virgie. You deserve a night out with friends and supporters.

12:57 PM
Windi said...
Am so proud that you will be surrounded by those who really care about what happened to Daniel and Vickie. God bless you all!

1:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie you truely are an inspiration, you are one tough Texan, we are all behind you, God Bless You

1:28 PM
Henesey said...

My heart has been broken over and over again during this past year, knowing what you have been going through at the hands of the heartless. You have remained strong throughout.

Have a wonderful time at the party, you deserve it.
God is carrying you through and you have many supporters, as we support righting the wrong that has been done.
Thank you Rita for getting the ball rolling.

1:57 PM
shiny said...
God bless you Virgie...I pray for justice for Anna and Daniel daily, and pray that that Dannielynn will be safe and free of the hollywood lifestlye that she is currently in.

I also pray that Larry will regain his sanity and his health, and see the light regarding his bad behavior over these last months. He is not the man that we and his family knew.

1:58 PM
gerbils, inc. said...
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the party James...

2:33 PM
say what said...
can someone please release that damn video at least on the net so swims in the ocean and larrysue will stfu...thanks..

2:37 PM
shiny said...
hear hear, say what

2:48 PM
Anonymous said...

Please know that there are many out here who care about you and support you. Through God's grace and love He will continue to keep you strong. God bless you and your family. This is your night as well as Ritas. And thank you Rita for having the guts to do what nobody else would.

One of your earthly guardian angels,

2:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
So Happy!!...to hear Virgie will be at Ritas Party! The pain she has endured, I can only guess. Being a Stranger in all of this, I have had sleepless nights after seeing what EVIL walks this Earth. I can't even IMAGINE Mrs. Arthurs reality.

My heart and prayers are with all of you and I PRAY Anna and Daniel finally find Justice in this web of Evil...

Someone posted on tmz, Dr. E's license status has changed from ACTIVE to PENDING...I HOPE this MEANS SOMETHING...

2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I am so glad Stern filed the suit. He will have to answer all questions with O'Quinn and now Cosby. I think he is going down to the bottom. www.mrcontroversy.com is showing pictures Howard took of Anna passed out with food or something hanging out of her mouth. Howard is evil. Also Jim thanks for the show STeve Wilkos. It is very good.

3:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Well maybe before she loses her license she can give HK$$ and Larrysue a lethal cocktail like she did ANS. I know thats not nice to say but I had too.

3:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Won't Rite also have to reveal her sources?

3:32 PM
Anonymous said...
She sure will, and I am sure she is ready. Remember, she already revealed many of her sources in the book.

3:35 PM
faye said...
Ladies-be careful other site-lot of Porn on it!Bonnie is getting weirder if that is possible!They reposted a lot of junk and I mean a lot!

3:40 PM
Madeline said...
Stay Strong Virgie

You Have Alot Of Supporters

Remember There Is Only "One Footprint In The Sand And The Lord Is Carrying You NOw."

May God's Holy Angles Surround You Protect And Comfort You Always.


3:48 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
New Anna Article.....

"The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Nothing would be more delightful to America's tabloid press. An accusation of murder would place the Anna Nicole Smith case in the pantheon of great celebrity scandals — O.J. Simpson territory, even.

At the very least, this case will convene that familiar, unsavory cast of characters who last spring were so eager to sling hearsay in TV appearances, tell-all books, and gossip rags. Only now they'll be forced to either swear to their claims under oath or admit that they sexed up their stories to feed a hungry tabloid press corps."


4:05 PM
Anonymous said...
"Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral."

Can anyone else besides me think of a way the HKS camp is going to try to spin this? I don't want to post it and give anyone any ideas. But I won't be surprised to find out HKS is behind the leaking.

Sorry - I don't trust Moe.

4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie, I had just written a note to you on the other Times Square comments about Rita, and I am sooo happy to read here that you will be an honored guest at Rita's party. You know I have always supported your throughout this ordeal. I will continue to support you, as well as John O'Quinn and Rita Cosby, two great people. I know you are happy that there will soon be justice for Daniel and Anna. You have been very courageous and strong, and you have a noble spirit! Be of good cheer, because tomorrow there will be a better day! Also, you, Rita, and John O'Quinn should take care, and watch your backs! Better to be safe!

4:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Virgie: I was so happy to hear that you will be a guest at tonites party. I have been so impressed with your dignity throughtout this whole saga..Be strong you have many many supporters out here. Thank you Rita for writing the book.

4:41 PM
Aunt B said...
30871. Larry

Are you getting nervous? Do you jump everytime there's a knock at your door? If you aren't you should be. If you don't your should.


Posted at 3:52PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

30891. I must finish with party preparations.
If it isn't too late will come tell you who
was in attendance.
Tick Tock my Freind!

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!

4:44 PM
Anonymous said...
I don't suspect that Moe has ulterior motives in the release of the pictures. In fact, Moe's remarks after Anna's death clearly indicated that he suspected Howard. He stated that Stern's behavior was odd, was different for days before and during the day of Anna's death. I think he also stated that Howard kept Anna heavily drugged for months before her death. I think Moe's loyalty to Anna will outweigh his fear of Howard, and although he appears to have been silenced a few days after Anna's death, he may now step up to the plate and he may be a major factor in achieving justice for Anna and Daniel. Remember, he saved Anna when she lay on the bottom of the pool, drowning, while Howard stood by and watched. Moe said Anna was so grateful to him for saving her.
Remember, Taz bravely testified on Greta's show, and Taz said she thought Anna's death was suspicious, and more. I am giving Moe the benefit of the doubt, and I believe he is now going to take the high road, and show those on the low road for what they are.

4:50 PM
Anonymous said...
If he truly cared about ANS, then he will take the high road. I hope you're right.

5:08 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I also hope Moe comes clean about what he knows...The truth shall set you free!

5:12 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
ALL who were silenced or threatened should come forward tonight and stand ARM in ARM in support of each other against the FORCES of GREED and EVIL...There is POWER in numbers...Evil grows in the DARK, LET THERE BE LIGHT!

5:14 PM
Mo said...

My thoughts, prayers and support are with you. Remain strong in keeping your faith. I can't imagine the heartache you have been through and continue to endure.

