'Blonde Ambition' Rita Cosby

Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer and leach, Howard K. Stern, filed a $60 million libel lawsuit Tuesday against Rita Cosby and her publisher over a book she wrote that claims Stern and Smith's ex-boyfriend, Larry Birkhead, had a sexual encounter.The suit, filed in federal court in New York, seeks $10 million in compensatory damages and $50 million in punitive damages from Cosby, the former MSNBC host who wrote "Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death" — and Hachette Book Group USA Inc.The book, which hit stores in September, claims that besides the alleged sexual encounter, Birkhead and Stern both worked together after Smith's death to manipulate the media and maximize profits. Smith died of an drug overdose in Florida in February at age 39. Stern initially claimed to have fathered Smith's young daughter, Dannielynn, but Birkhead eventually showed he was the father. The baby could inherit millions from the estate of Smith's late husband, Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II. Stern's lawsuit says that the book falsely accuses Stern of, among other things, criminal lewd acts, homosexual acts, illegal possession and use of cocaine, conspiring to commit murder and kidnapping for ransom. "Defendants have exploited Ms. Smith's life and death by publishing false and defamatory factual accusations against" Stern, according to the 65-page lawsuit filed by Atlanta lawyer Lin Wood. "Blonde Ambition purports to be a 'tell-all' book, but it can only be accurately described as a 'tell-all-lies' book," Wood said in statement Tuesday. A spokesman for Cosby declined to comment and referred calls to a spokesman for the book's publisher. That spokesman, Evan Boorstyn, did not immediately return a call Tuesday seeking comment. Both Birkhead and Stern, Smith's longtime attorney and companion, had threatened to sue soon after the book was published. An attorney for Birkhead, M.L. Trope, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that "it's just a matter of time" before his client files a libel suit of his own. He did not say when that would be filed. Birkhead acknowledged meeting with Cosby several times after Smith's death in February. But he flatly denied that he and Stern ever shared a sexual tryst. Cosby, a former MSNBC correspondent, claimed there is a videotape of the alleged encounter and that one of Smith's former employees had seen the former Playboy Playmate watching it. But Birkhead has said no tape could exist because the encounter did not occur. Birkhead also has denied the book's claim that he and Stern made a "secret deal" about finances and the custody of Smith's daughter, Dannielynn. Cosby has said she expected backlash from Birkhead and Stern when she started writing the book in April.


This is what everyone who wanted justice for Anna Nicole Smith and Daniel have been waiting for. Now Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead will have to do depositions in front of a Judge. They will have to face the truth and justice. Howard can tell us about the prescriptions, the lies on National TV, the backroom deals. Rita Cosby expected a battle. They are never going to know what hit them. They are never going to win And Cosby won't rest till Justice is served 'Cosby Style' for what has happened to Anna Nicole Smith and her son Daniel. Meanwhile, 'Blonde Ambition' The Untold Story Story Of Anna Nicole Smith continues to be a best seller because America wants to know the truth !
Photos By: James Edstrom


Anonymous said…
Bravo! Hats off to you, Rita, for engaging HKS in the judicial arena! Courage and strength and public support be the fortitude behind your wall of truth and justice!

Anonymous said…
Yippee! I've been waiting for that asswipe stern to walk into another punji pit!

Thanks Rita!
Anonymous said…
Let discovery begin.
Interesting GVS show on this matter tonight .
Anonymous said…
I am wondering about the tape can someone produce the tape in court ,i sure hope cause that would blow Larrysue and HK$$ out of the water, lets see how much power HK$$ thinks he has in the U.S.A. courts like he does in the Bahamas cause he has stalled the courts over there.
Mo said…
I'm at a loss for words. This has been such a long time coming.

Thank you Rita and James.

GO RITA!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Can anyone update on what was said on Greta...PLEASE???
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this current post, James!

Do you suppose waiting until now to file the lawsuit is a tact for getting the Inquest delayed again?

