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Paula Abdul's love life is "looking good" now she is dating a restaurant owner.The 'American Idol Judge' judge is revelling in her budding romance with businessman J.T. Torregiani, and says he has even been approved by her fellow judge Simon Cowell. She told Access Hollywood: "He is a good guy. Things are looking upwards. It's looking good right now. I wasn't even looking for someone and that's what usually happens."Simon is already calling me and bugging me and saying 'let me talk to him.'Simon always does that to me."Last month, Paula celebrated her 45th birthday at Torregiani's West Hollywood restaurant Ketchup, where he spent the entire night by her side, and the couple are said to have been "smitten" ever since. Paula has previously described her love life as a "horror show". She divorced actor Emilio Estevez after only two years of marriage in 1994.Her second marriage to sportswear designer Brad Beckerman in 1996 also lasted just two years before the couple divorced citing irreconcilable differences. Last year, Paula even resorted to being set up on two dates with "eligible bachelors" by popular TV host Dr. Phil McGraw for a one-off show called 'Love Smart'.