John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !


Anonymous said…
Rita is a class act!
Anonymous said…
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!
Anonymous said…
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!
Anonymous said…
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..
Anonymous said…
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!
Anonymous said…
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!
Anonymous said…
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.
Mo said…
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.

Anonymous said…
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!
Girl Next Door said…
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.
Anonymous said…
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.
Anonymous said…
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.
Anonymous said…
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY
Anonymous said…
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!
Anonymous said…
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO
Anonymous said…
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!
Anonymous said…
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!
Anonymous said…
larry..back slowly away from the coke....
Anonymous said…
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!
Anonymous said…
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!
Anonymous said…
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways
Anonymous said…
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!
Anonymous said…
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care
Anonymous said…

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!
Anonymous said…
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!

Anonymous said…
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!
Anonymous said…
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.
Anonymous said…
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho
Anonymous said…
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho
Anonymous said…

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!
Anonymous said…
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.
Anonymous said…
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol
Anonymous said…
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.
Anonymous said…
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.
Anonymous said…
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!
Anonymous said…
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
Anonymous said…
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.
Anonymous said…
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!
Anonymous said…
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
Anonymous said…
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.
Anonymous said…
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.
Anonymous said…
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?
Anonymous said…
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.
Anonymous said…
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.
Anonymous said…
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.
Anonymous said…
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference
Anonymous said…
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Anonymous said…
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Anonymous said…
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
FUCK YOU said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment

9:53 PM
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Anonymous said…
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
FUCK YOU said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment

9:53 PM
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
FUCK YOU said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment

9:53 PM
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Anonymous said…
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
FUCK YOU said...
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a CommentTimes Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment

9:53 PM
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Times Square Gossip.Com
Times Square Gossip is news, photos, stories from the Center Of The World "Times Square" NYC! Edited by famed Celebrity Photographer James Edstrom,We find Stories from around the Globe and bring you the News and Gossip the way you want it on one page. Visit us everyday to hear about the Events and Parties that make NYC famous. Let us know what you think. TheBestGossip@Aol.Com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
John Catsimatidis with Rita Cosby and friend

'Blonde Ambition' author Rita Cosby hosted the 'Save A Child's Heart Foundation' dinner at New York's famed Waldolph Astoria last night. Save A Child's Heart is one of the largest undertakings in the world providing urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. All children, regardless of race, religion, sex, color, or financial consideration receive the best possible care that modern medicine has to offer. Their entire surgical, intensive care, and nursing staff substantially volunteer their services and donate their time !

posted by Times Square Gossip at 8:03 AM

Mrs. Marple said...
Rita is a class act!

10:47 AM
Kate said...
Keep up the Great Work Rita.

I ready the interview with Wendy Murphy where she was also threatened and bullied by L. Wood.

You girls rock!

11:40 AM
Anonymous said...
Yes, Rita, you are a Class Act! there is nothing more important than any cause that uplifts or sustains the LIFE of a beautiful child....the children are truly the key to an evolving and heart-centered humanity!

12:12 PM
say what said...
Rita,You have a beautiful heart..no HKS or LW or LB can change that..it's all about the children..little did they know..or care..but we know and care dont we....truth WILL prevail..hang in there..

12:15 PM
Whack A Mole said...
Yes, Rita put her money where her heart is.. Howard puts his in an off shore account to hide it. Way to go Rita!

12:28 PM
Charlotte said...
Rita...you look spectacular! We always knew you had a kind heart, so it is nice to see you get a little positive press here. Thanks James! Any and all Rita stories are appreciated!

1:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Rita your hair looks better now that you don't have that swoop in your bangs. Hang tough.

2:46 PM
Mo said...
Way to go Rita!!! You have a big heart. Thank you for doing what you can to help children, including Daniel Smith and Dannielynn.


3:21 PM
Mindbender said...
At least Rita is supporting children's charities & not pimping out a baby for $$$.
There is a HUGE difference!

