
Story By: James Edstrom

Neighbors On NBC Protesting Treatment From Macy's In 2017

Sources are alleging Macy's has been banned from their 4th of July show 2018 in the Hudson River. The store announced last year that they would be rotating the event, but communities around New York City, including many tenants in Hunters Point South who have been abused by this event the past three years, say they do not want Macy's here.

This story took a lot of digging as we have hosted them for 3 years straight here in Hunters Point South and many of the residents here do not want this event. Macy's was asked for comment on this story, in fact we asked two Macy's publicity persons and they ignored our requests. We also asked them in the E-Mail to have the residents be part of the conservation so we are not locked up as they do every year for this party that only benefits Macy's with 500 million worth of free publicity. Macy's celebrates freedom while it takes the residents including Vets and Seniors freedom away. Still no comment from Macy's.

  We were so outraged by the treatment from this event, we went to NBC News and the NY Post last year, who agreed the way residents here are treated is a horror. Macy's make no arrangements for the residents. We are at ground zero and we are locked down.The story was picked up worldwide and still Macy's did not contact us to make arrangements for the residents here.

Last year we as residents of Hunters Point South, who are right in the center of this Macy's event each year, tried to be pro active and arrange our our party in our own location. We got approval from the police department, we arranged for food and beverage. Days before the event, Macy's came to the park and found out we had a parking lot and told the 108th Police Department they needed it for their event. So as always, Macy's got their way, at the expense of the community and got our parking lot leaving us no way to enjoy the holiday. But the sad fact was, they commandeered our parking lot and did not even use it and once again we were locked up like criminals. Police Department Blames Macy's, Macy's blames Homeland Security and they all pass the buck around.

We have held this story for a few weeks now. But I saw the signs, Homeland Security here, Macy's personal here. This has been confirmed, Macy's is throwing their 4th of July Event at Hunters Point South. And once again they are not allowing us as residents of this community to be part of the conservation.

This is part of a bigger story. This is how the parks department gives our parks away to private entities who makes millions off public space with just about no benefit to the community. But this is a bigger story we will be bringing to main stream television media very soon. We have park contracts, we have sources and this is a story that will blow the lid off these park contracts that are given to persons that are friends with politicians and have the inside track.

Comment below as you see fit!