Anonymous said…
On Greta. Her and her panel had a very good time poo pooing HKS and his lawsuit.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Dee...Glad to hear it...
Anonymous said…
I hope Rita watched Greta and her panel of attorneys tonight. They laughed and basically ridiculed the lawsuit, and said Howard had created such a carnival atmosphere that people could say what they wished. They said the basic reason someone could sue is if they lost their job from what someone wrote, and that Howard doesn't even work. Sorry I can't state it all here, but it was supportive of Rita. They said now Rita can supeona(sp) information now, which would be a good thing. But, some people lie under oath, as we know.

I heard that O'Quinn came out way ahead on the Deposition regarding the lawsuit Howard filed against HIM. O'Quinn has a formidible list of witnesses, too. He is a well respected and brilliant attorney.

I can't remember whether it is Larry or Howard who is suing Opri. Does anybody know?

Rita, words cannot adequately convey my admiration and respect for you! Onward!! You will win!
Anonymous said…
Larry is suing Opri...
Anonymous said…
My question is what if an alleged tape of the alleged incident between Birkhead and Stern does surface. What happens if the case dismissed? Can Cosy file suit if the alleged tape of the alleged incident does surface? Truth is the best defense for libel is the saying.
Anonymous said…
I clicked on that link on tmz and I can't believe someone took that picture of Anna. Who in the heck does that and for what purpose?

She is so drugged in those pictures and they can't say she was calling the shots and refused treatment. She was not in her right faculties.

Bring on the lawsuit. Let the mud sling.

Where is the justice?
Anonymous said…
From reading other comments and the lawsuit, he is suing for alot of things other than the alleged homosexual act.

illegal cocaine
baby for ransom
involvement in death
Anonymous said…
Link to photo of "anna"...Notice the head board...try and look for shane gibson photo see if head board matches...IMO...SAME BED!!!!
Anonymous said…
LINK ABOVE....READ!!!!!!!!

"These photos were allegedly taken by Howard K. Stern with Anna Nicole's camera in the Bahamas less than a month before Anna died. It appears as though Anna was pretty damn drugged up when they were taken. Our source informs us that in a brief moment of clarity, Anna saw these pictures on her digital camera and was terrified not only at her state of intoxication when the photos were shot, but more concerned with why someone would take pictures of her in this state. Anna allegedly relied on "Big Moe," who was her bodyguard as well as her close friend. Anna reportedly gave these photos to Big Moe as a "gift" and intended them to chronicle her last days, as she feared her impending death upon realizing her advanced, addicted, intoxicated downward spiral.

Our source would also like people to know that he sent these photos to bloggers because he felt this was the best way to help Anna Nicole "speak from the grave" and tell her story, specifically that she was taken advantage of and exploited by those closest to her prior to her death while in an obvious incoherent and vulnerable state, and he also hopes bigger, more reputable media outlets will investigate his story. The source didn't ask for any monetary compensation and assures us these photos belong to Big Moe, Anna's bodyguard and close friend."
Anonymous said…
I believe I read that both Cosby and her publisher expected this law suit, and are ready wiling and able to defend their allegations. I admire Cosby. Also I recall reading that the book was well vetted by the publishers legal department. When you read the acknowlegements in the book and tells some other sources she spoke with.
Anonymous said…

There is word out that the photo link may have viruses. This is not first hand knowledge but I believe my sources are very reliable.
Anonymous said…
There is word out that the photo link may have viruses. This is not first hand knowledge but I believe my sources are very reliable.

12:50 AM

It DOESN'T ...I checked...NICE TRY, THOUGH....
Anonymous said…

Thought nothing could surprise me after the "Clown Video" but these are absolutely shocking!

I hope the authorities are working behind the scenes as this man has one very sick mind!

I'm simply, once again, at a loss for words!

Anonymous said…
Okay. Take a deep breath! I did go to view the photo. I wonder if someone used photo-shop on that. Of course, what I saw had most of the photo blanked out so it was a hard call.

Next, reading the virus warning posted: I routinely do computer scans so I just did one. Nothing but a bunch of cookies. Dropped those in the deep six with swims. Zip on the virus.

