CNN and Larry King should be ashamed by putting lier Howard K. Stern on his show again. Howard already lied about being the father of Anna Nicole Smiths baby on Larry's show. I am sure that Howard K. Stern has layed out the questions and has told Larry what he can and can't ask. Shame on CNN and Larry King for giving this monster more air time. The least CNN could do would give Rita Cosby equal air time instead of asking her for a statement. Why wonder CNN is not doing so well in the ratings. I know you won't publish this, so I am posting at

James Edstrom

Give CNN your feedback !


Anonymous said…
They act like a paid pr firm for HKS.

REPOSTING: Why would those in the media be so blatantly bias towards HKS - IMHO going so far as to even aid him in taking down any opposition?

1. They want access to HKS and LB.
2. They are trying to keep Lin Wood at bay. Hmmm... you defame others to fend of a defamation suit from another. Does anyone else see the irony in this?
3. You've been paid money (for small time players, I can see how this could happen).
4. You want to further your career (e.g., Mark Steins) and want the ratings all of the manipulated media yields.
5. You had a moment of indiscretion and it was caught on tape (does seem to be a common practice in this case).
Anonymous said…
Good for you James! This is ridiculous that Larry and Howard have both been on Larry King but not Rita or Virgie or Opri.

Give equal time Larry and don't bow down to Lin Wood and Howard!!

I used to love Larry King Live but now I am disgusted!
Anonymous said…
There is one consolation we get from HKS and LB's media appearances. They manage to hang themselves every time they open thier mouths. Maybe allowing them to talk talk talk is the best thing. I still believe Rita should be asked on and Opri and VA and OQuinn. What Lin Wood is doing to the american free press is criminal and we all need to start writing our congressmen and tell them we don't want no big headed, big ego two bit attorneys controling the national media via threats of law suits. Make em hold thier threats until after they've proven thier defamation cases not before.
Anonymous said…
ET has ambushed Rita and the attorney for the nannies set her up. I guess they are paying the nannies/attorney/lincoln.

Good Luck on Greta tonight Rita!
Anonymous said…
James, I afraid to say that your friend rita is going down.

This is her own voice peaking, not someone stating what she said.
Anonymous said…
Personally, I'm not making this comment here due to Rita Cosby or TSG, but Larry King Live is no longer its once illustrious format. Just like the rest of our society, at the moment, it has joined the heap of sleaze shows and/or exchanging favors with others!

It's a shame that Larry King Live (who is making millions of dollars) is ending his career (just like Barbara Walters) on such a low note!
this whole mess is so sad that it is hillarious - you just can't make this stuff up.
Anonymous said…
is anyone having problems at the k-i-s-s-i-n-g blog??? can't find it now
Anonymous said…
never mind it's working again
Anonymous said…
Obviously, the way the Bahamas deals with people who are a threat to their small world, i.e. G. Ben Thompson, S. Ford Shelley, and Rita Cosby, is to silence them with (deceitful) legal action so they no longer step foot on their territory, again.

Some of us have just become aware of their corrupt government since the death occurrence of Daniel Wayne Smith and the subsequent self-created exposure of the activities of Anna's lawyer via E.T. and the Insider.

Most don't have large sums of money that we need nor want to hide from the IRS and so the activities of a particular segment of Americans in the Bahamas was unknown to most of us (making honest livings) until now.

My Family will continue patronizing our beautiful Hawaiian Islands, thank you!
Anonymous said…
About 2 weeks ago Richard Milstein filed a motion for fees to be paid by the trust that was set up for Dannylynn from the media payments made for the Anna Nicole funeral.

Stern & Birkhead filed extensive motions in opposition to the fee request and in one reply asks the new Judge, Dale Ross to order Virgie Arthur to pay these fees!

There are no under the Fla. probate code that would allow such an award and Virgie had nothing to do with the trust.

The trust has $ 200,000. left and Milstein wants $ 175,000. for fees & costs.
Anonymous said…
omg talk about leading questions and chit. That attorney was doing all the talking. Rita was trying to get a word in edgewise. Someone got some good money for that performance by the attorney. Bahamas can forget about American tourism or any country for that matter after this debaucle. Who would chance going to such a corrupt country and have even a small thing go wrong and be jerked around by these money hungry media whores ? omg Rita girl its obvious what was going on there... stick to your guns... I didn't hear the word bribe I heard the word expenses as in travel expenses perhaps for when they came to court ? Please people ET is spinning for all they are worth I hope they have deep pockets for attorneys because this is obviously a smear campaign and Lincoln Bain sealed the deal with his big lie. Does ET think the American public are as dumb as the Bahamians ?
Anonymous said…
How true about Larry King...he should have retired with some dignity...his show is nothing more than tabloid tv .Used to tune in for his wonderful interviews but not anymore
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
About 2 weeks ago Richard Milstein filed a motion for fees to be paid by the trust that was set up for Dannylynn from the media payments made for the Anna Nicole funeral.

