The politicians in Washington are waging their own Public Relations war on the protests of Occupy Wall Street. They are saying that there is no one agenda. In fact, the media is also eating this up.
They are saying that there are several issues and demands from Occupy Wall Street and this is confusing as there seems to be no one issue. They play it that since there are so many issues, that the occupation really has no goal. This is not true.
There are many goals from Occupy Wall Street. Here are a few.
Stop The Corruption In Wall Street
The reason we have this housing problem and people are losing their homes is because these Wall Street and Bank crooks packaged bad mortgages. They lent to people that they knew could not pay them back and re-packaged them and sold them to other investment houses as grade A investments. The banks and Wall Street firms made huge profits from these bad mortgages, they got a fee for each mortgage they sold. The investment houses and investors who brought these packages lost just about everything. The bankers, the mortgage brokers and many more people made a fortune, while so many huge companies went out of business. This was the first stop to ruin in our country.
The Bailout Of Wall Street Companies And Banks
When the housing market crashed, the brokers of Wall Street and the greedy Banks started to feel the pinch. The CEO's of these companies were raking in millions in bonuses and were spending money on their lavish lifestyle, all at the investors expense. These same people, who were responsible for the housing market crash and responsible for so many people losing their homes, saw their profits plummet. Their evil plan to rake in billions in profits made them richer, but their companies suffered and were at risk of going under.
The Wall Street companies and The Banks then come to the American People for a bailout. The country is suffering. Credit Card companies are slashing even their best customers credit line, raising fees and even dropping customers. The Credit Card companies are owned by these banks.
The American People give these banks bailout money, so they can start extending credit again to the American People. The government forks over around $850 billion to get the credit markets working again and to get the housing market on it's feet again. What did the banks do? They hoarded the money to open new branches to beat their competitor, they did not give out new credit, they foreclosed on everyone and anyones homes and raised bank fees for everything and anything.
Bank Of America for instance, raised fees several times on checking accounts and even found more fees to charge. They raised their overdraft charge and the new shocker was they started to charge to have the checks you write, have the check images on your statement. Remember when we used to get the checks we wrote back in the mail for free, then they decided to have them copied on your statements to save money and then after that they decide to charge you for the privilege. Bank Of America also has settled so many lawsuits of outright fraud. They always have in their settlement agreement, that they admit no wrongdoing by paying the small fine. But in the end, Bank Of America has made billions and the small fine is the cost of doing business.
I have been cursing Bank Of America for years. But they are not the only crooks, the other banks are just as guilty. When the banks got our bailout money, there was a clause that these huge bonuses had to stop. The banks did not like this idea at all, so after using the American peoples money to save their companies and to save all the stock they owned, they paid back the money real quick so the CEO's could continue to receive their huge bonuses. And remember, they did not release credit to the American people, like they were supposed to. They also did not help the housing market and instead started to foreclose on everyone.
The Jobs Market In America
Every thing President Obama wants to do is blocked by the Republicans. Tonights jobs bill will not pass. The Republican controlled Congress will not let any bill go through that will make the country better because they want the White House next election. This has happened time after time. They do not care about the middle class that is now poor. They do not care about the poverty that the American people are now facing. They only care about their rich friends and in winning the next election. They refuse to let the rich pay more in taxes. Even one of the richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, say's he should be taxed more.
I have many rich friends. They have gotten richer, even in this bad recession. They are still going out for thousand dollar dinners and they are still buying 10 thousand dollar a plate dinners at their rich friends events. They continue to drive their gas guzzling SUV's and almost all of it is a tax deduction. They still have their houses in the Hamptons and some of my rich friends are looking for bigger ones. The stock market goes up and they make money and when it goes down, they make money. The average American is the one that loses their money. The rich know what the market will do next. The average American is paying fair and honest, while the rich have a edge.
