Times Square Gossip has learned that Rita Cosby's new hit book 'Blonde Ambition' The Untold Story Of Anna Nicole Smith' will be added to The New York Times bestseller list as we write. The book about the life and death of Anna Nicole Smith, is creating quite a stir across America about the unanswered questions about the Playboy model's death. Even more questions are exposed in the book about Anna Nicole's son Daniel's death and the people that were around at the time. America is fuming about allegations of paid media access to the parties involved, drugs that were supplied to Anna Nicole and her son Daniel and even GAY trysts. If you haven't read this book yet, go get your copy now. Cosby is expected to release a statement tomorrow....


Anonymous said…
Way to go Rita! Thank you so much for the information in your book. You gave me hope that this may finally come out.

Anonymous said…
yeaahhh....now expose them for what they are.

Make them all tell the truth and
Anonymous said…
I Have Mine!! Great Book! I was glued to it and read it straight through in just a few hours. I certainly recommend it to anyone interested in the behind the scenes manipulations between Howard and Larry. It's a real eye opener. Thanks, Rita!! I hope you publish the sequel soon as it seems the fun has just begun.
Anonymous said…
Hello "whack a mole"!

Did you receive my e-mail last night?

I'm now included on your list of the banned... Please e-mail me as to how I proceed...thank you!

Also, I'm beginning to receive all types of spam (I've only received a handful of spam in 10 years).

Obviously, do not want intelligent and non-biased on the board.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations, Rita Cosby!

A female warrior for truth! There was a time we would were beheaded or burned at the stake, but now they attempt to silence our voices!
Anonymous said…
Hi James!

Where can I send you an e-mail? Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Thank You Rita! Hang tough we are with you. Let the truth be heard!

Big Shout Out To James!!! Thank You!

KeyBoard Warrior
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to Rita Cosby. I read the book and it was very good. I would recommend that others read the book also. Stay Strong Rita. IMO
Anonymous said…
I think the only reason it took this long was because the bookstores didn't have enough in stock. Most of the bookstores in my area had sold out within a few days.

Congrats, Rita...but I'm not surprised. You worked tirelessly to get to the truth and had the courage to put it on paper despite the litigious nature of your enemies.

Thanks again!
Anonymous said…
What's with Howard's pinpoint pupils on et?
Anonymous said…
Yes the bookstores were sold out were I live also. Many had the books on reserve.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
What's with Howard's pinpoint pupils on et?

He must have detoxed himself. That is how your eyes are suspose to react when you are in bright light.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What's with Howard's pinpoint pupils on et?

He must have detoxed himself. That is how your eyes are suspose to react when you are in bright light.

8:08 PM

so does that mean there was bright light or amphetamines? Didn't notice him glaring at the sun.
Anonymous said…
WTG Rita!
Anonymous said…

My pharmacist really went off on Dr. E when I had my last prescription filled. At best Dr. E was a licensed drug pusher though any idiot knew that combination was deadly - as the pharmacist warned her and HKS. At worst.....
Speed said…
omg great job rita and congratulations, i got your book and i gotta say its amazing. cant wait for your next project
Anonymous said…
people are buying it to laugh and see how many lies she told. quite easy to see. hope the publishing company saves the money for the libel suits coming!

Uh huh

Uh huh

Uh huh
Anonymous said…
I dont see it????

Anonymous said…
Yes, great job with "Blonde Ambition"....interesting to see how so many have put the pieces together without knowing one another and then this book hits the bookstores! Alot of AHA moments, eh?

Local Borders told me they are challenged to keep up with the demand of this book!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Rita! You go, girl! I read the book and *wowsa*! Thank you for exposing LarrySue and $tern for who they are. What an eye opener! And thanks to James for being supportive of the truth and refusing to be bullied like so many others in the media. Times Square Gossip ROCKS!!!
Unknown said…
Spread the word
Give me your tired your downtrodden those yearning to be free
Let's help James get some more hits on this site.
Return the favor for letting us come in out of the rain.
Carolyn = Einstein
Anonymous said…
Many thanks to Times Square Gossip.
Anonymous said…
Sure is dead over at the Criminal Site this a.m.
Anonymous said…

What a fabulous book! I just think that you are the cat's meow!