Spoke with a friend who eyeballs tmz. She never posts over there but always walks away with computer problems JUST BY VISITING. She was unaware of all the probls we had with that site but knows now; she will not be returning to the site due to the scum of the bloggers.

Larry sues and Howard sus and you are surprised? Lol! Look at their middle names! SUE Doesn't mean a thing; Rita has her bases covered. She would have had legal advise prior to publication; she is a savy lady.
Anonymous said…
uuuhhooohhIII @ 12:40 PM.

Headboard IS the same as in the Shane Gibson photos (not photo shopped)!

If you type in "Shane Gibson and Anna Nicole Photos", it'll bring up the TMZ blogs and, then, click on appropriate one and the photo will come up (not quite as sharp as what we originally saw), i.e. photo on right has the same HEADBOARD pattern as the one on today's revealing photos!

Anna's personal lawyer who professed to love her has one fkd up dude and needs to be disbarred in the State of California!

Anonymous said…
Anonymous: MD
Thanks for your research. Yes, one sick person. I feel sorry for the woman (Vicky Lynn) who was held hostage by photos like these. He just doesn't know when to quit, does he?

More rain so I am heading off to bed to the natural music of the spheres... Tomorrow, like Christmas morning, brings new discoveries from James and Rita. Hope Greta has her latest posted; so hard to find that on her site!

Anonymous said…
The bird in the glided cage
Anonymous said…
Thank you, James, for the story!

Timing--news of the suit was given to Art after the courts were closed in NY. A copy of the suit wasn't received by Rita and yet media sources ask her to comment on the allegations? I can't wait to read what "accusations" in the book Stern will deny.

As for the photos on TMZ--I'm concerned about the source of those photos and would like to have a professional review them before we believe. (James??) I find it very hard to believe that Moe went along with so much in this story and now he's giving us access to these photos? I am more than skeptical that Moe would want to leak these photos after failing to call 911 himself having knowledge of Anna's rage at these photos. It doesn't add up. I also believe that clicking those links poses an unnecessary risk.
Anonymous said…
morning, HR. Witing to find out who is the surprise guest~ lol!
Anonymous said…
Hi passing thru... I can't wait! When is the party?

I'm off to work...good seeing you, passing thru!
Anonymous said…
i saw those pics of sad is that? if howard calls that love....damn..someone arrest that bastard...yes the pic was blurred out but if you click on the pic itself it gets big and the blurriness goes away...ok yall..if this is out...get rready for the video..and opinion...howard .you bastard...
Anonymous said…
say what..
I believe Rita was playing poker re:the video.. me thinks she either has a copy, or spoke with someone who does.. its coming people, that hard drive was copied.....and its for real
Anonymous said…
Surely there were copies made of the video. If there were no copy I still don't think Howard could win his case. What is his point, suing everybody he doesn't like, suing for what people say, and having henchmen out there insulting and slandering good people who haven't committed any criminal acts whatsoever, as he apparently has and has never been charged for any of them. Something is rotten about this whole thing and Anna and her son suffered losses and ultimately their lives.
Anonymous said…
I don't doubt that there are viruses, and my computer was ruined in TMZ and I bought a new one. I don't know if there is any protocol that should be observed, but I do know that in TMZ there were ongoing attacks on Virgie, O'Quinn, Shelley, Thompson, and on bloggers who defended any of those people. Honest and decent posts were often blocked, but the posts supporting Stern always allowed. I am wondering if even passing through the TMZ site picks up viruses and cookies. Also, in May I was directly threatened by an e-mail signed Larry, which said "I will have your http:address. If you
think I'm kidding try me. As you say I am now inwith the crowd of
bribery and moneylaundering. People in our circle have ways to get what we want. Think about it. Larry"

That was posted in TMZ to me.
so go figure.
Anonymous said…
To collect compensatory damages, a public official or public figure must prove actual malice (knowing falsity or reckless disregard for the truth).