4:52 PM
Dee said...
Rita, you are the classiest lady on the block...I had no idea how classy until lately. Thank you for being a true hearted person.

6:54 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree Rita appears to be a classy lady. Nice she does charity works. The Waldorf is a nice place food very good there.

7:13 PM
Luke said...
Rita is always first class in everything she does including writing her first blockbuster book! Amazing but unsurprising that she still has time for charity work.

10:52 PM
Anonymous said...
It is so great to see Rita doing this for others. We see Howard and Larry stealing homes and having humdred of thousands of dollar parties. Larry with his fake tan. He looks yellow.

5:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:18 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
I WON'T even REPEAT the above post...TOO SICK!! Hey, James, take a look at the idiot...THAT'S NOT FUNNY

7:40 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Way to go, Rita!!! You continue to outdo yourself!! A shining light in a DARK TUNNEL...Keep Shining, Rita!!!

7:41 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
From posts HERE it LOOKS like they are THREATENED by your Site, James...BUT they CAN'T STOP the TRUTH TRAIN...They are GOING DOWN...Cats outta the bag, BOYS!!!...IMO

7:43 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
Ya got them SCARED, James!!! LOL...What a TRIP!!!...$hiting their PANTS!!! JIGS UP!!! They WOULDN'T be wasting thier TIME IF ya WEREN'T a THREAT, EXPOSING the TRUTH!!! Way to GO, JAMES!!! Keep up the GOOD FIGHT!!!

7:51 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:53 AM
uuuuhhhoooohhh!!!! said...
YA MUST be GETTING REAL FAMOUS, James...They are here...BRIGHT and EARLY!!! LOL...People with NOTHING to HIDE DON'T do THAT!!! YOU are SHOWING your TRUE COLORS!!! KEEP IT UP!!!

7:55 AM
carolyn said...
When Stern is behind bars
Mr. L. Wood the "monster" who bullies everyone should be taken down a peg or two.

9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:32 AM
shiny said...
My goodness! Someone still up from an all night coke binge? Po widdle sweepy widdle baby? So, so sweepy, and cwanky cuz her to coked up to sweep?

ah, po po baby!

9:41 AM
Anonymous said...
larry..back slowly away from the coke....

10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous. 7:35 a.m./9:32 a.m.

Demonstrates the type of demented mind that now gets propped up by TMZ on behalf of another demented mind! Maybe its his wicked personal assistant!

10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
7:18 anonymous.

What a cruel joke in an attempt to attack women/men on here who support the rights to LIFE of children and women!

10:49 AM
Carolyn said...
Going down "Ankles"
And we will all be enjoying the show.

What language is that anyways

11:14 AM
Mrs. Marples said...
Hello Folks:

They are so idle over at the other unnamed site they are talking about George W. Bush. LOL!

I noticed that there are comments that are being removed. I missed it. What kind of comments are being removed? Just a little curious, as always! LOL!

12:52 PM
carolyn said...
Hey Mrs. Marples
Checked in this morning and it looked like the "Wicca Wagon" was back out in force.
Guess they are getting a little desperate again.
Or it could just be the usual mental breakdown that seems to occur on a regular basis.
Take care

1:01 PM
Mrs. Marples said...

Nice to hear from you. I must say this is such a nice site! The Sternoids have used up all of their believability! No one is interested in anything they have to say any more. There lies have lost their punch. How desperate they must be, the Inquest to begin and the spinning has fizzled out. SPLAT GOES THE STERNOIDS! (can be sung to the Pop Goes the Weasel)

I bet you could come up with a nice little jingle! LOL!

1:56 PM
uuuhhooohh!!! said...
Rita on Radio this morning CONFIRMING what Shiny told us HERE yesterday...INQUEST SET FOR OCTOBER 30th!!!!!Here is the link to Ritas interview!!! ENJOY!! Lots of stuff about LARRY and STERN, too!!!


2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Just listen to the Interview on http://kiss108.com/cc-common/podcast.html Great Interview, Rita. She said that the letters and e-mails to the Bahamas worked. Next, Atty Gen Fla!