Stern & Birkhead filed extensive motions in opposition to the fee request and in one reply asks the new Judge, Dale Ross to order Virgie Arthur to pay these fees!

There are no under the Fla. probate code that would allow such an award and Virgie had nothing to do with the trust.

The trust has $ 200,000. left and Milstein wants $ 175,000. for fees & costs.
Do you believe those little panty waist pieces of crap
Anonymous said…
Isn't this the nannies third (4th??) attorney, so why would she have been present when the nannies talked to the investigator. She was totally leading Rita on. Of course the nannies expenses, compensation for lost wages, etc. would have to be covered. A few thousand is DEFINITELY NOT a bribe in my book. To spin this as a bribe and tampering with witnesses is unbelievable. These people are worse than OJ.
Anonymous said…
His show is worse than mere tabloid tv. Since when should any type of news show, entertainment show etc. be used to only show one side of the story, to trash people without giving them the opportunity to represent their side of the story.
Anonymous said…
einstein said...
Anonymous said...
About 2 weeks ago Richard Milstein filed a motion for fees to be paid by the trust that was set up for Dannylynn from the media payments made for the Anna Nicole funeral.

Stern & Birkhead filed extensive motions in opposition to the fee request and in one reply asks the new Judge, Dale Ross to order Virgie Arthur to pay these fees!

There are no under the Fla. probate code that would allow such an award and Virgie had nothing to do with the trust.

The trust has $ 200,000. left and Milstein wants $ 175,000. for fees & costs.
Do you believe those little panty waist pieces of crap

That is a crock of chit. Virgie needs to tell him to go f'himself.

Do you have a link?
Anonymous said…
I don't think they want Ben T to appear at the inquest b/c they are going to try to make him the fall guy (and the spin will be he must of done it b/c he won't appear at the inquest).
Anonymous said…
This was posted at TMZ.

I'm sure he'll let Greta access them though, particularly if Cosby indicates she'll show up for a hard interview.

Posted at 4:14PM on Oct 10th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean

So Greta is supposed to do a hard interview of Rita, while LK let's it be the HKS and Lin Wood spin show?

The gall.
Anonymous said…
Howard is handsome!
Anonymous said…
4:26pm Please get some glasses
Anonymous said…
Howard is a freak just like Michael Jackson!
Anonymous said…
how do u know richard milstein has filed a motion with the court for fees from the dannielynn trustfund. i researched it and came up with nothing. how do u know how much is in the trust. i'm sorry if howard or larry file a motion not to pay the fees , it would be on every show or tabloid sheet. i believe this is nothing but a smoke screen to get rita out of the hot seat. she is the one that wrote that book without doing the interviewing herself. what jouralist would do that. i think it's great we get a chance to heard howard side of this. he is the only one besides larry that loved anna. they were going to get married. anna and daniel died from accidental drug overdoses. overdoes are the #2 killer.
Anonymous said…
Sorry ,
I just ear Rita's voice tape in Bahamas! hoho! Tonight LKL will be for Howard k stern and his lawyer houppppiiii!
Who is the loooser?
Take a chance......Rita and the Evilteam
Anonymous said…
i just heard the tape of rita with the lawyer and she stated the 15,000would come from the magazine because it can't come from her. i'm sorry james, you are backing the wrong horse. i have a feeling she will lose the civil suit. but why use a private invesigator from an interested party instead of hiring her own private invesigator. don clark is the one who works for oquinn and howard is suing him for defamation. so they have motive here. they want vergie to have a say in the money dannielynn from the marshall estate. if she wanted to write a book she should have used her own resources. i have lost respect for her as a journalist.
Anonymous said…
3127. Sun: About 2 weeks ago Richard Milstein filed a motion for fees to be paid by the trust that was set up for Dannylynn from the media payments made for the Anna Nicole funeral.

stern & Birkhead filed extensive motions in opposition to the fee request and in one reply asks the new Judge, Dale Ross to order Virgie Arthur to pay these fees!

there are no under the Fla. probate code that would allow such an award and Virgie had nothing to do with the trust.

The trust has $ 200,000. left and Milstein wants $ 175,000. for fees & costs.