The Corporations
The huge and rich corporations. They want the American money, but they do not want to hire Americans. They will fire 200 thousand American workers and then go to India or some other country and hire them back. These corporations are already making record profits, but they continue to ship American jobs overseas. This will backfire on them. As more and more lose their jobs, Americans will no longer be able to afford their products. Who can afford a $120 a month cell phone from Sprint, when you are not working. Sprint is one of the biggest offenders. They have shipped so many American jobs overseas. When I call Sprint customer service, I almost always get someone in India.
Rep. John Boehner
This Rep Boehner is the shame of the American People. He has blocked every single move to help the country get on it's feet. He continues to protect his rich friends. The collapse of the American economy is due to the Republicans, plain and simple. This all happened on George Bush's watch. Barack Obama has been blocked by this nut case Boehner at every level. Boehner refuses to let anything get done in Washington because he wants the Presidency for the Republicans once again so they can continue to protect their rich friends. Boehner talks about cutting entitlements for the American people, but you have not heard this guy talk about cutting anyone in Congresses pay nor have you heard him say that Congress is willing to give up their health care coverage, or even take cuts for that matter. Yet middle class Americans and the poor are expected to give up everything and they already have. This one man, Boehner is the one that started this class war. He does not want to compromise on anything that is good for the American people. Boehner does not care that you are un-insured and are losing your home, nor does he care about the millions who have lost everything. Boehner has his health coverage, he has all his benefits and he has a job.
The Class War
I said many years ago on Times Square Gossip, that there would be a war against the rich and poor. I saw this coming. It is here, it is happening. We are tired of watching the rich get richer. We are tired of trying to pay our bills every month and we are tired of watching all the crooks of Wall Street get away with fraud. We are tired of watching these crooks make so much money off their frauds, and they never go to jail. We are outraged that these banks took American money to help Americans and they only helped their rich friends. The bailout was for the rich, it saved their fortunes. The 1% of Americans saved their fortunes and the other 99% are paying for it.
Continue To Occupy Wall Street
Yes, there are many issues for Occupy Wall Street, these are some of them. The war is here and the country is falling. The revolution has come and it will not be pretty. The Wall Street crooks, The Banks and the Republicans are to blame and they want you to believe that they can fix it. If you believe these Republicans, than I want to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge!
Photo By: RD/Kabik/Retna
They are saying that there are several issues and demands from Occupy Wall Street and this is confusing as there seems to be no one issue. They play it that since there are so many issues, that the occupation really has no goal. This is not true.
There are many goals from Occupy Wall Street. Here are a few.
Stop The Corruption In Wall Street
The reason we have this housing problem and people are losing their homes is because these Wall Street and Bank crooks packaged bad mortgages. They lent to people that they knew could not pay them back and re-packaged them and sold them to other investment houses as grade A investments. The banks and Wall Street firms made huge profits from these bad mortgages, they got a fee for each mortgage they sold. The investment houses and investors who brought these packages lost just about everything. The bankers, the mortgage brokers and many more people made a fortune, while so many huge companies went out of business. This was the first stop to ruin in our country.
The Bailout Of Wall Street Companies And Banks
When the housing market crashed, the brokers of Wall Street and the greedy Banks started to feel the pinch. The CEO's of these companies were raking in millions in bonuses and were spending money on their lavish lifestyle, all at the investors expense. These same people, who were responsible for the housing market crash and responsible for so many people losing their homes, saw their profits plummet. Their evil plan to rake in billions in profits made them richer, but their companies suffered and were at risk of going under.
The Wall Street companies and The Banks then come to the American People for a bailout. The country is suffering. Credit Card companies are slashing even their best customers credit line, raising fees and even dropping customers. The Credit Card companies are owned by these banks.
The American People give these banks bailout money, so they can start extending credit again to the American People. The government forks over around $850 billion to get the credit markets working again and to get the housing market on it's feet again. What did the banks do? They hoarded the money to open new branches to beat their competitor, they did not give out new credit, they foreclosed on everyone and anyones homes and raised bank fees for everything and anything.