3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 2:08 PM & 3:08 PM.

Thank you for posting the link to the kiss108 interview.

3:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I listen to Rita on the radio show very good interview. Yes, she did mention the October 30, date. Great news. I hope voir der is moot for Stern. It is imo a very silly agrument. jmho

3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You mean Wiccan. Wiccan is a religion for some. It is a religion of peace imo. Their belief is to be kind to others. What you do to another comes back on you three times. Wiccans believe in the forces of nature. There is no devil is their belief. They believe Merrily ye meet, merrily ye part, and merrily ye meet again. Wiccans are not witches. Wiccans believe nature very powerful. jmho

3:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Yes, the poster at 3:17 PM is correct. If you perceive, the other biddies as 'witches' that's what you should call them and not demean the true meaning of Wiccan. It has a negative connotation in our American society among some who do not fully understand its meaning. Indeed, I agree with the above poster that a true Wiccan participates in the "light" and indeed nature (spirit) is very powerful as we will see in the times ahead.

Not a criticism, just for understanding. Don't be so nice and simply call them WITCHES!

8:07 PM
Carolyn said...
I don't consider any of the other "biddies" as witches.
Don't be so touchy it was only a turn of a phrase.- No offense intended. "Wicca Wagon" has a more lyrical tone than witches wagon.
From now on I shall refer to them (Sternoids) as Bats - please advise if that offends any "batty people."
So merrily we have met and merrily we shall part and merrily we shall meat again.

8:14 PM
Anonymous said...
LOL carolyn please lol do not insult the poor wiccans and call them sternies lol

8:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Merry meet Carolyn you are a dear.

8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I am enjoying Rita's book, which is wonderful. I am thankful that she stood tall for justice and wrote this great book. I salute you, Rita.

I am glad that our letters and
e-mails helped move things forward in the Bahamas. Now we pray for justice.

8:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Have a beautiful weekend, James!

Have a beautiful weekend, Rita!

Have a beautiful weekend, Supporters of Justice for Daniel and Anna!

anonymous. 8:42 PM. All of us must remain empowered and not let our voices to be silenced. No matter how they have attempted to silence Rita's and James' (AH deleting his blogs) voices and ours on TMZ, TRUTH will win in the end (whether now or in 10 years)!

10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Do you have to get an account with google to have a name?

6:34 AM
Anonymous said...

8:51 AM
Anonymous said...
anonymous 6:33 AM & 6:34 AM.

Just check (Other) below and type your name.

10:27 AM
faye said...
Put numbers on that crooks chest
cause justice is the best
He had no fear with Larry Dear
drugs ,lying and week old beer
Bunch of ladies ever so sweet
hug each other whenever they meet
a goal they had in mind
jail for Howard and all his kind!

11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?

1:00 PM
faye said...
anonymous-Interesting.Now why would he be going with a new firm! I would think all the players are being investigated as they all were there.

1:12 PM
faye said...
I think perhaps some Lawyers did not like his actions as well.Like any profession is both good and bad.

1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rale Bio from Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale:

"Ron Rale
Mr. Rale has been practicing law since 1988 in the areas of family law, business and CIVIL LITIGATION, and PROBATE and ESTATE PLANNING. Mr. Rale previously served as estate planning lecturer at Shearson Lehman, Beverly Hills, and was Co-Author of "U.S. Taxation of Athletes in U.S. and Abroad," which was published in the Journal of International Taxation. Mr. Rale also served as PERSONAL COUNSEL for ANNA NICOLE SMITH in ESTATE LITIGATION WHICH RESULTED in the LARGEST JUDGMENT in the UNITED STATES in 1999, in the WIDELY-PUBLICIZED PATERNITY ACTION CONCERNING HER DAUGHTER in LOS ANGELES; as well as the BURIAL TRIAL in FLORIDA. Mr. Rale, was previously a partner at Trope and Trope in Los Angeles and joined Carlson, de Klerk, Sherman & Rale in September, 2007. Mr. Rale's varied and EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND PROVIDES HIM with a CRITICAL EDGE in FAMILY LAW LITIGATION which involves CROSS-OVER ISSUES with MULTIPLE AREAS of LAW.

