Sexy Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba claims she is self-conscious and shy, despite being voted theworld's sexiest woman.The screen beauty - who recently topped FHM magazine's annual 100 Sexiest Women in the World poll - insists she does not consciously flaunt her stunning figure because she doesn't enjoy attracting attention. Jessica is quoted by Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper as saying: "I try not to make the headlines. I'm self-conscious about this. I try to not make my presence known."The 'Sin City' star - who has a strict no-nudity clause in her contract -says her prudish attitude is reflected in her choice of clothing. She said: "I have my own fashion style and do not try to fit in. I don't have my breasts under my chin, I'm not showing butt cheeks, nor much legs. I don't go for the trendiest look."The 26-year-old recently claimed she wants to be a "serious actress", and does not want her movies to be all about "me in a bikini".
