Lady Bird Johnson

LADY Bird Johnson, who quietly served as one of the most trusted advisers to her husband President Lyndon Johnson, has died of natural causes at the age of 94, family spokeswoman Elizabeth Christian said.The former first lady died at her Austin, Texas, home with friends and family around her, Christian said. During their White House years Lady Bird campaigned for her Democratic husband's civil rights, environmental and war-on-poverty policies and also zealously pushed her own pet cause - beautifying America. She was at Johnson's side as he came under fire for escalating the Vietnam War and wholeheartedly supported his surprising decision not to seek re-election as president in 1968. A PBS documentary said she had long feared the stress of the presidency would kill her husband and that she insisted his speech announcing his plans include the definitive phrase "I shall not seek and I will not accept" his party's nomination. She was often the target of anti-war hecklers herself but of her years in the White House, Lady Bird recalled: "A lot of it was desperately painful but on balance, I loved it."
