Emmy winner and “Blonde Ambition" author Rita Cosby should sue Larry Birkhead along with Howard K. Stern and his lawyer Lin Wood. These people have conspired to block Rita Cosby from making TV appearances to promote her book, as well as made comments in the media which are libelous. Huge amounts of lawyer letters were sent from Lin Wood to all the major media outlets threatening to sue them if they booked Cosby on their shows. Only two backed out as far as I know, of the hundreds of TV and Radio shows that clamored to get Cosby on the air. Almost every magazine and newspaper carried the story on their cover because they all knew this was one of the hottest stories of the year. Despite Lin Wood's efforts, Rita Cosby's book is now on The New York Times Best Seller List and bookstores are reporting that they can not keep up with the demand. And all the threatened lawsuits from Larry 'Sue' Birkhead and Howard K. Stern seem to be all talk, as Cosby has not been served one single paper. Many legal experts believe Birkhead and Stern would be crazy to expose themselves to depositions, since they would be forced to answer some very embarrassing questions. But as of today, nothing. There is nothing because Cosby's book brought up a lot of questions as well as exposed deceptions, and Birkhead and Stern can't afford to be placed in front of a 'Court Of Law' to answer the unanswered. I urge everyone that has not bought this book to get it now. It's the most powerful book of the year. And visit Rita Cosby's website for all the up to date news and video.
Photo Copyrighted By: James Edstrom
A mother of a university student having the time of his life and preparing for an adventurous life as an adult, i.e. the same type of life that Daniel should be experiencing today!
Moon in Scorpio
September 16, 2007
DANIEL and ANNA NICOLE, the masses are here for you.... Prior to Rita Cosby's book on your behalf, most of us knew something was not right with your mysterious deaths while an elite few actually had this all figured out.
Thank God for Rita Cosby...she exposed what we've all seen since Anna was pregnant with DL and Howard went on Larry King Live with that bold faced lie! It's just been a continuous stream of obvious lies and lame attempts to cover it up.
i absolutely agree....go get em rita..hang in there virgie justice is on its way i think..why is the usa not trying to get daniels inquest done? he was a young american man for gods sake...INQUEST!
I agree too...Rita and Vergie should sue their asses!
Sadly the reason the inquest is not getting done is because anything Anna Nicole is not worthy...her poor son is paying for the sins of her mother and her devious lawyer and it's not right!
Bring on the Inquest!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm wondering if Rita still has a few cards left to play if this thing ever winds up in litigation?
Thanks for the article, James! Please let us know if you hear that they follow through on their threats--and Rita's response.
James--thanks for keeping us up-to-date!
They can talk about money laundering, fraud, drug trafficking, medical and political corruption, bribery, perjury but what is NEEDED is the Inquest for Daniel Wayne Smith. Please don't forget an Inquest has yet to be held.
Thank you James for providing us a place to express ourselves.
p.s.- 'Morning and good day, all!
Which news outlet gave Rita time to talk about the book outside of Montel???
NO ONE. It was all about the libelous book.
Lawsuit coming to a site near you!
8:48 AM
OMG too funny!!!
PLEASE Rita....SUE their A$$E$...!!!!
They can't keep defaming EVERYONE who speaks the TRUTH in order to hide their DIRTY DEEDS! More might come forward if not for the Media Manipulation of Stern and Birkhead. The mainstream Media, IMO, was shamed for so much ANS coverage and now are afraid of touching the story EVEN though, at this point, it IS A CRIME STORY...IMO
white background with her name and nothing....????
1:15-1:22 HKS calls Mark DeKema boat dealer Dekema says HKS ended call abruptly saying he had to take another call BUT
1:23 HKS checks voice mail
My question is this: IF HKS was meeting with the boat dealer (as HKS has stated), THEN why is he calling him on the phone?
Problem with time line... again!
28319. Now that we know what is really IMPORTANT to Larry Birkhead .... what he values MOST .... his own FAME and MONEY .... it is easy to see why the strong campaign to degrade and try to push public sentiment away from Grandma Virgie is in full swing.
Howard himself said that Larry wants to be an ACTOR .... a STAR (when Howard and Anna were fighting Larry for the DNA testing). Howard would know. That's why Howard is trying to get Larry a reality show .....
If Virgie were given a say (by the courts) over how Dannielynn's money is spent and what Larry and Howard can use Dannielynn for, you can be sure that a loving Grandmother like Virgie would NOT allow Dannielynn to be exploited on a reality tv show, or in continuous Entertainment Tonight media events such as that ridiculous birthday party. Virgie's first priority would be DANNIELYNN ... NOT making Larry a star or making money for Larry and Howard.
Dannielynn NEEDS someone else, other than Larry (and Howard), to share in the control of her wellbeing and finances. She needs the protection of this kind of monitoring. Nothing would be done with Dannielynn or her finances unless ALL parties were in agreement, and it was best for Dannielynn.
It is important for everyone to write to Bahamas Social Services and the Attorney General, and E! television about the reality show.
