Jennifer Lopez has been accused of diva-like behavior at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding. The singer-and-actress reportedly made a series of outlandish demands to ensure she looked her very best for the wedding last week . A source told Us Weekly magazine: "Tom and Katie kindly arranged for a private plane to bring some of their more famous friends to Italy for their wedding."Hours before Jada Pinkett Smith, Leah Remini and Cameron Crowe boarded, Jennifer Lopez sent her assistant to lay all her belongings on all the best seats! "J.Lo made sure all eyes were on her for the pre-wedding dinner at Nino restaurant. The source revealed: "The welcome dinner was supposed to be casual. But Jennifer, of course, wore a gown. So much for casual! "Lopez also reportedly demanded her hairstylist, Ken Paves, flew into Rome to ensure her hair was looking perfect for the big day. Another source claims Paves was already booked to style bride Katie's hair.The 37-year-old is said to have continued to expect special treatment after the wedding had finished. She demanded hotel staff deliver her and husband Marc Anthony a bag of food at 2.30 am on Sunday before they left for the airport, so she wouldn't have to eat plane food.