This is old case law. Since times have certainly changed, I think there should be an additional element/an even higher burden of proof required for people who use the media as a manipulation machine, and make huge money by doing so. Maybe something along the lines of coming into court with "unclean hands."
Anonymous said…
Has TMZ even bothered to post the story of HKS suing Rita?
Anonymous said…
I can't help but wonder if HKS had the photos released so he can use it to argue that the inquest should not proceed because it won't be far to poor old HKS.
Anonymous said…
Good Morning, All! Waiting for the SPECIAL GUEST news!!!
Anonymous said…
I don't think Howard wanted those photos released, IMO. He had Wood send a letter to Hollyscoop, who had them first, saying they were property of the ESTATE, not to publish them. (Can YOU IMAGINE...USING ANNAS MONEY and ESTATE to cover HIS A$$??? The GALL!) THEN MOE came forward and said they were given to HIM so they were then published on, a Gossip Site. No money was given for them, it states.I, too, have my doubts about moe, BUT MAYBE he's finally coming clean. There are , IMO, probably MANY MORE. VERY SAD, yes, DISTURBING, YES, but IMO, Pepole nEED to know what happened to this Woman. SHE has the RIGHT to have THOSE that WRONGED HER PROCECUTED...ALL my own opinion...I AM but ONE.
Anonymous said…
Perez is reporting the special guest will be Virgie Arthur
Anonymous said…
the pics are so sad, she never had a chance howie thought if he paraded anna all over the media in that condition no one would think twice about her death of an od. i think he believed if chloral hydrate was a factor in her death it would bring more fame, mystery and speculation to her untimely death.he thought the marlyn monroe connection would bring more fame and money to her estate which means more money in his pocket. i still am suspicious of moe. hasen't he stayed in howie's camp all along.i'm afraid moe is still doing howie's bidding
James Edstrom said…
Perez is stealing from the New York Daily News which I had the item in today that Virgie was special guest....No big news....I sent item there and will be posting more guests today....
Anonymous said…
THANKS JAMES!!! Glad to see Virgie!!! A STRONG Woman I ADMIRE!!! Can't WAIT for the REST of the Guests!!!
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Folks:

Yes, once again, we must turn to James for the truth in this sad, sad and disgusting Saga.

Who would have guessed that Howard K. Stern would be this stupid. What a numskull!

Greta said that Now Rita can gather even more information to write another book! LOL! Rita, I have my credit card in hand ready to buy.
Anonymous said…
I agree, "uuuhhooohh"!
What happened to Anna was cruel, monstrous and evil.
And what about DANIEL! An innocent boy who Stern supporters try to slander with the "he was depressed" story, to cover the tracks of the perpetrator.

Also, shrieking that things that are sold "belong to the estate" merely tells me that Howard wants to sell them himself for the money, including the breast surgery, because after all he has sold the C-section and all other pictures, videos, everything. Nothing is sacred.

And, where is the estate, anyway?
Anonymous said…
I, TOO, Mrs. Marples !!! I HOPE RITA writes a sequel!!! LOL...

May God Bless those in search of Truth and Justice...
Anonymous said…
It states on NO MONEY WAS ASKED for the PHOTOS....They were released to SHOW the WAY ANNA SUFFERED...
Anonymous said… HOPE that LARGER MEDIA OUTLETS will take notice and INVESTIGATE!!!
Anonymous said…
NO IDEA where the estate is..RUMORS it is set up in BAHAMAS...BUT also proceedings in CA...Mrs. Marples may know more in this area...actually...PROBABLY DOES!!! LOL....
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Marple! Good to see you!

Yes, this has been a depressing and shocking saga which has broken our hearts for Daniel and Anna, filled us with worry for an endangered child, and has shocked us with the knowledge that our law enforcement and judicial system might be corrupt, flawed and can be bribed.

But, we have heroes in Rita Cosby and in John O'Quinn, and in Ford Shelley, who stepped up to the plate for Anna in her request to obtain items from the Horizons! Were it not for those honorable and brave human beings, we would not have seen the possibility for justice that we now see, for which we are thankful!