Office of the Attorney General
The Honorable Claire L. Hepburn
7th Floor Post Office Building
East Hill Street
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
phone 242-322-1141/4
Department of Social Services
Frederick Street
P.O. Box N-3206
Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
phone 242-326-0526
E! Entertainment Television, Inc. (owned by Comcast)
Address: 5750 Wilshire Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: 323-954-2400
Fax: 323-954-2661 / 2660
Key People
- President and CEO: Ted Harbert
- CFO: Steve Dolcemaschio
- SVP Marketing and Communications: Suzanne Kolb
Posted at 12:31PM on Sep 17th 2007 by Inquiring Mind
It was the general consensus by Greta's panel that Rita had grounds for a law suit.
28316. 23823. Some time stuff:
Day of death
12:14 HKS moe King Eric and the first make exit room 609
12:17 HKS made a call to Mark Dekema. Per Mark Dekema HKS called incessently before the appointment - needing directions and asking questions about work on boat - called him 5 times between noon and 1
12:27 Moe calls Taz
12:44 Taz calls Moe - call lasts 1 min
12:45 Taz calls Moe again 4 min call
1:17 Taz calls Moe 1 min at most
1:19 Taz calls Moe again 1 min
1:22 Moe called Taz oen minute
1:23 HKS calls Voice Mail
1:24 Moe calls HKS
1:15-1:22 HKS calls Mark DeKema boat dealer
Dekema says HKS ended call abruptly saying he had to take another call BUT
1:23 HKS checks voice mail
1:24 Moe calls HKS
1:28 Moe calls his wife again (he had just gotten off from Howard - a min or two before) 4 min call
1:31 Moe calls hotel liaison on "her cell"???Almost simultaneously she was also calling him" - phone tag over and over phone call attempts between these two
1:33-1:36 HKS calls MOe over and over
1:36 Moe calls wife
1:36 hotel liaison calls her boss, the Director of Operations
1:37 HKS calls hotel liaison twice
1:38 finally Taz calls hotel operator to call 911.
1:54 HKS called KE
1:59 Seminole Police Arrive at scene
2:02 and 2:09 - HKS calls KE again
2:09 KE calls HRH liaison
:227 2:30 2:32 HKS repeatedly calls Moe (2:15 Guerny and Moe leave)
2:31 KE calls hote liaison
2:37 Alex Katz calls liaison. "He was the other person in the room with them Monday night after they arrived, the night ANS had the 105."
3:12 HKS calls Goen
3:13 HKS calls hotel main no.
3:14 HKS calls Goen
3:17 Goen calls HKS
3:21 HKS calls Horizons
3:23 HKS gets call from Boesch Law Firm that handles ANS case against Marshalls
3:37 and 3:38 HKS calls Ron Rale
3:49 and 3:51 HKS calls Entertainment Tonight speaking 2 and 4 minutes respectively
4:14 Goen calls HKS
4:26 Howard calls Ray Martino
4:27 Howard called hotel liaison
4:34 Howard called liaison again
4:37 hotel liaison calls HKS twice
4:49 HKS calls information
4:51 HKS calls local elementary school and then its aftercare program?????
4:55 hotel liaison calls Howard
5:38 Leon Stern, HKS father calls Howard
7:12 and 7:13 Moe calls Ron Rale
Posted at 3:02PM on Sep 4th 2007 by shadowbaby
Worthy of reposting! Posted at 12:16PM on Sep 17th 2007 by Banned of Sisters
Those gals on rosespeaks are upset with you. They said you need to be taken down a few pages. I say keep up the good work!!!
They have also been posting the negative reviews on amazon and are telling people to go over there and click on the 1 star reviews to make them appear at the top.
By l.c. cimmer (Laguna Beach, CA) - See all my reviews
Wow! How did you do it! DELETING YOUR NEGATIVE REVIEWS here on the site so you can score a high number of stars? Woman, you have hit an all time LOW - GUTTER LOW! All of reviews, including mine, that I saw on here the past week that were negative-one-star are all GONE - OVERNIGHT! And, overnight you have achieved instant 5 star rating success - not surprising, since that is the same low road you chose by writing this baseless and garbage book! Explain this one away, as soon as you are finished explaining why you threw away your journalism credentials and wrote this garbage book for the instant fame. Enjoy the ride to the bank, may it be short lived.
performing his duties, such as contacting media, her shrink, etc........WTF? What about his "duties" as commitment-ceremony-fake-spouse to go check on his "wife"?
28285. Why would HKS call ET instead of immediately going to the Hospital with ANS when she OD'd in February?
HKS expected ANS to pull through from her overdose in FL as she had pulled through her previous ones. He was getting ahead of the media firestorm he knew would ensue to protect her career. That's why he called 'Entertainment' media instead of 'News' media.
ET knows this is the case. That's why they still deal with HKS and now LB.
Posted at 9:24AM on Sep 17th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean
28290. Swims,
You are so wrong about him trying to get a hold of 'entertainment' media to control it because he thought she would pull through. Have you seen the phone records?