You have some great people who support you; O'Quinn, Rita Cosby, James Edstom, and many others you don't even know. We believe in justice and truth for Daniel and Anna. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Have a wonderful time tonight.

Thank you James and Rita.

GO RITA!!!!!

5:17 PM
EIEIO said...
25 days and counting....

Larry and Howie.... tick, tock, tick, tock... the days, they are a dwindling for your.

tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

5:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
NEW!!!!! on idontlikeyouthatway.com

The controversy surrounding these Anna Nicole Smith photos which were released online yesterday is getting a little more ... well ... controversial. The Insider and ET Online published a statement from someone who claims to be Howard K. Stern's attorney which reads as follows:

"Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that MOE BRIGHTHAUPT ("Big Moe") had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and Dannielynn were posted on various Internet websites. These photographs are the property of the Estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of Estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"This is another egregious example of deceit and manipulation by individuals and certain members of the media to profit from Anna Nicole's death. Even more disturbing is the fact that selective photographs have been distributed -- intentionally selected to make Anna Nicole and others appear in a false light. Fortunately, the memory card stolen from the camera had been downloaded before it was stolen and the Estate is in possession of every photograph in the series. The other photographs clearly show that Anna Nicole, as she often did, was merely playing for the camera."

However, IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com received a statement this morning in response to Howard's K. Stern's alleged attorney's statement which reads as follows:

After reading the statement of attorney L. Lin Wood we find it necessary to respond to a series of erroneous comments. Big Moe has never stolen anything, including a memory card shortly after the untimely death of Anna Nicole Smith. Claims of profiting from Anna Nicole's death are equally disturbing. Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various Internet websites.

In regard to L. Lin Wood's comment regarding deceit and manipulation the pictures in question through focused eyes speak for themselves. If playing for the camera included Anna Nicole Smith vomiting, L. Lin Wood has taken spin to a new level.

Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends, but continues to question why pictures on Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place.

Paul Porter"

I'm told this story will be all over Entertainment Tonight and The Insider tonight, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on television. I'll be watching because Pat O'Brien is such a leathery stud. And ferrets are cute. Especially the dead one under Pat O'Brien's nose."

5:27 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Well...LOOKS like Big Moes TRYING to COME CLEAN....IMO

Anna was "acting" again???? SURE!

5:30 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
another photo there as well....

5:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur, enjoy a wonderful evening supported by those who have great compassion on behalf of your life circumstances as a woman, mother, and the loss of your family members. As a mother I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose an only child and first-born grandchild, let alone to have been unfairly subjected to and publicly ridiculed by Howard K. Stern who destroyed the lives of your loved ones!

Blessings to you and your husband!


6:04 PM
Anonymous said...

If you or anyone who knows you is reading these blogs, know that you have public supporters here for bringing the TRUTH regarding your friend, Anna Nicole, to the light!

6:07 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...


Takes a STRONG MAN to go against the EVIL of STERN...YOU are NOT ALONE!!!!

6:13 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
by the way..a side note...notice some pro-stern blogger names...ALL to do with Boats and water...

only swim in the ocean
watership down

Can anybody add to this? a curious coincidence...

6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
The very idea of insulting the intelligence of persons who viewed the terrible pictures and deplorable appearance of an unkempt and obviously ill and heavily drugged Anna holding her baby, with her glazed eyes and deathly looking face, by telling them she was acting. That is an all time low. Further, the picture of Anna lying asleep with vomit all over her face and neck is NO act, and it is NOT by any stretch of the imagination that she was being fed and fell asleep. Anybody with a brain in their head could see that. What an outrage.

I hope every one of the lying people involved in this travesty all receive the punishment they deserve. I believe Anna gave Moe those pictures to expose Howard, as she asked Ford to get items from the house. She accused Howard in Daniel's death. She asked people at the funeral to get him away from her and pushed him away from her so hard he fell down. Moe did not steal those pictures. Also, Moe did not take those pictures, so who took those vile pictures which expose the treatment Anna received? Isn't it the same person who took pictures of poor little dead Daniel in the hospital room?

Stand tall, Moe, protect Anna in death as you did in life, and tell the truth. Nobody can hurt you, and the people who try will be going down soon. Don't go down with them. Stand tall, Moe, stand tall.

6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
lol let em all go downwith the ship

6:21 PM
suzman said...
lin wood, are you kidding me. your spin won't work this time. anyone with half a brain can clearly see exactly what is going on, howard is even sicker than anyone thought,if that is possible. i wish i had never seen them.

6:22 PM
obsessed said...
Those pics truly do hurt my heart and I didn't even know Anna. I cannot imagine what her true friends feel about it. Acting, my ass, and I just fell of the turnip truck.

6:36 PM
where is the justice said...
Good luck tonight Virgie and Rita.

As far as Stern, he is a deplorable excuse for a human being.

Acting, my @@@.

6:51 PM
faye said...
They are creative give them that.Moe turning against Howard-makes me wonder why? Obvious in his best interest to come clean.When is party suppose to be televised tonight? Obsessed not so sure she really had any be honest with you.Kimmie was suppose to be Anna's friend now look at her-I love Howard all rest of the gibberish! Kind of like walking up to the bar and saying the drinks are on me-instant friends but not true friends.She got used! Watch ET on now!

7:15 PM
passing thru said...
The pics are very sad... Terrible thing has been done to Vicky by someone who lied when he said she "was his everything"... and had his commitment ring off at the time.

uhoh... great observation on the water. Plain sight!

7:16 PM
faye said...
They like to play good guy and start a conversation then they will argue with you and show there true colors.Remember so called confused you tell me as she was the only one posting and posing as a teenager-was a person created by Bonnie-she is insane whole family is.They can never ever resist bashing Virgie so how I all find them-just write something nice about Virgie they always come out like vultures.Virgie is the biggest threat and they know it-the money could stop most rickity tick if she get's custody and Larry and Howie know it!

7:21 PM
Obsessed said...

I agree, with friends like hers you don't need enemies. But I am sure there are those that truly cared for Anna, but she kicked them to the curb. Initially when I saw the pics I thought of the pain for Virgie. What a damn shame this whole mess it.

7:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
JAMES, Can VIDEO of the PARTY be POSTED to YOUTUBE??? Maybe we could pass it around the net!!!!

7:25 PM
passing thru said...
all the lies and game playing makes me examine the stories. the lies, each of the cast members has spun. IF the computer evidence has been tampered with, remember, some one has a copy of that!

Moe spun his stories too. IMO, ANS need assistance (regardless of her viability) to get in and out of the bed at the HR. I don't think HKS was interested or had the ability to do that by himself. That means Moe was probably involved.

Have you ever tried to physically support someone who weighed more than you do? It is hard if not impossible when you have unresponsive weight to control...

Unless Moe come clean and it makes sense, I would not believe him at this juncture. Shot his credibility. Tas' has stories that conflict Moes....

7:33 PM
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7:45 PM
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DISCLAIMER : Times Square Gossip is all about gossip TRUE or NOT TRUE ! The content that is published contains rumors, speculation, assumptions, opinions, and factual information from magazines and newspapers around the world as well as sources, television and other means. Postings may contain erroneous or inaccurate information. The owner of this site does not insure the accurateness of any content presented on Times Square Gossip.Com . Furthermore, please notify us of any mistakes in any story.We will correct. We try to use photos from our vast collection of images taken over the last 20 years. Some photos are found on the internet. If we used a image of yours by mistake, please contact us at TheBestGossip@aol.com and we will remove right away !

7:47 PM
Aunt B said...
Why is ET reporting the picture as her death photo, when she is in her bed in the Bahamas?

7:48 PM
Anonymous said...
What is the purpose of spamming the board again?

8:03 PM
faye said...
passing thru-Remember when she fell in the pool-he could of jumped in anyone that loves someone would have and I highly doubt he would not of jumped in the Ocean if he did not know how to swim.I think reflecting on what Taz said in her interview she felt they were being set up and they were.I think Moe knows it all he has too!If Moe has pictures bet you a dollar so does Ford Shelly have tapes.But Howard was stupid enough to take them in the first place.Got to make that dollar!

8:04 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
aunt b...they are trying to discredit it by saying that...THAT way everyone is focused on the FACT it ISN'T a DEATH PHOTO...(so then people will say...oh! it's a fake, and not think again...if you noticed they cleaned it up , as well).AND they are trying to keep our eyes OFF OF WHAT it REALLY is....ABUSE and NEGLECT and HOSTAGE-TAKING....IMO

8:06 PM
where is the justice said...
ET is just spinning the story.

They know that website has already stated that they are taken before she died. They said the truth will be told tomorrow about them. blahblah

8:07 PM
suzman said...
"Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of spamming the board again?"

shows thier level of intelect

8:25 PM
Things that make u go hmmm... said...
Aunt B said...
Why is ET reporting the picture as her death photo, when she is in her bed in the Bahamas?

Because they are still looking for ways to cash in...and of course it keeps them "in" with Howie.

8:31 PM
proud to be banned from tmz said...
Is this the third "death picture" maybe?


8:37 PM
Obsessed said...
Not only have I read it is a death photo but have seen it reported that the pics of Anna @ boxing match was the day before her death. What the flip? Wasn't that a month prior to her demise?! Can't anybody get this story straight, grrr...........

8:40 PM
passing thru said...
Someone needs to send the above trash to James. Be a same if VA or Rita should see the likes of that...

ET: The spin they gave: Tomorrow they will give proof the pics were not taken of a dead ANS. Wow. Who said she was dead when the photos were taken that ET should under take disproving it?

Once again, the release of the photos works the same as HKS releasing info to control the media spin to us, the viewers. He is trying very hard to persuade and disuade; to try to influence the potential jurors in the inquest and the upcoming trials-- "Look! With all the media, I can't get a fair shake!" Yet, it is HKS that keeps mistaking ET for 911! ET has become Howie's 911 against future court dates...pathetic and coniving; does not upgrade the view most hold of attys.

8:40 PM
passing thru said...
...oops! Be a SHAME...

8:47 PM
passing thru said...
You said it!

8:57 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Passing thru...pretty obvious how they spin to the unknowing Public...

CAN'T WAIT for news about the PARTY!!! Hope I can stay AWAKE!!!These pics breaking kept me awake till 3:30 am this morning...TOO disturbed by them to sleep...Annas face just HAUNTED me....The Woman needed help and Stern kept ANYONE who MAY have helped away...

SO SAD.........................

9:17 PM
passing thru said...
I can't believe how HKS is feeding the media with the timing of his actions; LB's timing of "oh, aren't we so sweet and distant from HKS" doesn't play.Talk about a sick control freak!

Recall the story of King Midas...

9:24 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Sterns house of PILL BOTTLES is falling around him...ONLY question IS...WHO ALL will get BURIED WITH HIM........??????? I WOULDN'T stand TOO CLOSE!!!!

9:28 PM
passing thru said...
I have trouble getting those child proof caps off the bottles; how did a drugged up, dying ANS do it, do you think? HMMMMMMMM!

10:05 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
TMZ posts say STERN on larry king live on the 10th...showing on larrys schedule. LARRY is NUTS TOO!!!! UNLESS it's LEVIN AGAIN?????

10:15 PM
passing thru said...
lol! They are sure working overtime to get the PR before juries... I am bored by there shananigans...

10:17 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
The Authorities need to WAKE UP...The MEDIA needs to WAKE UP...This is a travesty...A Woman can be treated as such and....WHAT???

We CANNOT give UP....

10:17 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
pt....YES!!.....THEN he'll COMPLAIN about NO FAIR JURY!!!!

I SAY HANG HIM....HE don't need no JURY!!!! IMO

10:20 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
I HOPE LARRY lays the BOOTS to him....

10:21 PM
passing thru said...
Whack posted for banned sisters... do you recall the correct site? I was going to go there for a a first time...

10:33 PM
passing thru said...
Maybe Larry is tired of Howie playing the threat card... maybe he will drop a Brick on Howie's Head! lol

10:35 PM
Anonymous said...
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Passing thru...pretty obvious how they spin to the unknowing Public...

