Katie Holmes is desperate to land a role in the film version of musical 'Nine'.The 28-year-old actress reportedly auditioned for the movie's director Rob Marshall on Tuesday by performing a song and dance routine in his office. Demi Moore is also said to have auditioned, while Renée Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones are also being linked to the project -about a film director who is heading towards a nervous breakdown.Marshall has directed both Renée and Catherine before in the Oscar-winning 'Chicago'.Katie is not known for her singing talents, and has previously struggled to stay in tune when performing the song 'On My Own' from long-running hit musical 'Les Miserables' for an episode of 'Dawson's Creek'. Marshall has previously said: "'Nine' needs to be created specifically for the talent involved, to suit their strengths."Casting will be a big issue here, and if commitments complicate things, it will be 2009 before it gets going."'Nine' has previously enjoyed success on Broadway, with the most recent production in 2003 featuring Hollywood star Antonio Banderas.