You know where he told Dr. E she was dead. Dr. E just couldn't believe it , she thought maybe they had saved her, few minutes later Dr. E calls hotel liason per her words and phone records.
Howard DIDN"T think she would pull through. He knew she was dead and told Dr. E before he called ET. STop spinning!
Posted at 9:48AM on Sep 17th 2007 by Swim needs to look at phone records.
Why do you think HKS was not charged with a crime in FL? Because he was doing his usual business for ANS - calling the Entertainment media, calling her shrink, etc. Just what you'd expect of an innocent person who managed a Celebrity's career. This is what the Police know.
Trying to say ANS was dead for hours or a day simply defies the facts of the case and common sense. Outsiders gossiping to Cosby may make a salacious book that scams cash from the Public for a brief time but doesn't change the findings of the most intensive medical/legal investigation in the last decade.
Posted at 11:15AM on Sep 17th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean
You have just spun yourself all the way around. First you state that HKS thought she would pull through her 'overdose'. Hmmm, how did he know she had overdosed? He stated on TV that people would be surprised. I took that to mean that methadone or a number of drugs wouldn't show up. 'Overdose'? Are you saying he knew she had ingested or was given the CH? Did he think the CDC would buy the theory of the infection?
He called Dr. E and told her Anna was dead before he called ET. Then you state he was doing his usual business for Anna. So I guess when she was in dire straits , forget going to the hospital with the LOVE OF HIS LIFE, he needs to contact ET $.
I didn't say Anna was dead for hours or a day. Look . Do you see that I wrote that? I said that he knew Anna was dead at that time.
Why would you say he thought she would pull of of 'overdose'. How did he know it was an overdose. Did he give it to her? Did he see her take it? Spin again.
Posted at 11:35AM on Sep 17th 2007 by Swim need to look at phone records.
Obviously, they are all brought up with a certain mindset, morals and ethics (demonstrated by the one they promote) which differ from that of the average person who can intuit and freely think for themself and, thereby, sift through all the information available for their own conclusion to this sad saga.
Here's the list:
1. Plaintiff Howard K. Stern
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements; actual malice; damages
2. Defendant John O’Quinn
Subject: Slanderous statements regarding Stern
3. Virgie Arthur
Subject: Circumstances regarding O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
4. Pol Atteu
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
5. J.J. Barrett
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
6. Dr. Michael Bayerl
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements; Anna Nicole Smith death investigation
7. Larry Birkhead
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
8. Maurice Brigththaupt
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statement
9. Don Clark
Subject: Circumstances surrounding O’ Quinn’s slanderous statements
10. Nathan Collins
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
11. Rita Cosby
Subject: Defendant O’Quinn’s slanderous statements, including but not limited to his February 19, 2007 interview with MSNBC
12. Dr. Khristine Eroshevich
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
13. Marcus Fox
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
14. Eric Gibson
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
15. Gerlene Gibson
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
16. Hon. Shane Gibson
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
17. Nancy Grace
Subject: Defendant O’Quinn’s slanderous statements, including but not limited to his March 1 and March 27, 2007 interviews with CNN
18. Omerit Hield
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
19. Troy Hollier
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
20. Denise James
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
21. John James
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
22. Dr. Sandeep Kapoor
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
23. Gloria Knowles
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
24. Ray Martino
Subject: Relationship between Daniel Smith and Stern; falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
25. Brigitte Neven
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
26. Eric Redding
Subject: Falsity of statements.
27. Juan Rivera
Subject: Response to emergency call at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino concerning Anna Nicole Smith
28. Sandy Serrano
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern; conversations with Anna Nicole Smith regarding Daniel Smith’s death
29. Patrik Simpson
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
30. Mervin Smith
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
31. Clay Spires
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
31. Bonnie Stern
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern
32. Greta Van Susteren
Subject: Defendant O’Quinn’s slanderous statements, including but not limited to his February 21, March 15 and March 27, 2007, interviews with Fox News
34. Wilma Vicedomine
Subject: Circumstances surrounding O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
35. Kim Walther
Subject: Relationship between Anna Nicole Smith and Stern; falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements
36. Cyril Wecht
Subject: Falsity of O’Quinn’s slanderous statements; Daniel Smith death investigation
I don't know if any of you saw it tape TMZ has of dressed to party with two girls (ha ha ha) commenting that he was glad OJ was arrested because now people will be talking about OJ instead of him. Sorry, Larry.
It looks like Larry is more interested in nightlife than baby Danielynn. He wants so bad to be straight I suppose he feels he needs to date women in twos. ha ha
Oh well, too bad! We are still talking about Larry and mega-dating isn't impressing us. He looks like a Hugh Hefner wannabe!
Ha Ha Ha Sorry Folks! Just can't stop laughing!
These are Sterns witnesses for the OQuinn vs Howie...
Hot Dog! O'Q is going to have a good time with this list of scoundrels.
2297. Susan:
You are inferring that Birkhead actually had sexual intercourse with Anna. Never happened. When Anna started talking about having another kid, she said she just wanted to be artificially inseminated. She asked a lot of guys for sperm specimens.