Bank Of America for instance, raised fees several times on checking accounts and even found more fees to charge. They raised their overdraft charge and the new shocker was they started to charge to have the checks you write, have the check images on your statement. Remember when we used to get the checks we wrote back in the mail for free, then they decided to have them copied on your statements to save money and then after that they decide to charge you for the privilege. Bank Of America also has settled so many lawsuits of outright fraud. They always have in their settlement agreement, that they admit no wrongdoing by paying the small fine. But in the end, Bank Of America has made billions and the small fine is the cost of doing business.
I have been cursing Bank Of America for years. But they are not the only crooks, the other banks are just as guilty. When the banks got our bailout money, there was a clause that these huge bonuses had to stop. The banks did not like this idea at all, so after using the American peoples money to save their companies and to save all the stock they owned, they paid back the money real quick so the CEO's could continue to receive their huge bonuses. And remember, they did not release credit to the American people, like they were supposed to. They also did not help the housing market and instead started to foreclose on everyone.
The Jobs Market In America
Every thing President Obama wants to do is blocked by the Republicans. Tonights jobs bill will not pass. The Republican controlled Congress will not let any bill go through that will make the country better because they want the White House next election. This has happened time after time. They do not care about the middle class that is now poor. They do not care about the poverty that the American people are now facing. They only care about their rich friends and in winning the next election. They refuse to let the rich pay more in taxes. Even one of the richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, say's he should be taxed more.
I have many rich friends. They have gotten richer, even in this bad recession. They are still going out for thousand dollar dinners and they are still buying 10 thousand dollar a plate dinners at their rich friends events. They continue to drive their gas guzzling SUV's and almost all of it is a tax deduction. They still have their houses in the Hamptons and some of my rich friends are looking for bigger ones. The stock market goes up and they make money and when it goes down, they make money. The average American is the one that loses their money. The rich know what the market will do next. The average American is paying fair and honest, while the rich have a edge.
The Corporations
The huge and rich corporations. They want the American money, but they do not want to hire Americans. They will fire 200 thousand American workers and then go to India or some other country and hire them back. These corporations are already making record profits, but they continue to ship American jobs overseas. This will backfire on them. As more and more lose their jobs, Americans will no longer be able to afford their products. Who can afford a $120 a month cell phone from Sprint, when you are not working. Sprint is one of the biggest offenders. They have shipped so many American jobs overseas. When I call Sprint customer service, I almost always get someone in India.
Rep. John Boehner
This Rep Boehner is the shame of the American People. He has blocked every single move to help the country get on it's feet. He continues to protect his rich friends. The collapse of the American economy is due to the Republicans, plain and simple. This all happened on George Bush's watch. Barack Obama has been blocked by this nut case Boehner at every level. Boehner refuses to let anything get done in Washington because he wants the Presidency for the Republicans once again so they can continue to protect their rich friends. Boehner talks about cutting entitlements for the American people, but you have not heard this guy talk about cutting anyone in Congresses pay nor have you heard him say that Congress is willing to give up their health care coverage, or even take cuts for that matter. Yet middle class Americans and the poor are expected to give up everything and they already have. This one man, Boehner is the one that started this class war. He does not want to compromise on anything that is good for the American people. Boehner does not care that you are un-insured and are losing your home, nor does he care about the millions who have lost everything. Boehner has his health coverage, he has all his benefits and he has a job.
The Class War
I said many years ago on Times Square Gossip, that there would be a war against the rich and poor. I saw this coming. It is here, it is happening. We are tired of watching the rich get richer. We are tired of trying to pay our bills every month and we are tired of watching all the crooks of Wall Street get away with fraud. We are tired of watching these crooks make so much money off their frauds, and they never go to jail. We are outraged that these banks took American money to help Americans and they only helped their rich friends. The bailout was for the rich, it saved their fortunes. The 1% of Americans saved their fortunes and the other 99% are paying for it.
Continue To Occupy Wall Street
Yes, there are many issues for Occupy Wall Street, these are some of them. The war is here and the country is falling. The revolution has come and it will not be pretty. The Wall Street crooks, The Banks and the Republicans are to blame and they want you to believe that they can fix it. If you believe these Republicans, than I want to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge!
Photo By: RD/Kabik/Retna