Posted at 4:01PM on Oct 10th 2007 by Reliable Sources

THIS is SICKENING!!!!! What LOWLIFES these Grifters are!!! Do they EVER pay a DEBT???? Or spend their OWN MONEY???? Oh! Right!... THEY DON'T HAVE ANY....


GO VIRGIE!!! Go Rita!!! Good People EVERYWHERE are with YA!!!

ET better watch THEIR STEP!!! Enough is ENOUGH!!




We are ON TO YA HOWIE!!!
Anonymous said…
Rita was offering to line up Media Interviews SAYING she won't pay..BUT Mags do....WHERE is the CRIME????

ISN'T this JUST what LARRY and STERN do DAILY????

ISN'T THIS what sTERN did TO SELL the TAPE for BAIN TO ET????

Anonymous said…
what time is Larrty king on?
Anonymous said…
9 pm eastern
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
where can i find this so called article about richard milstein filing a motion in court for fees from the dannielynn trustfund? i think this is a smoke and mirror thing to get us off the real issue. which is rita trying to bribe witnesses and using that don clark o'quinn private investigator do her work for her. she knew he was bias. a journalist is to their own research.
Anonymous said…
What is going on with Larry King and Howard Stern? What was going on with Harvey Levins and Larry Birkhead? The world is waiting for justice in the deaths of Anna and Daniel, and in the heinous behavior of Howard Stern and the questionable behavior in selling the baby for income for these two creepy people. We do not want to see the orchestrated and predetermined questions that allow Howard Stern to lie as he did about being the father of the baby. Larry King has become incapable of getting to the truth, it seems, and the world waits for justice while Larry and Howard are getting a free ride and help from Larry King Live. How disgusting.

Rita Cosby has exposed the TRUTH, but she is not a guest on Larry King Live? WHY? John O'Quinn is a brilliant attorney who is highly respected and has received awards for his humanitarian efforts, but he is not a guest? Virgie Arthur has been slandered and attacked by Howard and his supporters because she told Anna on national TV that Daniel was gone, and if Anna was not careful of who was around her she would be next. She was next. Howard hates Virgie because she suspected the truth, so he has used ET, TMZ, and his several supporters to trash and slander virgie. But of course Virgie is not a guest, either. Neither is Opri. WHY? Because CNN joins the disgusting ET and TMZ in supporting criminal activities?

It is totally deplorable that Larry King is catering to a person of Howard Stern's ilk. He has no idea how the world feels about the lack of justice regarding the actions of Howard Stern, and the lack of proper investigation at the Hard Rock, and the ridiculous Seidlin whose behavior is very questionable in his ruling.

Larry King should be ashamed for aiding and abetting the past, present and continuing evil behavior of Howard Stern, by having him as a guest on his show.
We will all be watching Larry's show tonight, and we expect better than what we have seen in the past when he allowed Howard to lie to your face on your show.

About Milstein, I never trusted him, and always suspected collusion when Seidlin appointed him to represent the baby when Seidlin ignored the actual law and came up with his own law. I think Milstein and Howard are still in cahoots, though. If money is received, they will both get it in my opinion. And, what is MILSTEIN entitled to money for? I figured he got some of the funeral money.
It was testified that Howard pocketed the funeral money, and that it did not go to the baby's trust. WHAT is going on? Is there no end to the outrageous?
Anonymous said…
You'd think this was a sports game game (Guru Supporters) where there are Winners/Losers!

A 20-year-old young male adult, who never had a chance at discovering sweet nectar in his life, mysteriously died in his mother's maternity room where it would be determined that it was a drug interaction death. What's most horrifying about that death is later there would appear photographs on the web of the dead young man cradled in his shocked and grieving mother's arms (some including his three-day-old baby sibling). Additionally, it would be known that Getty Images purportedly has many of this photograph series for sale at the price of $200,000. We know who the photographer of those photos is and that person has connections at Getty Images as they often photographed Anna. I do not believe for one moment the person who will be accused by him is responsible for the leak nor the sale....there's only one person that would be so ruthlessly in pursuit of money to pay the mounting legal bills.

A 39-year-old mother of a five-month-old baby girl, again, dies five months later (after her 20-year-old son) on Native American soil which isn't under the jurisdiction of Florida or U.S. laws. The tragedy of that story is that she was left to progressively die over a four-day period because the professionals of her inner circle chose not to hospitalize her for "professional" medical care. Even Dr. Perper, M.E., repeatedly stated in media interviews that her LIFE could have been saved had she received "professionally supervised medical care".