It wasn't until she was pregnant that she told Larry she chose his sperm. Then she lost that baby after she fell down leaving one of the clubs.
She went back to the clinic and this time it took. Everything was cool until Larry told her that she meant it when she said she didn't want the father involved in the baby's life. Larry got pissed for two reasons: 1. He felt he and Anna went through a lot together and thought he deserved better; and 2. He really felt he could make a fortune from selling pictures of the baby from Day One.
Then he became a real prick and threatened to file a lawsuit to have the baby taken away from Anna after it was born.
THAT'S why Stern came out later and said he was the father.
Stern, in the meantime, had plans of his own. His eye was always on the big prize: The Marshall money. He figured it out real quick that if he had custody of the baby, any windfall the baby might come into, he would have complete control over and earn millions every year as the baby's custodial agent.
So, Stern had two reasons to lie on Larry King: 1. To help defend Anna against Birkhead's claim to being the baby's father; and 2. He was planning on claiming the baby as his own so that he could have control over her estate.
This, of course, meant he would have to get rid of any middle men that stood between him and the baby.
Howard did, in fact, give Daniel crushed methadone tabs. He went to one of the many drug-interaction websites to find out the side-effects of mixing certain drugs.
He knew that Daniel was prescribed a seratonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) for depression. Then Kapoor gave Daniel another SRI. So Dan was double-dosing, in effect.
Entering those two drugs and methadone on the website showed right away that the combination was lethal. Howard took that info and used it to kill Danny. Then he used every trick of the trade to stall the release of Dan's autopsy and raised holy hell and called in favors from the King family to get Virgill removed from the case.
It's all a long story. But the money Stern has been making on his own and as a percentage of Larry's has been going to all the people he promised "gifts" to for their favors.
A lot of people are wondering if Larry and Howard were in cahoots during the civil case in Florida. I can tell you, No. Larry was so pissed at Howard, he said he wanted to kill him. Not because Stern wanted Anna buried in the Bahamas, but because Howard said Dannielynn was his, when Howard was there all along, helping in the decision-making, going as far as arranging for a fertility clinic that would keep Anna's going there completely private, at the risk of being sued if word got out.
There's a lot more to tell. People don't know ANYTHING.
Flowers? Hah hah!
Posted at 12:35PM on Sep 17th 2007 by The Delusional Walk Among Us
Delusional Walk---Rita's PR person---Hope she is paying you well.
Posted at 2:18PM on Sep 17th 2007 by Delusional Walk is Rita\\\'s PR
******************makes sense thats what howard has on larry...
Faye I'm okay, Had visitiors from out of town since Friday. Where is everyone at? Where do they post?
Mon 9/17/07
5:20 Mt time
I can't copy this for you but urge you to read it:
Smoking gun: Autopsy report: p.6
What is strange is ANS ate breakfast on the 7th; the day she was reported dead, HKS stated he helped her to the bathroom between 9-10 AM; then watched Tv, etc..
Remember, she had been feeling better the day before, had walked about, had crab cakes, shrimp, and chocolate covered strawberries (following the flu? oh, well... doctor must have advised those foods....)...yet, he did not order a weak and recovering ANS breakfast.
She was already dead.
You probably know this already, but I'll add it. In 1955 (after several clandestine male relationships), Rock Hudson wed his agent's secretary, Phyllis Gates, to keep the rumors in check so that his career could continue to grow. The agent arranged it without Phyllis Gates being aware of his homosexuality. She filed for divorce in 4/1958 and charged mental cruelty according to the divorce documents.
In the year 2007, there is absolutely no reason why any homosexual or bi-sexual man should keep his sexuality in the closet. Far too many women's lives, as well as the lives of the offspring, emotionally ruined not to mention that many innocents have lost their physical lives due to AIDS. Most of society dislikes the unauthenticity of double lives not the fact that someone is either gay or bi-sexual.
Sinister-here and on Topix-TMZ I hope they choke-they were wrong and still are.
Banned sisters and brothers love ya all.Let us collectively put the pressure on-time is ideal with Federal Grand Jury .I would think plenty of evidence to indict Howard-and Bonnie as well just for being a turd!
It just amazed me when it was stated that Anna Nicole who had experienced a 105-degree temperature during that previous 48- to 72-hour window would have (only the day prior to her death) been eating a diet that included crabcakes, shrimp omelet, and chocolate covered strawberries!
....and just maybe she had some Flutz Chocolate, too, creating a wild and crazy sex drive for her irresistable personal lawyer while lying upon bed sheets caked with feces and dried vomit!
So many sick, sick stories from a few psychopathic liars and, yet, those "banning" biddies think we are the crazy ones. One can only trust there are multiple behind-the-scenes investigations occurring so the death of Anna Nicole can be reopened.
Has anyone discovered the name or names of the perpetrator(s)over on TMZ?
I visited and read (only) at crime library. some of the advesaries are posting and doing big name changes. I find word choices from swims are mingled in with another posters words.
I decided I would not post there because I would have to change my name. Be careful!