The facts in the Death of Anna Nicole and Daniel totally back up your book. I have studied the autopsy report, scene reports, and the drug's that were involved in Anna Nicole's death. The Autopsy report is so deceptive it just absolutely appalled me. I can not believe that the public has been so manipulated. The truth has to be told! Virgie Arthur deserves justice for the deaths of her love ones. Danielynn deserves to know the truth when she grows up. Society needs Justice to prevail.

In my opinion, every trick in the magic hat of Howard K. Stern's PR firm has been pulled to try and prevent the truth from being exposed. You have been treated unfairly because a great amount of money is being spent to prevent the truth from coming to light. I,too, have been treated unfairly by TMZ by being banned because of my desire to know the truth about the untimely deaths of Anna and her young son, Daniel.

I am so grateful for and admire your courage and honesty! Have you ever read the child's book The King's Clothes? It is a story of a king that was manipulated into believing that he was wearing the most beautiful clothing when in actuality he was naked. He paraded through the town as all the town's folk's praised his beautiful garb. Until, finally, a child pointed and said, "the King is Naked!" Howard and Larry are naked. They are not falsely accused victims as they have been portrayed by the media. And you are the brave and honest child that had the courage to point and say, "Look Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead are naked!" You have the courage to expose these two slackers for what they really are. In my book that makes you a HERO!

Thank you, Rita, for your courage and honesty! You have a new fan in me!
Anonymous said…
Yes, Rita Cosby, thank you for speaking your investigative truth!

You are an inspiration to the women AND men whose voices (they) are attempting to silence!

We must all continue to fight for "Freedom of Speech" in this country!
Anonymous said…
Riat, I juat listened to you on scaredmonkeys radio..I want you to know you are a hero for opening these cans of worms in your book ...you have helped put some things to gether that have made no sense for a year now ...and your same opinions on things have verified our own thoughts...we appreciate you..stay strong and dont let those gremlins scare you..you seem so strong in this i am behind you 100%..thanks again...cheryl
Anonymous said…
oops ..rita..
Anonymous said…
Rita was an articulate journalist on the radio show tonight. Her passion for her book was deeply moving. You could hear in her voice that she believes there was something terribly wrong in the lives of Anna and Daniel even before they both died. Her evocation of old memories of Anna was quiet moving. I just hope and pray that something is done now, it has gone on far too long. Too long...
Just look what money does to people. They can be bought and sold. I feel like Howard sold Anna out a long time ago. I bet Daniel didn't want to go along with "Howard being the father". Howard had to work fast and get rid of him. I honestly believe this and so do many others. Anna wised up to Howard, his freeloading was going to end. He had to get rid of Anna too.
Just look back and see how all this played out. There is no other way this could have happened.

Good night everyone, I had a long day working.
Anonymous said…
Only truth can be spoken so flawlessly and fluently by an author! Hats off to Rita Cosby for demonstrating the courage to speak out when the mainstream media is running scared of the story!
Anonymous said…
Good book a must read. Throughly enough this book. Could not put it down. Good work Rita Cosby. Maybe there is a 4th emmy in your future.
Anonymous said…
Rita, thank you for writing the book. Gives details I don't think the public would know otherwise.

I love the a book "filled with lies" has become a best seller. Just cracks me up that fools would believe it's a lie. Can all the people you spoke to be lying? Well, I don't think so!

Ain't it something that when people are wrong, can't don't have the courage to admit it? It's someone else's wrong doing. Yea, right.

Even Larry said what Anna and Howard have done to him is a crime. Yet he's able to "forgive" Howard because he doesn't want to fight. Apparently, he doesn't want to fight for what's right or decent either. Boy! Did he sell us a bunch of hooha.

Larry my boy, it isn't too late. The public can forgive you only if you start behaving in a way that shows you're trying to make things right, not make more money. Is this all worth it? Do you remember saying the Marshall money was all a "pipe dream?"

Callender and Co. had strong differences with Howard. Please tell me, can so many lawyers be wrong?