When LIVES are tragically lost in this or any manner, there are NO "Winners". In the average person's mind, there is no PRIDE in carrying around a duffel bag full of drugs (many in the name of a lawyer) and administering those drugs to a supposed client!

Profound lesson here, be discerning about those you allow into your own circle of friendships!

"Scratching one's head" one or nothing to be proud of regarding your chosen guru!
Anonymous said…
You could hear it in Lincolns voice , the way he was talking he was setting Rita up.
Anonymous said…

Greta is asking for help from Viewers on the MILSTEIN STORY!!!!....Check it out....
Anonymous said…
Is windi around??
Anonymous said…
So what happened to the accusation that Rita made sexual advances toward Bain? Nothing about that on ET?
ET was a little low key tonight. Hmmmm, wonder if O'Quinn had something to do with that.

I couldn't watch LKL, fresh out of barf bags. (I did tape it though for reference).
Anonymous said…
It looked like they were ambushing Rita. She was actually trying to get away a few times, and at one point at LEAST, Baines was in her face, pointing a finger at her, cursing. It was disgusting! I felt so bad for Rita.
Not that it would do much good considering the corruption in the bahamas, but I hope Rita filed a police report just to have on record at least.
Anonymous said…
Howie took photos of a dead son being cradled by the mother, Vicky Lynn. Howie took pictures of the woman he loved (barf) instead of comforting her. Howie killed someone and then made money off the death of the boy and the grief of the mother.

Anonymous said…
Larry King has got in bed w/ ET, Insider, TMZ & Art Hairyass (Harris).
Howie had to have Lin Wood hold his hand...poor baby.
Howard is such a liar!!!!!!!!!!!

View my pics making fun of HK$...see my site.
Anonymous said…
love your site, bama! thanks!
Anonymous said…
Proud to be Banned, you were right not to watch Larry King tonight. It was as sickening as anything I have ever seen. Lin was disgusting, too, backing Howard up while Howard did his usually fake statements. Howard would gag a maggot.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, Not only would Howard gag a maggot, but Howard IS a maggot! a blood sucking maggot!

You know, I could barely look at him or listen to him before, but NOW? After seeing that picture? I have no words! This is not a human being! And HE's the victim??!! Ugh!
Anonymous said…
From LKL:

KING: She described where it took place, under what the circumstances were. Is it a once only thing? What does she say? I didn't see the book.
Anonymous said…
transcript is up on LKL site. Could post but rather lengthy. HKS lies and distorts all the way thru.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
He blamed ANS for his taking pictures of Daniel dead. No end to this bully attitude, the whine, "She made me do it." Gets old REAL fast. Get the sob on the stand and put a REAL man up against him.

HKS showed his colours in TX years past when he stole legal docs from opposing counsel. SCUM
Anonymous said…
It was reported months ago; one of the dogs was struck and run over by a deliver van, remember? HKS said they were all well and healthy...

I thot a second dog was run over/struck by BS when she was hanging out there...
Anonymous said…
They blame MOE for releasing the photos of Daniel...HKS saw nothing wrong in having ANS scripts in his name... said they never did street drugs... said he only smoke mary jane in college...

If HKS was the gas in a coal mine, the canary died.
Anonymous said…
I think Larry King swallowed the canary. God what a waste of a good hour. Another boring interview with king......and of all the e-mails he received he asked about the f'n dog.
Anonymous said…
I saw the Larry King show. My question is if the alleged tape shows up will Wood still represent Stern or is the case dismissed. Would that injure Stern's creditbility at all if alleged tape appears? Or is it just one alleged issues among many? Guess have to wait and see on this. jmo
Anonymous said…
Did you notice he doesnt really blink, he is monotone and without expression to the voice or face. He looked vacant, until you notice his eyes, like the eyes of a shark...scary, scary man, the look of pure evil...
and what's with the stupid excuse that mom and dad still support him? What crap....liar, liar, the pants Anna bought you on fire
Anonymous said…
Of course he looks vacant hes the devil, the eyes are the window to the soul ,he has no soul.
Anonymous said…
Yes, he is satanic and sociopathic, evil personified.
Lies lies lies, backed up by his "sue happy attorney".