Think he might not be Dannielynn's personal attorney with the change of one firm to the other?

1:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trusting someone has been putting together a complete timeline between Stern and Rale (and) their activities with Anna Nicole Smith.

1:46 PM
Anonymous said...
When is the inquest? I have tried to find out and nobody knows. We can't let this die down. It is no fun being on the other blogs. Nobody discusses anymore. They just try to destroy each other.

3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
unconfirmed reports , the inquest is scheduled for October 30,2007

3:55 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much. I sure hope it goes as planned. I bet he will have all kinds of lawyers there. It seems like he rules the Bahamas.

4:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Send an e-mail everyday to the chief justice Lyons about your feelings and opinions.

numbers make a difference

7:01 PM
Post a Comment
Anonymous said…
11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
So what's the news about Rale going with a new law firm in September?
Says he wanted to spend more time with the family. I guess he is listening to too much D.C. spin

Point Blank
They canned his sorry ass.
Anonymous said…
Greetings Friends!! Been out of the loop all day...Any news Today or interesting revelations? Have a good one....
Anonymous said…
James-Kerry-Carolyn-See someone is posting as FU-but not using the initials-wonder whom that could be?
Anonymous said…
Good to see you but I don't know if you are here or just leaving a note behind... Maybe, we can link up and enjoy the blogging. Tx for your contributions.

Anonymous said…
Are we sure Ron Rale is out of Troup&Troup ?

The same info (word for word ) is still posted on T&T.

Googled info and it appears to have come from a TMZ blogger on the Criminal Probe.

I see no other info , still listed as partner of T&T
Anonymous said…
If RR is planning on staying home more , he will have to get rid of his "best friend" HKS
Anonymous said…
Re: Ron Rale: I read the comments on TMZ and thot it might be wise for RR to distance himself to avoid conflict of interest. Wonder if they are intentionally clouding the water or testing the long arm of the courts. Wonder when these wind up toys are going to wind down and get a grip of the reality of life.

I am stunned by the lack of emotion, the lack of caring on the part of the main characters. No one has stepped forward to even say, "Mrs. Arthur, I am sorry for the loss of your daughter and your grandson. If only..."

They just keep on partying...
Anonymous said…
passing thru-I am babysitting my son's dogs and I have my belt off works great.Bird can hold it;s own laughs at the dogs think makes them mad.Bird barks at dogs too-son pick up dogs at 4 pm-and they get up close he will peck them on the nose.I remember as you probably do the weird names they use on tmz-pretty brazen come over here on James site and use the crazy handles they have.She gets mad why I think weak link with Kimmie she will always give herself way-can change names 100 times verbage is the same-she knows the real deal-be the first to crack-you watch!My grandson has autism so bit busy day for me-but I like to converse-I miss not being on but pretty full schedule with appointments and all but hopefully dust settles this week.And I can get back to the basics.
Anonymous said…
passing thru-They do not care-people of their caliber only greed and more money gets them inspired!Oh I do not beat the dogs love them as well just intimidation works hit on bed gets there attention.I did not see the bonding-I saw a baby clearly pull away from Howard-I was hoping she would throw up on him!
Anonymous said…
My husband is feeling better so he is now babysitting for me.Different for the dogs like how is it possible for an animal especially a bird to talk to them really funny.They turn there heads sideways -I think the bird is brainwashing them.
Anonymous said…
uuuhhoohh-James knocks out the weirdo's good job kind Sir-some moron was actually using the handle fu-but they used the whole word-verbage same-not hard to figure Kimmie on Crack again!
Anonymous said…
I think like in any profession you distance yourself from trouble-so I wonder if they did not tell him to get lost!
Anonymous said…
Faye, Hope you are still here. Need to run for a minute. Will be back later, I promise! Got any problems with site, notify James! Big call out for him. He has a nice house and I hope it stays that way! CU soon!
Anonymous said…
James is honest-and that is refreshing after TMZ all of us spent money fixing computer problems.I especially like his comments on Art Harris which is a Stern flunkey!
Anonymous said…
-anyone ever here from Lucas-I think he may have posted under different handle but not sure.
Anonymous said…
I see Oh Happy Day-is looking for butterfly-send my husband outside see if perhaps one of the neighbors have one they can scrape off the windshield-talking to yourself oh well!I can hardly wait when she testifies as a witness-my real name is but I call myself and she unrolls a list of 100 names.lol
Anonymous said…
Carolyn-in crime library the baby is that you blogging there?
Anonymous said…
passing thru-is an obvious anti stern poster as test-on old tmz thread-giving butterfly and crew heck.Reminds me of a good friend of ours!
Anonymous said…
Ron why is Kimmie sticking her shoe -shine box in the dryer.Well Howie I told her to hide her assets!llol
Anonymous said…
Ron why is Kimmie- have two bags on her head-she says does not want anyone to steal her ID.Oh sorry I asked!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Faye! How are you doing? Looks like Butterfly is having her wings clipped royally! Bout time!

