Paris Hilton crys as she is escorted back to judge

Paris Hilton could be sent back to jail today. The hotel heiress - who was released from California's Century Regional Detention Facility yesterday for unspecified medical reasons and put on 40-day house arrest after serving just five days of her sentence -has been ordered to report to the Los Angeles Superior Court at 9 am today. A judge will hear her case for "reassignment" to house arrest and decide if she should return to prison. Steve Whitmore, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, said her "reassignment" from her 8ft by 12ft cell to her luxury home was made after "extensive consultations" with jail doctors and the sentencing judge. However, a court spokesman has insisted the decision was not approved by Judge Michael Sauer, who sentenced Paris last month for driving with a suspended licence. At the time, Sauer had specifically ruled she could not serve her jail time at home under electronic monitoring. Sauer set today's hearing after a request from the city's attorneys who are now suggesting Sheriff Lea Baca should be held in contempt of court for releasing Paris early. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, whose office prosecuted the 26-year-old,complained he had no idea she had left jail. He said: "The judicial process may have been improperly circumvented. It is the city attorney's position that the decision on whether or not Ms. Hilton should be released early and placed on electronic monitoring should be made by Judge Sauer and not the Sheriff's Department."The sheriff's explanation for Paris' house arrest is puzzling, county jails are well-equipped to deal with medical situations involving inmates."Paris was reportedly released after developing a rash, according to US TV show 'Entertainment Tonight', while gossip website claim she was in danger of having of a nervous breakdown. County Supervisor Don Knabe fumed: "What transpired here is outrageous. I have received more than 400 angry emails and hundreds more phone calls from around the country. Her return home gives the impression of celebrity justice being handed out."Paris, who was fitted with an ankle bracelet to keep track of her whereabouts, praised jail staff after being released in the early hours of yesterday morning. She said: "Thank you for treating me fairly and professionally. I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope others have learned from my mistakes."