I would suggest to those people that they watch their backs. Evil is afoot.
Anonymous said…
30707. Photo 1
date picture taken 1/12/2007 @ 12:11pm
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

Photo 2
date picture taken 1/20/2007 @ 6:15am
camera model Canon EOS Digital Rebel XL

Posted at tmz by it's so sad....
Anonymous said…
That picture is disgusting.I bet that sick man took photos of Anna in Florida too.

I saw that posted about the canon camera. I googled and it looks like the camera that Howard had around his neck at the boxing match in January. He can't say ANNA asked him to take the photo.

Someone actually went to Art Harris and posted that she was probably eating messy food or was looking down.
Anonymous said…
I thought the clown was disgusting when ANS was pregant but this is just so dam sick, it shows how much she was suffering and how much she was controlled by the devil himself HK$$, I am sure there are more out there ,these photos are so heart breaking can you imagine how Virgie feels seeing her daughter in this condition, and the people around her did this to her, how helpless Virgie must feel, may the Good Lord above put a stop to all of HK$$ and LB evil deeds and once and for all let there be justice for Daniel and ANS.
Anonymous said…
30745. 30735. The pictures are Real!
Tick Tock goes the clock!

Posted at 11:49AM on Oct 3rd 2007 by Oh Really!
What's the fuss about these pictures?

In one, ANS, exhausted after the birth of DL, was being spoon fed to help her regain her strength, and she feel asleep. That's unswallowed food, not vomit, on her chest and lips.

In the other, an exhausted ANS is shown holding a cute, perky, tiny & well-dressed DL.

ANS, like most new Mothers, was tired all the time in the early days after DL's birth. DL is well cared for as evidenced in the pictures and so was ANS.

So, without further distraction, back to the real news - HKS's bombshell lawsuit against Cosby and her Publisher!

Look at what this @ss put on tmz! I think he wrote that to start trouble. That baby was 4 months old when that picture was taken. Besides, didn't Anna get the hair extentions in January???

Swim is trying to say she was being spoon fed from exhuastion.
Anonymous said…
Oh, yes, that is the garbage they post on TMZ. They lie and distort the truth, and slander innocent persons. That is the most evil site on the Internet.

Barbarians with no heart and soul come up with endless diabolical statements, and after all, they are aided and led by Satanic evil.
Anonymous said…
Anybody with any feeling whatsoever would feel anguish and rage seeing those pictures of Anna.
Someone must have have hated her with a vengeance to treat a helpless and grieving woman with such barbaric cruelty. The way Anna was treated and used, per Daniel's statements and what was done to Anna after Daniel's death, is beyond depravity and evil.

There is NO way Anna was being spoon fed. She was more likely drugged to the max and nauseated from that. ALSO, in the hideous picture of Anna, so pathetic, so sick, it is clear that she is being pushed toward death with constant overdoses of toxic and dangerous drugs by heartless and insanely diabolical people. Oh, and yes, look at her skin tone and the odd places on her body. Sure, the baby is dressed by the nannie, and it appears that Anna is not even wearing clothes, and her hair is stringy and oily. I am sure, the baby was fairly well cared for because she was Anna's replacement in the incessant greed to obtain money from the Marshall family. Daniel was out. Anna was out, and the baby was in.
Anonymous said…
Pray tell, why if someone was spoon feeding Anna and she fell asleep leaving food all over her face and chest, would someone then begin to take pictures of such a pitiful sight? A psychopath?
Anonymous said…
I have to admit those pictures ,made me cry they are so pathic, and sad, how could any humane being to that to another while others stood around and watched, how very very sad, in this day and age ,with all this proof she was being abused that the asshole hks is still running loose. my heart breaks for her and her family, poor Danilyn gonna see all this someday and the 2 asshole raising her did this.
Anonymous said…
anonymous, thank you!!!
Anonymous said…
Those pictures are real, they are graphic and they show the truth.
Rita, please make copies of these pictures and have them shown in court on a large screen, the way the Clown film should be shown in court. I am sure there are many other pictures showing the degradation and torture that Anna suffered.