CAN'T WAIT for news about the PARTY!!! Hope I can stay AWAKE!!!These pics breaking kept me awake till 3:30 am this morning...TOO disturbed by them to sleep...Annas face just HAUNTED me....The Woman needed help and Stern kept ANYONE who MAY have helped away...

SO SAD.........................

I know what you mean about the pictures. I won't look at them because I'm afraid they will haunt me and that's all I would think about. I don't understand how the pro-Stern people can still defend him. They believe every lie he tells. Who in their right mind would believe that Anna was acting for the camera? People who throw up usually go to the bathroom and wash their face off. They don't let it smear all over their face and neck and have their picture taken. Unless of course they're so doped up they don't know what's going on. I hope and pray that Howard gets what he deserves (and it "ain't" going to be good). He is sick and anyone who believes him after Rita's book and those pictures are sick as well. Just my opinion, of course.


10:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I know what you mean about the pictures. I won't look at them because I'm afraid they will haunt me and that's all I would think about.

what pictures? do you have a link?

11:29 PM
passing thru said...
Not seeing the pictures might be a wise thing to do. ANS appears listless in the one; the other, she looks very weak and strung out... Keep the better photos of her in your mind and let the rest go.

Years back, I bought the mag that carried the photos of Nicole Brown Simpson. They were bad... I had to hide them so my kids wouldn't accidentally find them. Just terrible. Guess I am telling you somethings just aren't worth being curious over.

11:37 PM
Anonymous said...
passing, I want to see them, do you mind linking me? thanks

11:38 PM
passing thru said...
from above:


Need to go to bed; work in AM Night!

11:40 PM
Anonymous said...
that link does not work..

11:42 PM
Anonymous said...
never mind I found the vomit one

11:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Legal Eagle:
Here is yours: Originally Posted by LegalEagle View Post
I am reading some of the most amazing posts regarding post-op food here today.

Would some of you like to give me the name of the hospital and city and state where you say you could do things like bring your family member food? And what their operation was?

In more than 30 years, in 5 cities and 8 hospitals, with 22 friends and family members, I have never known one to permit me to come in the day after, or the following day, and bring FOOD or DRINK to the patient!

I'm sorry, but I find this impossible to believe.

Just give me the name of the hospital and city/state. I'd love to contact them and confirm that you can have Taco Bell food for example.



Mine: ANS had a c-section. She would have been on a liquid or soft food diet following major surgery. All c-sections are on soft food. Imagine trying to process solid food under stitches; imagine straining the bowels following surgery. Imagine intestional gas following surgery. Obvious why soft foods following the c-section.

12:10 AM
Sun said...
The body of Anna Nicole Smith lies beneath ten feet of Bahamian dirt. But eight months after her death, her ghost still stalks South Florida, thanks to a case filed last April in Fort Lauderdale's U.S. District Court. Though it caused barely a ripple in the otherwise-vigilant tabloid press, Stern v. O'Quinn has blockbuster potential.

"This case is going to open up a whole bunch of doors that were closed before," says Rob Klein, an attorney in the matter. "It will be a very public exposition of what facts are out there."

The stakes are bigger than they were last February, when Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin sobbed his way through the fight over custody of Anna Nicole's remains. This time, the case might lead to a murder trial.

That's because Howard K. Stern, Anna Nicole's former boyfriend, is suing Houston-based attorney John O'Quinn over remarks in which O'Quinn implied that Stern killed Anna Nicole and her son Daniel. By doing so, Stern gives O'Quinn, one of the nation's most cunning lawyers, the right to subpoena documents and question witnesses under oath on that very question. Should that inquiry turn up evidence that Stern did kill Anna Nicole, then it could provide the basis for a criminal indictment. After all, there is no statute of limitations on murder.

Very interesting read.....


12:32 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks, passing thru. I am curious about the pictures, but not enough to make myself sick by looking at them. Have you seen this nice picture of Virgie and Rita?



12:40 AM
Anonymous said...
WOnder who paid for that get up.

SHe looks like a pig

1:02 AM
shiny said...
She looks just like Anna. It's the genes, yanno.

Oh I forgot...you do not speak english...

he-say ooks-lay just-jay ike-lay nna-ay. t's-ay he-tay enes-gay, anno-yay.

1:10 AM
Sun said...
Hors d'oeuvres weren't the only delectables served at Wednesday night's party in Manhattan for Rita Cosby's bombshell book Blond Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. The husky-voiced former MSNBC and Fox fox was slapped with a copy of a $60 million libel suit from Smith lawyer and hanger-on Howard K. Stern just as she set foot on her own red carpet.
"He used this as a publicity opportunity for himself," Cosby said of Stern, and she immediately handed the papers to her publicist. "It just shows me that with all these guys, it was always smoke and mirrors."

Stern, Anna Nicole's companion at the time of her death, filed the hefty lawsuit on Tuesday. In it, he refutes Cosby's claims that he used cocaine, conspired to commit kidnapping and murder, and had a homosexual affair with Dannielynn's true babydaddy, Larry Birkhead.

"It stuns me that someone like Howard K. Stern would accuse me of cashing in," Cosby huffed to Radar as she autographed copies of Blond Ambition. At her side during the signing was Smith's grieving mother, Virgie Arthur.

The anti-drug advocacy group D.A.R.E., on the other hand, is happy about the book: They're reaping 10 percent of the profits, which a former DEA agent said will go toward funding curricula on prescription drug abuse.

Also on hand was Mark Speer, the former Birkhead bodyguard who recently accused Larry of posing for paparazzi at Smith's deceased son Daniel's grave. Speer said he's keeping mum with "50 percent" of the dirt he has to dish. What's still secret is "huge," he boasted to Radar. "There's still a lot to be divulged."

Village Voice columnist Michael Musto brought levity to the event. He said he's half way through the book, which sits at No.13 on the New York Times best-seller list. It's an easy read, he told Radar. "There's a lot of pictures." But he's so far unimpressed by the book's big gay revelation. "The thing about Howard and Larry didn't shock me at all—two people in show business are gay?"


3:38 AM
Sun said...
Anna Nicole Smith's longtime companion Howard K. Stern and the bodyguard who attempted to revive the actress as she lay dying are locked in a new legal battle over alleged stolen photographs. Stern's attorney L. Lin Wood is advising media groups to steer clear of photos Moe 'Big Moe' Brighthaupt is offering round, because he claims they were obtained illegally.

