Sir Bob Geldof

Sir Bob Geldof has been branded "Satan" by the late Michael Hutchence's mother.Patricia Glassop, whose son was found hanged in a Sydney hotel room in 1997,claims the Band Aid founder will not allow her family to see 11-year-old Tiger Lily, Hutchence's daughter with Geldof's late wife Paula Yates. She accused Geldof - who became Tiger Lily's legal guardian when Yates died of a drug overdose in 2000 - of being a bad father and is only raising the little girl because he wants her money. Referring to his nickname of 'Saint Bob', Glassop said: "He's certainly not a saint I can't see that side of him at all. I think he is Satan." Whoever gets the child gets Michael's inheritance. But he can keep all the money he's got belonging to Michael, we just want Tiger."She claims Geldof - who lives in the UK with Tiger Lily and his three daughters, Fifi, Peaches and Pixie, with Yates - rarely lets her see or speak to her granddaughter.Glassop, who lives in Australia, added: "I think he is cruel, very cruel to keep her from her family. I am not allowed to speak to her on the phone.He's even changed the phone number."Glassop also alleged Geldof had "no control" over his three elder daughters and claimed 18-year-old Peaches is a bad influence on Tiger Lily.She told Australian TV show 'A Current Affair': "I don't think she should be Tiger's role model. Tiger knows about what she gets up to."When Yates dies, Geldof - who recently announced he wanted to formally adopt Tiger Lily - decided it would be best for the little girl to live with him as he didn't want her to be separated from her half-sisters.


Girl Next Door said…
What in the hell is going on with all these people getting children that don't belong to them? AND that Geldof fella looks like a freaking drug crazed half wit.
Anonymous said…
drr...i agree what in gods name has happened to the world when people take children that dont belong to them and get by with it..this has GOT to stop...
James Edstrom said…
What a world !
Mo said…
Well, Bob IS kinda looking like satan
Anonymous said…
Gotta feel sorry for the KIDS in these messes!!! Grown-ups AREN'T very GROWN-UP, IMO...Sounds like poor Virgie...:(
Anonymous said…
damn he DOES look like a does a stepdad end up with a child that isnt't his???