I have come to the conclusion: we can't get on to TMZ because we are not part of the cast of characters...so kay! I watch, too..
Anonymous said…
Faye, I took it double time when I responded that I liked your posts, recall? Bit sharp at times but the humor was good! Tx for the biting wit!
Anonymous said…
Divide and conquer is the game as the mud slinging has gone from one site to another. Wonder if they can hold up against the truth. Currently, they are assessing how many and who they are dealing with. It is funny because the one team is out in force and the other has fielded a few players! lol Yes, Faye. Credence has been with you for some time.
Anonymous said…
passing thru-Yes I do.I just can not stand anyone that flaunts the law.they are nothing more than cheap con-men and with no money to hide behind I feel would long ago been jailed.So I agree with Suzanne and others not impressed with justice displayed so far.It is also my understanding that Horizon's went back to original owner which is not Thompson!I admit I may come down hard at times but only way you can deal with some of them only language they understand.
Anonymous said…
Passing thru-I really think is just three women-Kimmie,Bonnie and Michelle.
Anonymous said…
anonymous-truth shall set them-but I doubt free is a word they are going to hear.There is plenty of federal charges drugs alone ought to be good for few years!
Anonymous said…
Go read the last two or three posts at the plastic flowers sites. Someone got hit and hard.
Anonymous said…
Faye- Who is Michelle? So many names in this game!
Anonymous said…
You have a Michelle that occasionally posts on here and then you have Michelle that is anti-stern.One is Howard/s brother Gary's wife.Not hard to tell which is which.No all the I love Howard is Kimmie.None spelling individual is Kimmie.Bonnie and Michelle are educated.Lot of them you can after a while easily tell by different items they do-like one always says cheers.Kimmie always spells clothes as cloths and bitch as biotches.Some in turn always say lol or stfu-so another good indicator.Hope that helps.I got to go out for about an hour but will be back this evening.See ya!
Anonymous said…
Carolyn-I can not help but wonder based on last couple of months that someone is into the occult.I remember the whole gambit now we are on Witches-what next Vampires piloting B-52.
Anonymous said…
faye, go to the bannedsisters@comcast.com and get my e-mail from Whack . I need to talk to you ASAP.
Anonymous said…
As Lucas would say-roger and away-something like that I think Kerry.
Anonymous said…
Hi Everyone
Haven't had much time to post lately.
Faye, I wonder too what happened to Lucas, Hope he is okay.
Anonymous said…
I hope Rita's book opened the hearts and minds of the legal heads and get the ball rolling at least for the inquest.
The inquest will shed light on Anna's death as well.
Anonymous said…
kerry-I can not get in!I will get my son in law to check it out.
Anonymous said…
Sinister-All I can tell you is Lucas is around! Was great to hear from him again.I can not tell you his new handle leave that up to him!I hope you are doing ok.I had more than my fair share here lately-two dogs and and a grandchild bit much at times.
Anonymous said…
kerry-my biggest concern is the people from tmz cost us money might do the same again with a virus.
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear Lucas is fine.
Yes TMZ did cost us a ton of $$$ collectively with our computers. Have to fix mine when I get home.
You seems busy. Hope all is well. Get rest and take care of yourself.
Anonymous said…
faye - kerry and Einstein are over at tmz as cagney & lacey. don't think they're too afraid of any virus.
Anonymous said…
-Peggy -I do not buy it -other site e-mail is different-real kerry would not make a mistake like that-but Kimmie aka scumbag would!Einstein has no desire to blog either on TMZ so I do not buy that either.
Anonymous said…
Passing thru-You monitor things well-check my observations.I respect your opinion.I smell a rat-in form of Sternoid!
Anonymous said…
Sinister and All Banned Sisters and Brothers-My husband had his surgery-he had blood in his ear and on his head-Dr. said whatever we do make sure no water gets in the ear! So if I put a cotton ball-nope that will not work! So I called my nephew not married and asked if he had a rubber-he said what!-a Trojan ok-yes and brought it over.In meantime my daughter in law came over and said that will not work -why cause read the label only 99% effective-so 1% his ear could get pregnant or rubber would leak.Finally resolved with what my mother taught me-put the old index finger in the ear=works-now it may sound crazy but never trust a busted rubber! True story for the day!lol
Anonymous said…
Where is everyone-? We need a plan c-all you smart folks .Tmz is talking to themselves and nothing is happening here other than what I believe to be bogus Kerry posting!
Anonymous said…
Night night-I will be on tomorrow!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Faye! Whatsup?
Anonymous said…
gosh, I just got here so I know I could not have said anything to offend you! Been reading the two active TMZ sites and chuckling (very unlady like but I am too old to giggle) up a storm! Cagney and Lacey and Henesey! Henesey revealed enuff to scare the bee jees out of butterball!
Anonymous said…
passing thru-I just think certain person is playing games again.go back to 5 something today post by kerry-then read after that supposedly kerry and einstein posting on tmz as cagney and lacey and by the way not worried about a virus not something E-would say or do.So I aint buying it-
Anonymous said…
sorry! i am still here trouble posting
Anonymous said…
here is what I was trying to say! lol