The images range from sweet family shots of Anna Nicole and her baby daughter Dannielynn to disturbing images of the tragic actress/model throwing up.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Wood says, "Shortly after I was retained by Howard Stern, I received firsthand information that Moe Brighthaupt had contacted tabloids offering for sale one or more photographs of Anna Nicole Smith. Yesterday, photographs of Anna Nicole and (baby daughter) Dannielynn were posted on various internet websites. These photographs are the property of the estate of Anna Nicole Smith and were stolen from her camera shortly after her death. Big Moe denies selling the photographs but admits that he is distributing them. His misappropriation of estate property is unlawful and his stated motives for doing so are not credible.

"The estate shall pursue all available remedies against any individual or entity involved in the unauthorised distribution or publication of these, or any other, stolen photographs."

But Brighthaupt insists Stern and Wood are in the wrong and he has never stolen anything from his former mistress.

He says, "Big Moe would never seek to profit from the disturbing photographs on various internet websites. Big Moe continues to mourn the death of his close friends but continues to question why (these) pictures of Anna Nicole Smith were ever taken in the first place."


3:40 AM
Sun said...
Also on hand was Mark Speer, the former Birkhead bodyguard who recently accused Larry of posing for paparazzi at Smith's deceased son Daniel's grave. Speer said he's keeping mum with "50 percent" of the dirt he has to dish. What's still secret is "huge," he boasted to Radar. "There's still a lot to be divulged."

Can't wait for this....

3:42 AM
carolyn said...
I hope Virgie and others had a good time at the party. A lot on the Horizon.
Does anyone know if the Bahamas allows prisoners access to cameras.
I hope so because "ankles" seems addicted to taking degrading photos.
It's like he decided to 'payback' Anna for all the humiliation that he thought he suffered.
That gentleman is seriously disturbed.

5:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Virgie looks absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...
WOnder who paid for that get up.

SHe looks like a pig

Hey prick.. one could ask who paid for everything the Stern camp has..
Virgie paid for eveything with her own money.
Can you say that for Stern or Larry?
That baby is Stern & Larry's meal ticket.


7:17 AM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Brought over from TMZ...

By the way, when Rita walked up to the mike and held the suit over her head, she said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I've been served!" And the crowd went WILD with applause and laughter.

"When Lin's errand boy told me I was served, just outside the door here...."

And the crowd BOOOOOOOed!

"When he handed me this, uh, this... well, THIS!" and she held up the suit again.

The people ROARED!

"I told him, 'Thank you!'"

The crowd screamed with laughter.

"I told him, 'Thank you, we were expecting this!' ....And now I ask you, Were we expecting this?"

The crowd yelled even louder.

"Is this what we've wanted all along?" she yelled. The crowd continued to roar as Rita stepped away from the mike.

Posted at 1:58AM on Oct 4th 2007 by The Delusional Walk Among Us

8:11 AM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
A poster on TMZ has figured out the pictures properties to determine the time they were taken...DON'T ask dumb ole me HOW!!


On this page, click on the thumbnail to enlarge (if you want to be grossed out)


date picture taken 1/12/2007 3:11 PM
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

date picture taken 1/20/2007 9:15 AM
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

There's a new image, a close-up of stoned Anna (click on thumbnail to enlarge)


date picture taken 1/12/2007 8:29 AM
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT


Posted at 5:34AM on Oct 4th 2007 by Team Lynda: I Will Ahava Banana While Swims Is Snurfing in his Cesspool Ocean with Butterflies on the Brain Oh Happy Day!

My point in posting these is THIS...

NOTICE TWO taken on the same day...ONE in the early am 8ish...and the other hours later 3ish (THIS is the vomit photo)...WAS he STANDING THERE WAITING for her to aspirate???


8:30 AM
Bonnie munster said...
Obviously Virgie's conscious is clear concerning all the horrible accusations placed out there by Howard.
She looks beautiful and radiant, seems she has not the guilt Howard and Larry live with everyday.
She is blossoming and they are looking ill and run down.

8:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Carolyn, I believe you are right. Howard wanted to humiliate Anna just like he was humiliated by her for years. But, he let her do it while he hatched his plan to get his hands on the money. He could have walked away. And btw, he's no gentleman. lol

8:57 AM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
SOMEONE is not happy....Nothing better to do? Having fun? It MAKES NO IMPACT!

10:03 AM
Anonymous said...
James, could you please block the spammers from posting?


10:09 AM
Aunt B said...
It's so quiet everywhere today!
Congrats on your party Rita!

10:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
WOnder who paid for that get up.

SHe looks like a pig

Hey prick.. one could ask who paid for everything the Stern camp has..
Virgie paid for eveything with her own money.
Can you say that for Stern or Larry?
That baby is Stern & Larry's meal ticket.


7:17 AM

You should do a little research, O'Quinn has already paid out over $400,00 for virgie.

But I think he sould get his money back after how she look last night.

10:18 AM
Bonnie munster said...
Wow! You know things are not going well at camp H sue and L sue, when all they can do now is disrupt bloggs with their childish behavior.
Threats to bloggers are not working, so you resort to this?

10:29 AM
Bonnie Munster said...
A lot cheaper than Larry's fees.. I guess Larry needed more work. How much has Howard spent on Attorneys? Larry's bill was 600,000 for just ONE attorney for a short time.

10:36 AM
Anonymous said...
Mrs. Arthur looks great with beautiful Rita in the one photo I've seen so far!

Reflecting on the pathetic posters who continue to bash this mother and call her despicable names, they obviously have some serious and unhealed relationship issues with their own birth mothers and are projecting on Anna's mother!

May the truth prevail in this saga and everything be brought to the "light of day" for final resolution.

10:44 AM
where is the justice said...
I think Virgie looked great also. I hope they had a good time. I'm looking forward to James updating the site with details of the party.

To the poster who keeps commenting on O'Quinn paying, I say so what. Who do you think pays for Howard and Larry? ET. They even pay for their private jets i'm sure.