PS If you go, read the section on criminal minds: children. Very interesting!
I'll read it....
1. We are not paid bloggers;
2. Sponsors aren't going to keep paying for the same names again and again;
3. HKS strongly influenced TMZ and threatened with a lawsuit (ho-hum) unless we and our blogs were zipped;
4. yeah, the gay thing... groups have always stuck together and always will;right or wrong, murder or not, there is a unity provided by being in a group that outsiders can not see into.
Look again and see who has not been kicked off; ask why. Perhaps, they have a better server... maybe, just so many were allowed to stay on. Maybe, the paid bloggers for both sides were allowed. I don't know. I do know some of our "good" guys are still over there.
Just my random thots... take what you need and leave the rest.
As a once banned biddy (half-day), I had my computer checked today and discovered (53) malicious attempts of varying descriptions, including Trojans, Hijackers, SPAM, etc. One or two of those HKS supporters best understand if it ever happens, again, on my personal computer I will take legal action against them and, in fact, I would think we could combine forces and do something.
Has anyone discovered the name or names of the perpetrator(s)over on TMZ?
8:34 PM
No, wouldn't know who the perpetrator is but I'm sure it's someone that is behind the keyboard at TMZ....Probably a Stern supporter. If we could prove that we would be in the money! I too had Trojans and Parasites to the tune of 4,ooo!!! Got them quarantined and swept clean!! Most of them came when I tried to post while banned, I didn't know I was banned cause I never got a notice!!! I mailed Ivan but never heard back......
Any ideas?
Logic says the, "The jig is up!" but I am concerned that justice will continue to be ignored. Hopefully, RC's book will be a bit of a kick in the old tush but I think it will take one more incident to push this forward. Could it be Greta releasing the other part of the interview? Could it be...? I wish the home would be visited, the life style examined before LB is granted full custody of the child. His comments about leaving a teething child when in truth he has a nanny and plays the "single man about town" needs some accountability. He lacks the proper skills and maturity; does not appear to care for the child except for the money and fame he can garner.
CP had a lengthy speculation on the conceiving of the child that is an interesting perspective.
28411. You are inferring that Birkhead actually had sexual intercourse with Anna. Never happened. When Anna started talking about having another kid, she said she just wanted to be artificially inseminated. She asked a lot of guys for sperm specimens.
It wasn't until she was pregnant that she told Larry she chose his sperm. Then she lost that baby after she fell down leaving one of the clubs.
She went back to the clinic and this time it took. Everything was cool until Larry told her that she meant it when she said she didn't want the father involved in the baby's life. Larry got pissed for two reasons: 1. He felt he and Anna went through a lot together and thought he deserved better; and 2. He really felt he could make a fortune from selling pictures of the baby from Day One.
Then he became a real prick and threatened to file a lawsuit to have the baby taken away from Anna after it was born.
THAT'S why Stern came out later and said he was the father.
Stern, in the meantime, had plans of his own. His eye was always on the big prize: The Marshall money. He figured it out real quick that if he had custody of the baby, any windfall the baby might come into, he would have complete control over and earn millions every year as the baby's custodial agent.
So, Stern had two reasons to lie on Larry King: 1. To help defend Anna against Birkhead's claim to being the baby's father; and 2. He was planning on claiming the baby as his own so that he could have control over her estate.
This, of course, meant he would have to get rid of any middle men that stood between him and the baby.
Howard did, in fact, give Daniel crushed methadone tabs. He went to one of the many drug-interaction websites to find out the side-effects of mixing certain drugs.
He knew that Daniel was prescribed a seratonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) for depression. Then Kapoor gave Daniel another SRI. So Dan was double-dosing, in effect.
Entering those two drugs and methadone on the website showed right away that the combination was lethal. Howard took that info and used it to kill Danny. Then he used every trick of the trade to stall the release of Dan's autopsy and raised holy hell and called in favors from the King family to get Virgill removed from the case.
It's all a long story. But the money Stern has been making on his own and as a percentage of Larry's has been going to all the people he promised "gifts" to for their favors.
A lot of people are wondering if Larry and Howard were in cahoots during the civil case in Florida. I can tell you, No. Larry was so pissed at Howard, he said he wanted to kill him. Not because Stern wanted Anna buried in the Bahamas, but because Howard said Dannielynn was his, when Howard was there all along, helping in the decision-making, going as far as arranging for a fertility clinic that would keep Anna's going there completely private, at the risk of being sued if word got out.
There's a lot more to tell. People don't know ANYTHING.
Flowers? Hah hah!
Posted at 12:35PM on Sep 17th 2007 by The Delusional Walk Among Us
Lynda:5. Thursday, February 8, 2007
Maurice woke up around 9 am. Around 9:30 am he went to Anna’s room and thought he saw her moving but was not certain. He told Howard he was going to have breakfast with his wife, Tasma. Mr. Stern awoke between 9-10 am and helped Anna to the bathroom. He then watched television in another room until King Eric called to inform him of his arrival at the airport.