I know longer have a zillion cookies carrying viruses since I quit the other place. Still, I have two virus scanners I use every day and a third I use once an hour. When I started blocking the cookies, about June, I had many problems getting on; some days better than others. Aug 30, in midst of posting, I was apparently kicked off. So, I go a different server but kept my name. A few days later, than was not going thru. Many unanswered e's to TMZ. I have a third server lined up but I am tired of playing with them.

Spend a lot of time watching the battle go down! Henesey started on Buttball and she crumpled! What happened in 86 with Bonnie in the Barbados? Cagney and Lacey are making me chuckle (too old to giggle) as they volley back and forth!

RJMO banned? The banned one was:
Just AN Opinion....
Anonymous said…
If Cagney/Lacey are known by other blog names I think I might know who they are.

From the Will site: Lynda always does that stupid smiley face thing and often uses references to water...

Funny how they stir things up and then, like crazed dogs, whip back and forth trying to defend the bites they sustain. Still they deny the nose on the face as being Stern's...

Going to watch the plastic flower game!
Anonymous said…
Faye: start on p230... real hoot!
Anonymous said…
I just read Ritas book for a second time all done. I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others. I noticed when I was buying Ritas book there was a book written about Patti Boyd, George Harrisons ex. I think I will go back and get that one. Looks good also.
Anonymous said…
passing thru-I will.I am convinced three women-just changes names sometimes to Dale remember him and the notorious teen ager what a bunch of crap.Still spells same words -so same writers.You are correct Rotten Crotch is there weak link!Kimmie!
Anonymous said…

'there' in your post should be 'their'
Anonymous said…
Let's see: Lynda, Jane/Rachel, Butterfly, Peace, Confused,Swims, Sven, Mountain something...