Madonna and husband Guy Ritchie are "dreading" a visit from African welfare inspectors, who will decide if the couple can formally adopt Malawi boy David Banda.The couple, who are desperate to keep David, are said to be very worried about the "gruelling assessment" set to be carried out by the African country's top officials. A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "This home study is a big deal -and Madonna and Guy have been absolutely dreading it. Malawi is a conservative country that disapproves of drugs, alcohol, divorce and cheating."These assessments are very gruelling and many couples don't pass."Penston Kilembe, director of Malawi's Ministry of Child Welfare, will observe the family at their London mansion in two weeks. Kilembe will grill Madonna and Guy with a series of "sensitive questions" on subjects including, divorce, infidelity, infertility and alcohol for up to five hours each day. He will spend around five days with the family, and Kilembe could stop Madonna and Guy from formally adopting two-year-old David if he doesn't consider them to be fit parents.The couple's parenting skills with their seven-year-old son Rocco and Madonna's 10-year-old daughter Lourdes from a previous relationship will also be assessed. David has been living with Madonna since he left a Malawi orphanage last October.The adoption sparked huge controversy with 50 civil rights groups claiming Madonna's application had been fast-tracked because of her star status. It later emerged David was not an orphan. His father Yohane was forced to send him to an orphanage after his wife died when David was just a week old. Madonna, 48, is reportedly planning to adopt another African baby - a girl called Grace.