Passing thru: So, ANS who purportedly ate crab cakes, shrimp, and chocolate covered strawberries;
was seen walking about the night before.... HAD NO BREAKFAST ORDERED FOR HER THE MORNING BEFORE SHE WAS FOUND DEAD? Hmmm. Could it be, she was already DEAD? STINKING Aaccording to Moe...) DEAD?
ehh! Don't bother answering, Lynda.
Live in your bubble and collect your $$... Truth will out!
passing thru
Anyone know: Who/where is B'Nana, Einstein, RJMO, Windi? No forwarding addresses...
Also, does anyone really think the cast of characters is posting? If so, who is who?
HKS expected ANS to pull through from her overdose in FL as she had pulled through her previous ones. He was getting ahead of the media firestorm he knew would ensue to protect her career. That's why he called 'Entertainment' media instead of 'News' media.
ET knows this is the case. That's why they still deal with HKS and now LB.
Posted at 9:24AM on Sep 17th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean
***********************************Outsiders gossiping to Cosby may make a salacious book that scams cash from the Public for a brief time but doesn't change the findings of
*****the most intensive medical/legal investigation in the last decade.*****
Posted at 11:15AM on Sep 17th 2007 by Only swim in the Ocean******************************************my goodness howie is getting so bold..he truly thinks hes home free....somoen arrest this asshole ..
Good to see you, say what.
I would be cautious of passin thru.She reposts emails and says someone else is posting them to Lynda, then Lynda appears. She is desperately trying to get the Judge Seidlin posters emails and yahoo names. I think she also goes by Helena. Helena is her strong personality.
don't have the post number, however. Not on the confirmation e.
All these monikers have but only one person behind them.
Proceed with caution when dealing with any of her personalities.
To get the pulse of this person, please type out this site:
http://www.tmz.com/2007/04/11/annas-self-portrait-for-sale/864#comments check out post #12947)
the term 'the chief' is in reference to the person discussed here. Watch your back.
You state it is okay to use different handles but you don't use one yourself! You hide. Why? Are you pro-stern and don't want to share that?
You mention funeral site but I was never there. If I was part of that group, why would I be asking where they all went? They stated they have exchanged emails, which I have not. Well, I did give mine to James when I wrote to him. He has it but I have never shared it on line and won't...
Now, what was said that you think I said that offended you?
I went to the site you mentioned and it made no sense to me! It was dated JULY 4,2007, not April 11, 2007! I know EXACTLY where I was on July 1-5;6-11. Do you want to know??? My son had a BACTERIAL ULCER and was seen three times at 2 different hospitals. Then, I brought him home with me and tried to get medicine down his throat. When he started vomiting the black blood on July 5, I ran him to the hospital where he was admitted!!! His stomach had completely shut down! He was sedated for 24 hours and had many IVs in him. His first "solid" meal was ice chips!!! Water was too heavy on his stomach.
Then, I found out the crazy fool was working 72 hours a week; 2 jobs because he has dreams for himself...
Next time you want to play superspy, have the guts to put your handle on your writings or don't expect a response!
you, included. Money Pit was an extremely intelligent person. I have no idea who "chief" is but if it someone in TMZ operations, I doubt if I would have difficulty in posting there today, would I ?
You can apologize any time and then move on! James and the others do not need it!!! Tired of the stupid name calling you are doing while hiding behind some easy handle.
Sorry to hear about your son--is he doing ok now?
Whoever this "anonymous" person is, they are apparently trying to mess with you for some reason. Please ignore--anyone who doesn't have the courage to post their recognized identity isn't worth reading.
I enjoy your posts!
BHR: Aah... just hit me hard. Got two of my boys winged this summer. I totally lost it here and apologize for that. The one, senior in college, was busting this summer to earn some money. He got this thing called a H.pyloric ulcer. I thot I'd be doing a funeral when he spat out a gallon or so of blood. The other, on Aug. 26, flipped his car completely; crawled out a vent. Hospital informed him he is diabetic; he is now in denial... Sometimes, just a bit of sugar is needed for the lemonade I need to make! lol...It is very good to see you, HR. We used to have a lot of good chats!
Vented a lot on TMZ today. Haven't been able to post but a few days since the 30th. However, I gathered old posts from my files and they will re-post. lol Swims and butterfly thot they were new postings! lol I am done with them now... Just had to blow it all out!
You take care and maybe I will see you tomorrow night. Got a full day that starts at noon for me...Bye!
Excerpt on Rita Cosby, and run in with Lin Wood
Lopez: Rita Cosby endorses your book on the back cover. Will you be available as she gathers a legal team as Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern hit back against her book?
Murphy: I’ve worked with Rita for many years, and have had many conversations with her since her book came out. I respect Rita, and I know she is not frivolous about her work, so of course I will support her as she defends herself. In fact, she and I have now both been threatened by Howard K. Stern’s lawyer, Lin Wood. Wood represents Jon Benet Ramsey’s parents, and he threatened me with litigation during an appearance on Larry King Live for my suggestion that John Ramsey was possibly involved in his daughter’s death.