When asked a direct question he lies glibly, like he thinks the world is full of idiots. Everybody knows about the money, about his selling the funeral, selling Anna, selling pictures of Daniel, selling the baby, and yet he dares to sit there saying his parents support him, as though he didn't have the benefit of all Anna's estate, even before she died, and certainly afterward. Yes, they wouldn't "let him" go to the hospital, but they let Moe? And MOE said he did the things, alone there to take care of things, that Howard claimed last night to have done, calling a Chaplain, and then Howard said they let them "spend time" with Anna. He is certifiable. He was busy with ET then, trying to line up ways to line his pocket more than they already were, with ANNA'S money. Scum of the earth.
Anonymous said…
Larry King, Seidlin, Milstein, Steins, Levins, all cut from the same cloth as Howard Stern. All supporting the heinous activities of Stern. Even a child could see it. And Milstein appointed by Seidlin to represent the child whose estate Milstein now attempts to rob, claiming money that is in the Trust, according to what I read last night. Money for WHAT? He didn't even protect the baby's interests, and in my view it was all a part of collusion in the Florida courtroom to allow Howard to get Anna's body. My blood boils when I think about how Howard has gotten away with these evil plots and then was allowed to have Anna's estate and possessions, is the executor of the estate (said he isn't getting anything from serving as Executor, hahahaha), and Larry did not protect Anna, the baby, and does not care whether justice is pursued. All those people are of the same ilk. The Justice system is going to have to step up to the plate on this criminal activity which has already been a blight on this country. We must be the laughing stock of the world from the Florida fiasco, and what is still being allowed. Where is the FBI?
Anonymous said…
Yes, Howard couldn't have sold the funeral for millions if he hadn't gotten the body to bury. Then he insulted Anna's grieving mother, and his trashy sister bragged that she told Anna's mother she "made her sick", at the funeral. Such a classy family.
Anonymous said…
I watched LKL and was amazed when Larry asked Howie if he was kiding him about him being the Father, Kidding what kind of description is that. Lying is the word he should have used. Larry asked Howie why do you take pictures like that and Howie said . Anna takes pictures. What did that mean. Anna made him do it. I think Anna was griving when Daniel died. What did she stop crying and say Howie I insist you take a picture of Daniel dead so I can see that he really is dead? What BS. And funny thing the Dead can't talk. So no one to say this is not true. Where all these pictures Annas wishes. We have heard so many outrageous wishes of Anna. But she is dead and can not refute these lies. Using DL to protect themselves by saying that they don't want her reading this. What about the drugs that where enabled during the pregnancy? These drugs that could have ended her life in Utero and will effect her growth and development the rest of her life. Larry King I am ashamed of you and CNN for allowing this man air time. This has diminished my view of you considerably.
Anonymous said…
Well James, seems to me you need some help. Your hatred for HKS, has gotten to you. You are bias and not wanting of any truth. Probably this is why you have a gossip site. No truth found here. Just plain old HATRED, LIES, SPIN AND of course defending Rita at all costs, even when it is now revealed that she too is a LIAR.....SHAME ON YOU JAMES.....
Anonymous said…
billy bob, you are one of the handful of Stern supporters who praise him for stealing someone's house, and who call him a smart, smart man. It seems to me YOU are the one who needs help if your can support an evil, diabolical person who parasitically leached off a woman for years and who now, since she and her son are eliminated, lives off her money and her daughter. We have read you and your few other mindless Stern supporters for months. We have read your slander and your distortions of the truth. Now I see you have found your way to one of the few decent sites so you can spew your venom here. Why don't you move on to post with others of your ilk? You would feel more at home!
Anonymous said…
Really in my opinion, can you imagine telling the mother of the deceased you make me sick at a funeral unreal no class if this is true. imo
Anonymous said…
It has been reported on Access Hollyood I believe that Mickey Sherman is Rita Cosby's legal consultant. If this is true he is a great attorney. In my opinion, he one of the best. jmo
Anonymous said…
Larry King
You could have made a difference; you elected other.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Larry King is a disappointment, but at least he isn't as malicious and as sleazy as Greta has been in her attempts to discredit Rita Cosby. It has to be envy. She has been muley about it, with this really disgusting expression on her face.
Even the lawyers she had on tonight were supportive of Rita, and tried to state why she was o.k. with this, and still yet Greta continued her obnoxious comments. I am sure I am only one of many who saw this pettiness in Greta, and her hope that Rita will fail. Well, she does have every reason to envy Rita, in Rita's beauty, her talent, her charm and her success. She has done everything Greta is doing and has done it better, but there is MUCH more to Rita, and she has many more achievements. I hate to see Greta supporting evil instead of good, but to each his own. I don't know who is worse, Harvey Levins or Greta.
Anonymous said…
So far I haven't seen any give credit to their journalistic careers of being investigative reporters... They have failed to ask tough questions, they have pandered to the guests or slanted the truth. TMZ is the worst with ET and Insider tied for second worst. The others are aw strong as diluted coffee.