Deborah Gibson at BB King's

Before I talk about Deborah Gibson's sold out concert at BB King's, I want to say something about Deborah's mother Diana. Keep in mind I think the world of Deborah, but I will not put up with what happened. I was invited to photograph Deborah by her publicist David Salidor. I arrived at BB King's with a smile on and a good heart. Salidor told me to go right up to the stage and take a few photographs. I am in front of the stage, taking pictures and all of a sudden this nut of a woman starts yanking at the cameras around my neck. She then grabs me by the wrist so hard, I couldn't break lose. Shes yelling I can't take pictures. I said I was with Deborah's publicist and had permission. She yelled I didn't have her permission. Shes pulling me threw the crowd, has bouncers on my tail when I finally break loose and run to Deborah's publicist. I was furious. I started yelling at Salidor asking who that woman was and he said that was Deborah's mother. He also said he saw the whole thing and was just as shocked. BB King's staff was great They were sorry for what happened and offered to buy me a drink, but by then I just wanted to get home. As I am discussing what happened with David Salidor, Deborah's crazy mother sends bouncers to me to demand I erase the film. Being that I have been in this business so many years, I knew that was coming. I had already switched camera cards and told the bouncers I erased and showed him a blank camera. Deborah needs to fire her mother as her manager. Her daughter is very talented and she is ruining relationships with the press. How dare Deborah's mother Diana even put a hand on me. If it had been a man, he would be sporting black eyes. I consider what Deborah's mother did as assault. I was told Deborah was going to call me to apologize, but no call was received.


New York's own DEBORAH GIBSON owned the night last week at her home-coming show at BB King's. With a new band in tow, she performed her greatest hits, "Lost In Your Eyes", "Foolish Beat", as well as her signature Broadway songs from her stints in LE MIZ; GREASE; CABARET; and, GYPSY. Ironically, the song that generated the biggest buzz was "Electric Youth" (from the album of the same name in 1989) ... as the sold-out house went crazy. In the house was OK MAGAZINE'S ROB SHUTER, a self-confessed Gibson fanatic. His favorite song was "Hopelessly Devoted To You" from GREASE. The magazine has featured Gibson quite extensively and Shuter hinted at an upcoming, major surprise for her in the weekly book. Gibson will also be appearing with the band at Foxwoods on November 2 and is continuing to promote the authorized DVD/CD set from DICK CLARK'S AMERICAN BANDSTAND. Also, on hand were Gibson's PR-man (Pasha!) DAVID SALIDOR; supremo-hair-stylist-BRUCE WAYNE; and, DAVID BATISTA, producer from ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT. Also, Gibson was spotted with CONSTANTINE MAROULIS, from AMERICAN IDOL at PALM WEST after an afternoon matinee at HAIRSPRAY. Gibson's back at BB King's Monday, October 22 for the MOTOWN salute from ROCKERS ON BROADWAY, and Deborah's mother better stay away !
Photo By: James Edstrom


Anonymous said…
You should press charges against her mother, Diane.

Diane has a reputation of being a nasty evil woman and most people agree she has ruined Deborah's career.

And, BB Kings did not sell out according to someone on one of Deborah's webpages, even with tickets being sold discounted at TKTS.
Anonymous said…
You'll get a huge apology and more from Diane at the Rockers on Broadway show, but you saw her true colors the night of Deborah's show at BB Kings. Don't believe a heartbeat of any of the apology!!!!
Anonymous said…
I guess I must have been at a different concert since I did not see this happening and I was siting towards the front.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad someone is speaking out against her mother. She's ruinning her career and has been for the past 20 years. She knows nothing about managing and how to treat people. Deborah is a sweetheart but her mom on the other hand is a totally different story.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I guess I must have been at a different concert since I did not see this happening and I was siting towards the front.

This happend before the gig..
Anonymous said…
I am glad you could separate the incident mama gave you from the performance Deborah presented. That is the mark of professionalism.
James Edstrom said…
Look at the picture....Was at the beginning..Too much to drink ?


Anonymous said…
Well I have never personally met Deborah or Diane but I have to say that if Diane would have ruined Debs career then no telling what Deb would be doing now. Look at Britney Spears now because she didn't have someone like Diane .....I think that Deb and Diane are greatful to have each other ,Deb would or could've have turned to drugs or whatever if Diane wouldn't have been there. Even though Deb doesn't have hits songs/albums coming out she has maintained her intregity.
Anonymous said…
No one is questioning Diane's MOTHERING skills; people are questioning her management skills.
Anonymous said…
If that was during the show, that was when Deborah was performing LOST IN YOUR EYES, which was the 5th to LAST song of the set! I agree: Too much to drink or just not paying attention??
Anonymous said…
What is Deborah doing? A few random shows that can't sell out and trying to get publicity talking about how she is a normal person and survived being a teen queen? The teen market is never going to buy her albums, 7/8th's of her old market could care less about her, and the only fanbase she has left is her gay fans (we are the best).
Anonymous said…
Thank you for separating the 2 issues!
If her mother is ruining her career maybe it's time to part ways
Anonymous said…
Great to hear the show was amazing. If conflicts occur outside of the music/product, Deborah should consider that.
Anonymous said…
It is no surprise that Electric Youth was most appreciated. No one cares about her Broadway stuff.
Anonymous said…
i didn't say anything about dianes mothering skills i was talking about her managering skills and you have to have people that care about you in the biz ,diane could have told deb back in the early days or 1990's to take what AIP had to offer her but they wanted to corrupt deb into something deb was ready to be or something deb wasn't and i think a good manager knows the difference in protecting an artist , i think thats whats wrong with music today is that aren't enough diane gibsons around.....and you have people like britney that can be at the top of the charts one minute,get married have 2 kids,get a divorce,wreckless in driving,drugs alcohol ,child proctective issues,driving without drivers license,shaving her head,going to rehab,going into public without panties,then on top of that she lip sync terribly to what should have been her comeback performance and then she ain't even promoting Gimme More ,then she loses her kids ----thats whats wrong with music today.....If thats what being in show biz is all about then we all need to take advise from Britney and not Deb
Anonymous said…
I have no clue what you were or are trying to write...that may make sense in your head, but not on paper.

My comment about no one questioning Diane's MOTHERING skills remains. NO ONE IS QUESTIONING HER MOTHERING SKILLS. There are 4 Gibson kids who are all wonderful and amazing people from their parents and themselves.

If you think any of what you wrote above defends someone pulling someone's camera/grabbing and is about managing skills, you are wrong, as was Diane in this instance.

As for helping Deborah be herself and follow her desired career path, that is what any manager should do. Britney chooses everything she is doing. Madonna chooses everything she is doing. Deborah chooses everything she is doing. The manager just executes it with others.

In conclusion, Diane acted inappropriately, Deborah knows what she is doing with regards to her career, and people in the industry have been saying for years to get rid of Diane and she is a nut job! If Deborah needs someone to do something to protect her own sanity and career, hire a manager who does it and does not grab people, her mother or someone else.
Anonymous said…
I am a fan and not one of her gay fans either. She does have a massive fan base because she can sing her ass off. Also, if we have learned anything in this era it's that there is no such thing as bad press. Here we all are talking about it!
Anonymous said…
Well James, take comfort in the fact that what Diane did to you is nothing in comparison to what she's gonna do to that greaseball Constantine Maroulis now that he's hanging onto Deb. WHAT is that girl thinking???!!! *gags*
Anonymous said…
saunds like asualt to me