As for Howard being a lawyer...he's in this for the money. I have no proof or links to provide. But look at his actions and past behavior. Good Lord, if you don't or can't see it, I'm not sure how you would be as a father raising a child. How are you going to teach her about the evils in life? Or greed?

Cut your ties with Howard, Larry. YOU DON'T NEED HOWARD. You have a good family and friends. HIS ONLY CLIENT IS DEAD and likely his doing, with the help of their friend Khris Erosevich. To call her a doctor is an insult to the profession.

It's not too late Larry. Please come back.

Anonymous said…
Good Morning People! And it IS a GOOD one...CONGRATS RITA!!!! We have Rita on Montel today as well. I bought my Book the day of release and SAT at Starbucks with a coffee, outside Chapters, to start reading. COULDN'T WAIT!!! Read the whole thing in 1 day...COULDN'T put it down! Factual, and the Reader is left to draw their OWN conclusions. Rita presents FACTS, IMO. GO RITA!!!!
Anonymous said…
Larry, CALL VIRGIE...Spill your GUTS and GET on the RIGHT PATH!!! It's NOT TOO late...WRONGFUL DEATH SUIT...
Anonymous said…
"All show and no substance Larry",
had the public eating out of the palm of his hand due to Debra Opri's efforts but cast the support to the curb in pursuit of an unethical life of helping steal another man's home and the Marshall Estate money! Yes, you took what you thought to be "easy street" and now you, too, will likely experience a great deal of karma.

"Crazy people go away".... Larry, it's not the people who are crazy. You need to be on the couch of the best psychotherapist in America along with your new (maybe old) sidekick!
Anonymous said…
Rita Cosby is so washed up that NBC didn't renew her contract. So she instead decides to write a fictional book and try to make money off other people's misery and misfortune. I hope they sue you for every nickel you have left.
Anonymous said…
nonymous said...

Rita Cosby is so washed up that NBC didn't renew her contract. So she instead decides to write a fictional book and try to make money off other people's misery and misfortune. I hope they sue you for every nickel you have left.

6:38 PM
Rita washed up? No, I don't think so. Someone with so much credibility and professionalism doesn't fade that quickly.

She didn't "instead decided to write a fictional book." She only quit recently and the book's out already? Nope, that doesn't make sense and your comments are very derogatory of Rita. If it's fiction, and I don't believe it is, does that mean every source, named or otherwise, be lying? How come it's only Larry Sue and Howie Poo threatening to sue Rita?

Tell me, has Howard or Larry profited from the death of Anna and Daniel?

Anonymous said…
Comment 1. Show the tape or shut up!

Comment 2. Then show the money.
Anonymous said…
Rita..the montel show was absolutely wonderful...i wish donnie hogan had talked a little though..he looked so sad ...Montel was a perfect place to go ...he is a crusader of the truth like us....thanks rita..and thanks montel...i loved it..
Anonymous said…
Rita did very good interview on Montel Williams show. She was confident and not afraid to speak her mind. She gave the public alot of information on the case.
Anonymous said…
Great book! One of the most interesting was all the phone calls they made while Anna lay there with no one calling 911. Guess they had to take care of business. I miss everyone on tmz. Can't post there anymore?? Not for a long time!! I am sorry I called ---a snake. I send my apology to snakes everywhere.
Anonymous said…
Rita, Thanks for the courage to put the truth in print!! Especially knowing what you are up against and who will try to bring you down for it!! Hold your head up and be proud!!! Have they sued yet???
Mo said…
Thank you Rita for the book. And thanks too, to James for this site. May the truth and justice prevail in this sordid tale.
Anonymous said…
James, thank you for the site as they attempt to suppress the truth on the other!

Rita Cosby, what can we say? Thank you for being a voice for Daniel and Anna by putting truth on paper for the masses to continue assessing!

While I continued to support Birkhead until he left the name Marshall on the birth certificate, I had friends who had this all figured out! IMO This may turn out to be one of the slickest crimes in American history. It would strongly appear they even had Anna fooled!

Stern's supporters have criticized Anna's mother, however I want to ask what two women produced these two despicable characters?!
Anonymous said…
Sept. 21,2007