Wood has called me every name in the book but, what people don’t know, is that right before he wasted all his airtime on Larry King threatening me, he called me on my cell phone, and told me he would sue me if I ever again expressed my opinion about his clients’ involvement in the death of their daughter. He arrogantly warned me to “check his record” and I told him to kiss my a##.
His bullying tactics are a dirty trick designed to stop people such as Rita Cosby from digging for the truth — when the truth may jeopardize his client.
We will continue to seek justice.
Carolyn made a good suggestion to leave all the trash behind.That was and is my intention here. Think about it: We are here as guests in this room of James' house. Should we not behave as such? Let's not trash this house...
Repo: please tell Faye I send a bundle of patience to her. It is difficult to want to help someone and know you are limited in what you can do. I send him fast healing and wonderful hearing for tomorrows...
Hopefully the FBI has enough evidence to move forward soon for justice in the deaths of Anna and Daniel Smith.
Rita Cosby's book is wonderful, and she is wonderful for having written it!
An attorney was with Shelley when he followed Anna's instructions in her plea that if something happened to her to please secure some of her possessions from the house. Thank goodness he did, since the clown video was available which gave an insight into Anna's life.
Rita's book is wonderful, and is honest, but facts were known long before she published a book documenting facts, many of which were already known. There are still investigations going on, and sooner or later there will be actions taken in the death of Daniel and in the death of Anna, and there are many other questionable activities which will be dealt with.
It will all come out in the wash. The truth will be exposed. Justice will be done.
Hmm says: " Not too long ago you stated EVERYTHING Cosby printed is based upon TMZ postings."
Which is it?
Hmm: Which federal governments? Which states? How do you know there is no investigation? State your evidence. What is the statue for murder?
It is not everyday, thankfully, that a person dies with the presence of Howard K Stern skulking about... Happens everyday? What,HKS is present when someone dies?Oh, I would hope two would be plenty!
Well maybe you should care. Especially when the person doing the breaking-in makes statements like "You could kill somebody and no one would know, unless you tell someone."
Posted at 1:05AM on Sep 20th 2007 by Lynda
Do you have a link to that statement?
Posted at 1:12AM on Sep 20th 2007 by Trainwreck
They look like a bunch of depraved thugs, letting a suspect block the Inquest into Daniel's death, letting an official be bribed the way Gibson was and not dealing with the person bribing him, letting someone attempt to filch a house from the owner, and what about the possible drug trafficking and money laundering?
The Bahamas must be a haven for thieves and crooks, and even OJ is said to have gone there and put money in offshore investments that he was supposed to pay the Goldmans.
A year has been too long for two people to lie in the ground without justice being served in their deaths.
Sept. 21, 2007
Can't wait!
Justice looms, and we still have the FBI investigation in the States which has been ongoing.
Justice, justice!
Although all the posts have been interesting and thought-provoking, one in particular caught my attention -- and, I think, is at the heart of the matter discussed the most last night. It is this one:
29074. To delusional minds among us
since you seem to be reveiling interesting detail about what was going on in annas inner circle please tell me why did she suddenly break away from her texas family and friends as she was a independent person back then and was able to make dissisions for her self with out others making them for her. ever since she moved to california and hooked up with HKS she became some one that had to rely on someone else to do everything for her and had to ask permission it seems to be able to get out of the house !!! I dont believe for one second she hated her mother the way Et and howard k stern spun the story. she wouldnt have gone out of her way to get into contact with her after daniel died or even before she still would right letters or make phone calls.
Posted at 10:09AM on Sep 21st 2007 by justice for vikkie lynn
As I read the comments about this issue, I saw that most everyone has taken one of two sides:
Anna hated her mother for years, chose to have no relationship with her mom and family, and lambasted her mother in an ET interview for accusing her and Howard for killing Dan;
Anna did not hate her mother, but was prevented from having a relationship with her mother, and Howard orchestrated the ET interview, spoon fed the aired comments to Anna after convincing Anna that her mother accused her and How of killing Dan.
Did I sum up the sides correctly?
I'm going to try to offer my perspective on the this issue. It might shed a little more light on the question, "Did Anna hate her mother or not?"
But I have to say at the outset that, despite how divisive the sides seem to be, you're all pretty much on the same page. There really is no one side.
I have a big problem with the media because they offer nothing more than narrow 10-second windows into a much broader vista of intertwined circumstances. While one side might focus on one 10-second soundbyte and use that to say, "That's how is was!", the other side will focus on a different 10-second soundbyte and say, "No! THAT'S how it was!"
And then the sides will argue endlessly over which 10-second soundbyte is the most accurate portrayal of "How It Really Was."
The truth is, it is all ways, all at the same time!
We have to remember that this was real life, where nothing really can be compartmentalized into neat little, self-explanatory packages. If this were a movie or a novel, the writer only has a 2-hour time frame or a limit of 500 pages to wrap everything up so that all the disparate pieces of the puzzle come together and make sense to the audience. It's a formula used in every piece of dramatic writing. As an audience, we've come to expect the writer to use that formula to reach a satisfying resolution.