10:55 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Good Morning Folks:

What a beautiful day it is. Bless Virgie and Rita and James and O'Quinn. Heroes in my eyes.

I have seen an evilness and vileness that I have never witnessed in my life with the Likes of Howard K. Stern and his despicable Sternoid hoodlums. But valiant Folks have stayed the course and demanded Justice. That Justice is forthcoming and we have Virgie, Rita, James, and O'Q to thank for that.

I am so grateful for the Folks that have stood up and demanded Justice. Thanks James and Rita and O'Q for being such brave warriors in this horrendous saga.

Rita's party marks the beginning of a new chapter in this fight for justice. The momentum has switched to the side of Justice and I believe the looser Sternoids know it. I believe these cyberspace bullies are all over at TMZ sweating bullets.

Today is a new day and I hope that you all enjoy every minute of it!

11:21 AM
faye said...
anonymous-mee and sensitive soul are posting on topix and other places it is Bonnie and Kimmie-I baited them and they always come after me sure sign of Stern camp.They never were too bright-course the use that red light on porch and crack pipe.

James-As a writer I am sure you can pick up the obvious style of writing.You have a mee and sensitive soul which is Kimmie and Bonnie.

11:22 AM
Anonymous said...
I saw the picture of VA and Rita. VA looked very pretty. Great job Rita. HKS, Lin Wood, Larry, etc. act like a bunch of bullies. It's great to see someone strong enough to take them on.

11:31 AM
Anonymous said...
And how do they act like a buncch of bullies?

11:47 AM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...

31217. The tabloid NY Daily News, for anyone interested:

Rush & Molloy

Birkhead & baby Danniellyn ready for their TV closeup

Thursday, October 4th 2007, 4:00 AM

It looks as though the cameras will capture Larry Birkhead changing Pampers after all.

A source says the father of the late Anna Nicole Smith's daughter, Dannielynn, who's been inundated with offers ever since bringing the baby home, has an agreement in principle with one television producer.

"I don't want to give away something yet," Birkhead told us yesterday. "It's basically the 'day in the life of daddy duties.'

"The truth is, people came to me with pitches, and I haven't accepted anything. It's something they continue to talk to me about. It's multiple networks. I'm listening to what they have to say. I turned down ["Celebrity Rap Superstar"].

We asked Birkhead, a professional photographer, whether reports were true that he is keeping all $1.7 million from OK! magazine for exclusive pictures of him and the infant, instead of putting some in an
account for her as stipulated in the mag's deal.

"I'm not going to discuss contracts because of confidentiality agreements," Birkhead told us. "And I don't think it's anyone's business. But if I wanted to, I can do whatever I want to, because she's my daughter.

"Let Anna rest in peace, and let me move on."

Has Birkhead moved on? He was recently pictured with a mystery brunette. "I'm not dating anyone," he said. "The 'gal pal' is just a pal. She's just my assistant, Lisa.

"My daughter is my focus now. I'm being a great dad. She's teething. She's got about eight teeth. Everything is great with her. She chomps on me every day. All she has to worry about is her Barney video."

Posted at 11:35AM on Oct 4th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean

11:50 AM
Anonymous said...
an interview with The Saturday Early Show co-anchor Tracy Smith, Anna Nicole Smith’s former manager characterized her as a troubled child-woman who was addicted to prescription drugs and was greatly changed by fame and fortune.

He also says he believes the father of her child is Larry Birkhead because of the physical resemblance he sees between photographs of Birkhead and infant Dannielynn. (For now, Smith’s companion, Howard K. Stern, has custody of the child because his name is on her birth certificate.)

Eric Redding said Smith was "a very confused young lady from the beginning. Very child-like, almost like a kid, just like her son, Daniel. They did everything together. They were like brother and sister, to be honest, and very troubled for the last 16 years that I have known her."

Smith’s 20-year-old son, Daniel, died in September of what was believed to be an accidental drug overdose, around the time Smith gave birth to her daughter.

Redding met Smith in 1991, when he photographed her for Playboy magazine. He then became her manager for two years while she lived in Texas. They parted amicably when she moved to California, where she hired new management. Redding says they remained friends until the last two years of her life, when, he says, Smith withdrew from her friends in general.

Redding says he was "shocked, but not surprised" at the news of her death on Thursday.

"She has had a history, unfortunately, of… abusing the prescription medications," he added, telling Tracy Smith, "I think she overdosed on prescription medication… From the very first time we met her in 1991, she was having that problem: took pills to go to sleep, pills to get up, pills for any little pain. She was like a hypochondriac. She abused them. She was on 20 different medications that I knew about."

11:51 AM
Anonymous said...
11:51 am. Anonymous.

Yes, 18 of those "different" medications were in the name of a lawyer commonly known as Howard K. Stern who, also, abusively photographed her in that drugged out ot "knocked out" state! If he isn't in psychotherapy right now, he should be!

12:59 PM
faye said...
kerry-They are on the run! I think Kimmie possibly crack after seeing Moe .So test the water my dear-curious to see what her response might be.You and E are very good at getting them mad and when you do they reveal themselves .I will be going to visit my sister she is 80 in PA and in poor health-so be gone from 9th till 18.I live moron in your capable hands bash her till her two teeth fall out-she will claim all kinds of crap so hold the fort.Love ya.I will be around till Monday.

1:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Howard is a good and handsome man. IMO

1:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Larry Sue is pretty quiet! Too busy spending Dannilynns money I think.

I am sick of Gay men using women! I support Rita! Larry's testimony to the Bahamian Police that Howard gave Anna drugs and was forging checks and money laundering tells me alot about Mr. Stern! Not to mention the CLOWN VIDEO!

These two guys are sick dudes!

1:39 PM
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Anonymous said…
Did Big Moe say anything laterly against Howard?
Anonymous said…
Rotten Crotch-Howard has a face with a nose that grows with every lie-he has no nuts -looks a lot like Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd Larry with his bleached hair is just as pathetic women like men-they do not come close to that!
Anonymous said…
Like to see some info on party last night! They served Rita papers the Stern folks are into Kinky types of sex -you see that here and everywhere.

