
Rupert Murdoch

News Corp's Rupert Murdoch is trying to convince Congress to restrict the Internet, personally lobbying leaders on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to vote on two measures that purport to combat piracy.

Murdoch's company is among some 350 large corporations that have come out in favor of the Stop Online Piracy Act in the House, as well as the Protect IP Act in the Senate.

Both measures would require Internet operators to police activity online, and would mandate Internet giants like Google and AOL and credit card companies to take down sites that have content deemed to be in violation of copyright rules.

Supporters of the bill say the measures will help curb theft and preserve the integrity of the Internet. Opponents are charging that the measures amount to censorship that will stifle innovation and impose higher costs on consumers.

Rupert Murdoch's companies include 20th Century Fox Films, Fox Television, The New York Post and many other media outlets.

It would seem to me that old Rupert Murdoch is guilty of piracy himself. His Fox News regularly takes photos off of Twitter, Facebook and other websites to use in their news stories. Of course Fox News would claim that the nature of the story gives them rights to use the photos, but someone, somewhere took those photos and owns the rights. Rupert Mudoch is a pirate.

This is another ploy for the big media companies to take over the Internet. The big media companies had a very low interest of the world wide web when it first came out, until they saw how big it became. It evolved because of the little people. We would not have Facebook or Google and so many other things, if these laws had been in place when the Internet first started.

Basically this bill must be voted down. You will not be able to link to content, photos or just about anything else, without being subject to lawsuits. The government can close any site down without any trial and without reviewing the facts. The search engines would be subject to lawsuits and therefor the content would disappear. There are already laws in place to protect copyrighted material. We do not need more.

Rupert Murdoch can not stand that he does not control the Internet. He wants to own the world. It's bad enough that he is allowed to be bias on everyone with his media outlets, look what he has done with Fox News.

You can read the bill HERE....

Photo By: RD/Orchon/Retna


Anonymous said…
This Murdoch man is evil and very dangerous.