Steve Dunleavy is amazed at the garbage

We love New York City, but lately the tourists have bombarded the city with their filth. Everywhere you look, Times square has garbage overflowing from the cans. Broken glass is in the streets with garbage stacked up everywhere. We caught up with our favorite ace reporter Steve Dunleavy from The New York Post outside Dervish restaurant on 47th street upset about the stacks of garbage on the sidewalk that made it almost impossible to walk between his favorite watering holes Dervish and Broadway Langans. Said Dunleavy," Look at this. The garbage is everywhere. This is disgusting. I'm amazed the city lets this go on. The city isn't cleaning up. I'm doing a story!" Dunleavy is right. We pay the highest rents in the world and the city ignores the people that pay high taxes and live in the heart of Times Square. The quality of life sucks here but they keep telling us how great we have it. We don't ! The streets are packed with tourists, the supermarkets are the worse and we have to live with dirt and litter everyday. Yet New York City wants more visitors but refuses to clean up after them. Pretty soon Times Square will be just like the old days, all we need is the hookers again which I have been spotting lately on 43rd and 8th, so the downfall of Times Square is coming !
Photo By: James Edstrom