James-Sad but true-they spell come on as one word common and she calls us biotches as does not know how to spell bitch.Educated person bashing Virgie is Bonnie and Swims is Howie-no doubt about it!
Anonymous said…
fuck you perez you jackolantern lil homo...you trashed virgie arthur and you dont even know her...go stick to your trashy fag site little girl...
Anonymous said…
That's Howard or Larry or that fvcking Jane spamming the board with articles about Rita.

I sure hope James does something about it.
Anonymous said…
I think Larry Sue is scared he is going to lose custody, at least partial custody to Virgie based on his media exploitation of the baby for money.

A reality show will be his undoing!

Watch for Larry to turn on Howard at the slew of upcoming court cases. If Larry wants full custody, he will need to un-hitch his money train from Howard. Now Moe is coming clean and Dr. E is losing her license.

Larry better make a move before Howard does. He still could turn around his horrible image and be free of Howard forever.
Anonymous said…
Anyone know where I can get the Howard K. Stern mask for Halloween? I heard it is for sale now and will certainly scare children. My girlfriend is going as a dead Anna Nicole with vomit frothing out of her mouth. My buddy is going as Larry Sue holding a camera and wearing a dress and dragging a baby doll around. I think we will win the costume contest this year!
Anonymous said…
Hey anonymous, hows gonna go as dr.Evil, someone might need some neds, dont forget the famous duffle bag,
Anonymous said…
I meant meds sorry
Anonymous said…
Virgie the cow! OMG someone get a stable for the barnyard feak!
Anonymous said…
I have tapes of Kimmie on the Reality show-she walks in doors sideways as her butt is to wide to enter normally.She outweighs most women to include Virgie by a l00 pounds.Virgie is an attractive mature woman and Kim Walther is a freak with purple hair.She is a go-for .I asked her months back why she came coming after me-as truth on Topix site is correct-she is into all types of weird lesbian activities and group sex.I am just an old woman straight as an arrow looking for justice along with about 50 other ladies that have been blogging for months.We have time Howard does not-cause he is going to be doing time before long.As far as masks they have a giant rubber with the shape of Howard's nose and a Larry Sue mask in shape of a Vienna Sausage.Kimmie just paint your hair purple gather up some bugs hey your her.
Anonymous said…
anonymous-I think Bonnie is Jane! Jane is into Porn and that fits mentality of Bonnie!
Anonymous said…
-Kerry- New plastic fishing worms-purple Kimmie rubber worm you comes with two cock roaches,Howard worm is yellow with top being black,Larry Sue is pink in shape of Vienna sausage.Tonto yes Lone Ranger what you holler about? Rattle Snake bite on butt-must suck poison out no can do Kimo Sabe me dial Larry Sue! lol
Anonymous said…
lol... If you read the gutter spittle from the Stern camp you can gauge their mentality, their maturity, and their IQ... What a bunch of losers with Pinkie Boys as their leaders! They are so pathetic and should be placed out of their collective misery!

Stern needs his control/revenge fix SO badly he tried to have his liars, ET, crash Rita's party. Pathetic little grabbers at life... ! How Anna put up with this a@@ was due to his blackmailing her. He HAS NO friends except those he paid or blackmailed into standing for him... Think he will demand cheese for his whine?

anonymous, I don't have to hide like you do; I stand tall with my name.
Anonymous said…
passing thru. 6:25 PM.

Stern (whose in hiding) and Wood are desperate for attention....
Anonymous said…
Wow! Compare the two events held just one month apart:

Dannielynn's birthday: hundreds of guests but invite only; expensive bash; only the invited thru main gate; a "rented" Barney; ET exclusive coverage...

Rita's party: hundreds of guests and even media invited in; not as expensive bash; more than invited thru the main door; no rented Barnies but real celebs and hardworking people; ET invited in but was only there as a gate crasher hoping to get a negative snapshot...
Anonymous said…
Virgie and Rita are pussy buddies, they eat each other.
Anonymous said…
See what I mean-the defense rests.They are sick-now do you understand one and all the evil in Stern Camp-no one but Kimmie would write that kind of crap using my name!James rest assured I did not write that junk-stern camp did!
Anonymous said…
passing thru-see what I was saying-she has done that stuff a 100 times not to just me but everyone-so she is one sick puppy.Anyone that knows me will tell you would never write that crap-she tells one lie after another.
Anonymous said…
anonymous-My Dear friend you are correct she is still the same-we have contended with her before we can again-James is pretty smart he can delete her crap unlike the Harvey squirrel site.Howard has been practicing rear march with his drawers around his ankles and Larry has been double timing! lol
Anonymous said…
James please delete post at 7:24 that was made by low life Stern camp not me! Thank you!
Anonymous said…
consider the source. They must be feeling pretty desperate about now. They thot Rita would be upset or surprised being served in such an obnoxious manner. Naw, she expected that time of lowly behavior and wasn't fazed in the least. TMZ was upset they could not get a candid shot of Rita being served; pity they did not stay for the cheers and the laughter. HKS will now have to go to court on a new case; makes him really look sue happy; let him back out of either, and there will be suits filed by the mighty Quinn and the majestic Rita.

How many cases are pending:
1. Inquest, "Oh, come on! That was sooo long ago! You expect me to remember?"
2. Horizon, "Not ANS house? What Pink House?"
3. Finalization of child's guardianship, "I don't know who keeps calling the media or where these checks come form, but, what the heck! I am keeping them! Wanna see some pics of Dannielynn? Cost ya a mill or two..."
4. Quinn: "He called me names..."
5. Cosby: "I am what she said I am and I am suing because people don't like what I am and what I did..."
6. Dr. Evil:"You mean I can't order drugs for a patient under someone elses' name? What is abandonment of patient? You can't use those drugs together? What is dosage? ANS' tolerance was high!!! "
7. Dr. K'poor: "What? Methadone and vitamins won't hurt her..."
8. Opri: " I talked and violated atty/client privilege but she can't do that... I am NOT paying for the stuff I told her to order for the baby's room..."

I am waiting for the day Stern sues Wood for failure to protect Stern's image that Stern is busy ruining by himself. I am waiting for the day Stern sues himself because his ID ruined his EGO. lol
Anonymous said…
Passing Thru, GOOD synopsis!