Can't you counter sue challenging Stern's suit as frivolous, and that it is an effort to damage your credibility as a trusted and respected journalist?
Anonymous said…
Virgie, if you can get this message, know that there are many of us who are still supporting you, and although we were blocked from TMZ because they didn't like truth tellers, or those who supported you and John O'Quinn, we are still everywhere working for justice. You know who we are, and we may be threatened, we may be insulted, our computers may be damaged, and we may be blocked from TMZ, but we are here until the end. None of us really need to read posts in TMZ, especially not you, because it saps strength and drags good people down to read such evil comments.

I beseech you not to view pictures of Anna when she was being drugged and was not herself. You don't need this grief, in addition to all you have endured and have been subjected to by what appear to be organized and paid verbal attacks.

You must take care of yourself, and rest your mind, soul and body from this terrible ordeal. You are a brave and courageous woman with a noble spirit.

Justice has been slow, but it is coming. I know it. In the meantime, you, John O'Quinn, and Ford Shelley, and others, all need to watch your backs, IMO!

Best to you. A better day is coming.
Anonymous said…
Hi! Raced in from work to wee just who th mystery guest is for the party! Ya HOO! Excuse me while I go check out some other sites & me e mail... BBL...

Thanks Rita and James!
Anonymous said…
No-Brainer who is getting paid for the photos? there is your answer-Howard pencil dick took those photos being the sick pervert him and his whole family are guilty if you ask me.They all are in it for the money!
Anonymous said…
Didn't Howard's attorney say they still had copies of the pictures Anna gave Moe? Do any of us think Howard would NOT have SOLD those pictures at some time in the future?

The picture, cleaned up, is being shown on ET tonight. They are also showing pictures of Howard (akkk) and are going to talk about his lawsuit against Rita.
Anonymous said…
Is this the third "death picture"?
Anonymous said…
Website does not work for me... Can you explain the site? TX
Anonymous said…
It was a blessing in disguise! I have not really gotten down! I only blasted Rotten Crotch cause she is well-crap-a liar-a slut-a maggot-and lacks exactly $1.50 of being worth a damn.If and I doubt will happen she would tell the truth might save her worthless butt-I am quite positive the law is looking at the whole bunch! One fine Gentleman months back stated the common equation is a click and Lucas was correct-they are all in it for money and pure greed!
Anonymous said…
Passing thru,

It's not really a site, just a picture. I copied and pasted from here to test and it worked for me.

It's from the IDon' site.

try to either c/p or type exactly like this and then try again:
Anonymous said…
Evelyn DeMorgan, famous artist, circa 1919, painting,'The Gilded Cage". Sometimes life does imatiate art. jmo
Anonymous said…
Prepare yourselves for a lot of spinning on ET tomorrow night. They are gearing up for it. They say they will explain fully tomorrow night about the picture Howard is so angry about since it was posted. I am sure they are being fully educated as to how to portray these terribly pictures in some flim flam way and the spinning will begin with how someone was feeding Anna and she went to sleep and that was food all over her face and neck, yeah, right. Does the world believe that spinning? What will they say about the pitiful and heartbreaking sight of Anna, deathly ill and drugged, unclothed, ungroomed, unkempt, pathetic, sitting holding her baby?
I doubt they will mention THAT.
Anonymous said…
All the sources have stated that ANS did not parade about naked. She did not like to even sleep in the buff. What is with the photo? My first thot, someone took her clothing from her to keep her in the room.

She hold the baby weakly as if she is not even aware of holding her.

Do you think: Howie took picture of ANS with a dead DWS; Howie took pictures of a dying ANS with a viable child...For some reason, I do thin these pics were taken at HR despite the pink walls...
Anonymous said…
Passying thru, I enlarged those pictures by clicking on them until they were very large and clear pictures. It really made me sick and broke my heart. I have never seen anything like it. It is more than an outrage.