As we follow and witness the life and death of Anna and her son, I think it's only natural that we would try to apply the formula ourselves, so that we can make sense of it all as it unfolds.
It's a difficult endeavor.
No single event is isolated. Especially those 10-second soundbytes aired in the media. Not even Anna's profession of hatred of her mother on ET. Not even Virgie's poorly veiled accusation of murder on one of those news shows.
But it's those 10-second soundbytes that we grab onto, in order to tell the story.
Where we get into trouble is how we try to fill in the gaps BETWEEN those soundbytes.
How do we fill in the gaps? Well, we go to other soundbytes. Depending on how you want the story to turn out in the end, we chose our soundbytes accordingly.
The problem with trying to put together a sensible string of events by using 10-second soundbytes is that NOT ALL SOUNDBYTES ARE CREATED EQUALLY.
This is why I have a problem with the media. Especially with certain media outlets who seem to only present soundbytes that are favorable to one side and intentionally unfavorably toward another side.
And that's just stupid and irresponsible. The media are helping to make people see the whole affair as one side pitted against the other. As an audience, we, too, become divisive. And then we spend wasted hours feuding.
And what purpose does that serve, except to burn off some inner pent up hostility?
I think, rather than choosing sides, we should realize that, despite our own personal convictions about how we want this saga to end, that there really are no sides to choose. At least, not while we are trying to put the pieces together.
It's as if we are presented with a jigsaw puzzle. When it's all put together, some of us want the finished product to look "This Way." Others want it to end up looking "That way."
In the meantime, as we try to assemble the puzzle, we need to work together. The pieces are all over the place. We all have our own ideas about which piece might go where, but none of us really know. And we won't ever know unless we let go of our own personal convictions and stop the arguing.
When, at last, the entire puzzle is put together, we all may be surprised to find that we have all been wrong about what the puzzle will end up looking like once it's solved.
I am not totally independent. I have a pony in the race, too. So take that for what it's worth.
I pulled out the comment above from among all the posts I read this morning because I would like to offer my own perspective about Anna's relationship with her mom, from my own observances. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't. I don't know. It's up to us to see where it all fits in.
Would someone here be kind enough to try for me?
I have been reading your posts and find it quite interesting.
You have made comments on things that are not public information...therefore I can only assume that you have a dog in this fight.
I can not agree with you more about the pieces of the puzzle and how the 'sides' are trying to make it fit where it sometimes just wont.
As for Vicky and her mom, i am still interested to hear your thoughts on that. I do know for myself what the situation was there.
Hope to hear from you soon on this.
I have been reading your posts and find it quite interesting.
You have made comments on things that are not public information...therefore I can only assume that you have a dog in this fight.
I can not agree with you more about the pieces of the puzzle and how the 'sides' are trying to make it fit where it sometimes just wont.
As for Vicky and her mom, i am still interested to hear your thoughts on that. I do know for myself what the situation was there.
Hope to hear from you soon on this.
Yes, we who are decent and who have ethics have spent hours responding to the lies and slander directed at Anna's mother and others, and in discrediting those lies by telling the truth. A waste of our time, but persons passing through these sites should not believe lies and distortions of the truth that are stated against good and innocent people to cover up for a person who is neither, IMO.
What does Virgie Arthur have to do with the deaths of two people, the tragic life of Danielynn in the loss of her mother and brother, or the possible confiscation of Anna's estate? She has nothing to do with any crime nor with the deaths of innocent people. Neither do John O'Quinn, Ford Shelley, or Ben Thompson, but constantly distortions of the truth are aimed at those people to distract attention from the facts.
Anna's money has done a fine job in the hiring of people to damage good people, and now to aim those tactics toward Rita Cosby, a respected and honorable writer, IMO.
Such a miscarriage of justice, such evil players as we have all witnessed, all involved in what has the appearance of organized dirty politics in what appears to be an carefully organized cover up, in my opinion.
What has been said and done toward Anna's mother is corruption at its worst. Don't count on TMZ's posting anything against Stern or Larry, or posting anything supporting and praising Virgie, Rita Cosby, or John O'Quinn, unless a few slip through.
I trust those who were with Anna in the end (Moe, Howard et al) because Anna wouldn't have had them around if she didn't want them around. I think people are forgetting what a strong woman Anna was. They see her as a victim, but that's not how I remember her at all.
Her confidence was destroyed, her addiction was used to confuse, betray, cheat, rob and destroy her.
Her son was taken from her. She died a terrible death. Those people deserved to be trusted?
LOL. Really?
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
FUCK YOU said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
9:53 PM
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
FUCK YOU said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
9:53 PM
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?
ah, po po baby!
9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.
Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.
What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.
What language is that anyways
11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:
They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!
I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...
Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)
I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!
2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.
Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
3:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.
Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.
I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!
Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!
Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!
anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
6:34 AM
Anonymous said...
8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.
Just check (Other) below and type your name.
10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:
"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.
Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.
numbers make a difference
7:01 PM
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Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend
'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !
posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM
Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!
10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.
I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.
You girls rock!
11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.
3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.<