Don't forget the obscene ET, and
TMZ. Can we even bear the sight of those people? Can anybody? Did you see Harvey talking about Brittany? Look at his face. And those people on ET, IMO, are destroying lives with lies while they SMILE that fake and obscene smile, knowing they are lying.

I don't think anybody in the USA is stupid enough to fall for what has been going on since Daniel's death. Do you?
Anonymous said…
Oh, no. I am watching Suzy Orman on Larry King Live, and now he is having horrible Howard on next.

What a downer. I am sure the script is prepared. Well, on the bright side, at least Harvey Levins isn't the one on Larry King interviewing him.
Anonymous said…
Howard lied to Larry King so I do not think he is going to play the same game twice but we shall see.Who knows what can be done with pictures fact remains who took the pictures alive or dead was most likely Howard.When I look at them I think what a waste.Anderson Cooper is on now.The limo driver said that he warned Howard that Anna was high he thought it was funny-guy was a pimp all he was.People that change there handle want us to believe bunch Stern supporters-I highly doubt that-you have criminals and they support Howard alwats be that element of society but there is vast majority looking for justice.So it does not bother me the crap Sternoids come up with there day of reckoning is coming.
Anonymous said…
WHAT a great enjoyment on Greta tonight to hear the TWO attorneys, one a Judge, tell Greta that Howard didn't have a chance in the lawsuit. They said he had no credibility. The Judge said she wouldn't even allow what Howard was inferring in her court, and she even referred to his saying "I'm the baby's father, I'm not the baby's father, I am the baby's father", hahahaha. And they BOTH said there was NO malice involved and can't be proven, either. They commented that since Larry was the one involved with Howard it seemed odd he was not in it (then they showed a picture of Howard and Larry hugging at that point). They also laughed and said now she can question Howard, and they said she can now write another book! LOL LOL! LOVE IT! They were all for Rita, and they were NOT for Howard, and one of them said after all Howard has DONE.

Greta asked them of the two who would they represent, and they said Rita. They were so for Rita Greta tried to inject a little humor by saying could it be that Rita was mad because they threw her out of the funeral gathering at the mansion, and everybody said NO of course not.

Rita you are the winner, You are the hero. Go girl!
Anonymous said…
okay guys...JUST got back fron NHL Game...Ottawa over Toronto...PLEASE tell me about LKL and GRETA??? WHAT did I miss????
Anonymous said…
Once upon a time, Harvey Levine was a fine atty and commentator on Channel Two (?) news, Los Angeled. I always enjoyed his legal observations, especially during the OJ trial of the '90s. Then, he lost his common sense, sense of fairness; it went by the wayside with some court tv show.

I found his web site and thot it ws the "old" Harvey; surprise, surprise! He is so pumped up over his own 15 minutes of limelight he can't see straight anymore. I do NOT respect his reporting; he is out to destroy, mock any person that DARES to tell his camera men, "please, put it away. Please give us some privacy." Oh, then Harvey will take you on and down! Powerfilled people can destroy or create; he relishes his destruction of others. Any one that has an opinion separate and not approved by Levin is due to be cruelly treated. Hundreds of bloggers are aware of his cruelness...
Anonymous said…
Oh, one more commentary on Harvey, He is so anal! Yep; the man is into exposing underwear and making very ugly comments about the female body... Real immature snickers as he mocks half the population; mothers, sisters, daughters, girl friends... all are subjected to his MALE-GAY is superior mentality... what a boor and an embarrassment to his family!

With his position, he could use his writing to inspire and encourage others. He does not build up; he is a destroyer. Now, consider his friends...
Anonymous said…
I am so glad Rita was supported by the group of 700 and that her book is a success. She has done a terrific job with her investigative reporting in Blonde Ambitions. I am glad that she got served. Perhaps we will be able to find out some truth in Annas death through the depositions. I have no doubt that Rita will win this suit and I hope in time she files her own against Ron Rale and another party that tried to prevent her from speaking about her book. Vergie looked great and it was so nice to see Mrs. Hollway. Thank you again Rita for your book. I can't wait for the next one to come out.
Anonymous said…
I am glad for Virgie to find out how many stand for her. Her tears were of appreciation, greatfulness at finding so much support.
Anonymous said…
Congrats Vergie,you looked so nice and rested.
As for MOE,who really knows if its true he saved Anna in the pool,it was only him who says this,he seemed it more important to speak of her lips on every TV show he was ever on,and if he really thought of Anna as his "Baby Sister",why in the world didn't he try and save her long before she went to the Bahamas,he's big enough to have knocked Stern on his butt,and get Anna the help she needed so bad,he said if she didn't get in the ice bath he would carry her to the hospital,even if she got mad at him for a few days,he's just as bad as Stern,none of them wanted to get their money cut off,and what happened to that book Moe was writing,another good reason I don't believe him or any one that has been around Anna,he's lied as most of them,he said Anna treated his family like her own,Taz says she had only met Anna twice,I think she said on GVS show,and only for a few minutes,the only one in Anna's life who didn't want $$$ was Daniel.God Rest Their Souls.
Anonymous said…
7:24 pm Faye said, go the hell away you are not fooling us, Kimmi what does HK$$ the devil have on you,
Anonymous said…
anonymous-Passing thru-came up with a good name for Howard Teflon Man and I added Larry as SOS-We had a long discussion on Topix site and other site here.I believe Teflon Man keeps Kimmi around as she knows a lot,She was there before Howard and I still believe she was at the Hard Rock when Anna died.She has always been a follower so probably was not that difficult-as one must give Howard credit he is a good con-man! He uses women !
Anonymous said…
Leave Howard and Larry alone. Virgie is a money hungry bit$%. O'Quinn is no better. He stole money from clients he represented in Texas.

A true Texan who wishes she could run Virgie Aurthur out of this state. She is a fat pig and big who$%. How many husbands has she had?
Anonymous said…
Wow, no Texas hospitality there...Why would you not support one of your own? She has roots in Texas, you know. Fat pig in a country where more than 60% are overweight? lol I bet you tip the scales there, my friend! If you were Twiggy, you would not be worried about who is and who isn't overweight; you'd grab your lime light and smile! Me, I AM smiling! Fat others does not bother me!