Samantha Artese With Wynn Van Dusen, Keith Collins,
Julia Weldon And Blanche Baker

Recently we were able to visit the set of the latest film by Mattioli Productions, “The Coffee Klash” at The Cup in Wantagh, New York. We even got the opportunity to speak with the film’s director Jana Mattioli, who had nothing but praise to give the actors on set. From what we saw, she had every right to be proud of these standout performances!

Mattioli could very well be considered the voice of the LGBT community in the independent film world. Her controversial courtroom drama exploring gay civil rights, “An Affirmative Act,” opened at theatres nationwide in April to much positive acclaim. Add to that her comedy, “Bidentity Crisis,” hitting festivals in June and it is obvious that this edgy lesbian filmmaker is definitely making her mark. The May 2011 issue of The Advocate has included Mattioli in their select list of “Forty People Under 40 to Look Out For”.

In this unique coming out and coming of age film, “The Coffee Klash,” Mattioli’s smart comedic sensibility is demonstrated quite brilliantly. This film was written by the hysterical comedy duo Talia Gonzalez and Bisanne Masoud and is slated for release in July, 2011. The creative casting of real life mother/daughter team Blanche Baker and Wynn Van Dusen made for some exciting choices and extreme authenticity.

The film focuses on Stephanie (Wynn Van Dusen) and her mother Gayle (Blanche Baker; Emmy Award Winner, Sixteen Candles). To say that Gayle micromanages every detail of her daughter’s life would be an extreme understatement. She thinks that her daughter needs new eyebrows, to stop eating animal flesh, and to stop “half assing” it as a lesbian. The film takes place in a coffeehouse where Stephanie is not only preparing to come out to her mother, but also to introduce her to her new girlfriend, Mary Ann (Samantha Artese). Rounding out the talented cast is Award Winner Keith Collins as Jamie, Julia Weldon as Pike, and Steve Wolf as Chase.

This film is produced by Mattioli Productions in association with Dreamcatcher Theatreworks. Executive Producers Robert and Joyce Borneman, Andrew Gause, Steve Wolf, and Heather Harris.

You can read all about the project, cast, and crew at

Or to donate funds, visit


Kevin Hansen said…
Correction: The name of one of the producers is actually Andrew Gause. We apologize for this error.