We now live for justice and to see punishment for all that was done to Anna, and also to her son, Daniel.
Anonymous said…
I think Howard took all the pictures. I think he took videos.
I think he took them to sell in the future. Don't you? It seems obvious. And heartless.
Anonymous said…
Who else was there to take the photos? The man who always had a camera was Howie. I am sickened that a person who pretended to have her back actually took her hopes, her dreams, her future, her child... totally destroyed her; in her weakness after giving birth, after holding her dead son in her arms... my God1 The emotions of Sept alone! Then, he would not let her find relief by speaking with her family and friends, controlling who attended Daniel's funeral... then telling her that her mother accused her of being involved in the death of Daniel.... This man really needs to be removed from his own misery! He is too sick! Pity he did not take any of those pills the "good" doctor prescribed for HIM... that were in HIS name!!! What a creep!

We all should show up at the inquest wearing... yes! Let us wear ANS masks so he enters the court seeing her face a hundred times over! Picket the court house with banners of her and Daniel... let him know he can run but can not hide! Send him to Dafur! lol Whit boy get lost there!!!
Anonymous said…
anonymous-He is evil-but also very adept at avoiding the law.I think even with what we know is tip of the iceberg.I believe he would do anything to make a dollar.He will never walk alone so I take comfort in that-as he will look over his shoulder till one day they take him in.You dry up the sources of money he will fall-some lawyers finding loopholes have kept him out of jail so far.Plus was no investigation in Florida and Seminole police or any Indian tribal police are concerned about gambling not justice.Any Fourth of July in any State firecrackers in most are illegal they are on every Reservation being sold!So Howard knew was he was doing by being at Hard Rock and also his connections in Bahamas-click yes indeed.Lot of people had there hand out!
Anonymous said…
Two people are dead. An estate might have been confiscated, and also someone's home. There is questionable drug dealing, bribery and the pictures certainly speak volumes, as does the clown video, which was probably just one of many. We wouldn't have even seen THAT one had it not been for Shelley. I am praying that the FBI and all federal agencies are hard at work on this. If not, and if all this is just ignored, and if justice is not done, I think we had better start looking for a law abiding country where criminal activities are not ignored. I mean Scotland, England, New Zealand and Australia, certainly not Aruba or the Bahamas.
Anonymous said…
anonymous-I agree problem is money-root of all evil and I believe that is a fact.You take the money away and you have a system like we use to have.May sound weird but think about this-you have one lawyer period to represent you and you bring a certain degree of fairness back.These wealthy folks hire a dozen lawyers all with goal of finding a loophole.
Anonymous said…
consider the source. They must be feeling pretty desperate about now. They thot Rita would be upset or surprised being served in such an obnoxious manner. Naw, she expected that time of lowly behavior and wasn't fazed in the least. TMZ was upset they could not get a candid shot of Rita being served; pity they did not stay for the cheers and the laughter. HKS will now have to go to court on a new case; makes him really look sue happy; let him back out of either, and there will be suits filed by the mighty Quinn and the majestic Rita.

How many cases are pending:
1. Inquest, "Oh, come on! That was sooo long ago! You expect me to remember?"
2. Horizon, "Not ANS house? What Pink House?"
3. Finalization of child's guardianship, "I don't know who keeps calling the media or where these checks come form, but, what the heck! I am keeping them! Wanna see some pics of Dannielynn? Cost ya a mill or two..."
4. Quinn: "He called me names..."
5. Cosby: "I am what she said I am and I am suing because people don't like what I am and what I did..."
6. Dr. Evil:"You mean I can't order drugs for a patient under someone elses' name? What is abandonment of patient? You can't use those drugs together? What is dosage? ANS' tolerance was high!!! "
7. Dr. K'poor: "What? Methadone and vitamins won't hurt her..."
8. Opri: " I talked and violated atty/client privilege but she can't do that... I am NOT paying for the stuff I told her to order for the baby's room..."

I am waiting for the day Stern sues Wood for failure to protect Stern's image that Stern is busy ruining by himself. I am waiting for the day Stern sues himself because his ID ruined his EGO. lol